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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...and Scully now has been exposed as yet another partisan , political hack moderator.....how shocking (COUGH).....
  2. ...my sincere apology....I've been enthralled with the "Russian Collusion" and "China Is Our Friend" diatribes.....forgot all about Nutrisystem's hermit.....
  3. ...Feds should bail them out as a signal to Gruesome Newsom for a "job well done" in governance.....he's a Cali keeper............ San Francisco tax revenue plunge points to resident exodus Sales tax revenues declined by more than 40% this spring By Brittany De Lea | Fox News San Francisco experienced a 43% year-over-year decline in sales tax revenues during the pandemic, which has been credited to an exodus from the expensive city. San Francisco’s chief economist Ted Egan attributed the drop in revenue that occurred between April and June to a flight of individuals from the city, rather than a decline in activity due to the pandemic. Egan told Fox News that while areas throughout California experienced a decline in sales tax revenues, other cities saw an uptick in online sales – but San Francisco did not. “In San Francisco, we saw a big drop in brick-and-mortar sales, and very little increase in online sales,” Egan said. “So it raises the question, where did that spending go?” Other data supports an exodus of residents from San Francisco – as remote work guidelines allow some workers more freedom in choosing where to live. The latest report from United Van Lines shows that outbound moving requests from the city were 128% above the national average at the start of September. Data from Zumper showed a continued yearly decline of 20.3% in median rent prices in San Francisco this month, which was among the largest yearly decline ever recorded – and marked a milestone as prices dropped below $3,000 for a one-bedroom in the pricey metro. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/san-francisco-tax-revenue-plunge-resident-exodus
  4. if you say so, it MUST be correct.......SMH.....
  5. ...LOL my good friend....."two party system" is code for "Good 'ol Boyz Clan Protectionism"...Trump exposed that fraternity.....proclamation of the US as the "world's greatest democracy" is a ruse......in your college days, didn't you promise her, "I WILL call you tomorrow"......fallacious as "doing the people's business".....535 parasites whose SOLE goals are self aggrandizement and PERSONAL enrichment.....kind of like finding a poor(COUGH) Union official.....ever wonder when a "term limits proposal" surfaces?....... a/k/a "bite the hand that feeds you"?........YAWN........
  6. ...Mein "Kemp's" daily diatribe......my daily dose of comedy...SMH.............
  7. ....so what does Whoa Joe have to say about governance in his home (OWNED) state?.......just curious..... Delaware suspect in Whitmer plot was pardoned last year By RANDALL CHASE Updated: October 09, 2020 04:40 PM Created: October 09, 2020 04:15 PM DOVER, Del. (AP) - The Delaware man charged in federal court with conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has a long criminal history and was pardoned just last year by Delaware's governor for crimes dating to 1994, according to state records. Barry G. Croft Jr., 44, was taken into custody this week after being arrested by the FBI in Swedesboro, New Jersey. Croft made an initial appearance before a federal magistrate in Wilmington on Thursday. Croft was being held Friday at a state prison in Wilmington. A hearing on his continued detention and removal to Michigan is scheduled for Tuesday. Five other men, all from Michigan, were charged in the alleged scheme that involved months of planning and even rehearsals to ***** Whitmer from her vacation home. https://www.whec.com/national/delaware-suspect-in-whitmer-plot-was-pardoned-last-year/5889395/
  8. ...so when institutions like the Electorate College, SC appointments et al do NOT fall your way, you tip your hi-chair over screaming "foul" and demand a change of the rules....so we change the rules and down the road the opposing party is faced with these same dilemmas, demanding rules change...ANSWER from party in charge?..."everything is just fine......forget it"......sound about right??.............
  9. ...LOL...Hillary's vast right wing conspiracy.....fixed it......Hillary's "Personal Conspiracy"......Clintonites strike again...should be a feature on "Dirty Jobs"..................
  10. ...EXACTLY......simply be prudent and take recommended precautions as well as mandated ones....no need to be a rebel.......a friend of mine picked up his freshman daughter from college with Covid-19......initial fears because she has severe asthma.....symptoms were minimal and NEVER had breathing issues.....Dad (age 55 and a workout warrior) contracted it from her.....quarantined for required 14 days (Health Dept checked DAILY) but mild symptoms dissipated by day 5.....capsule comment was, "if THIS is why we shut the country down, we royally screwed ourselves"......DIRECT from someone who had it......SMH............
  11. ...trying to hide your hatred, foment and vitriol as usual (COUGH).......not to mention your babble elsewhere about NOT wishing Trump any harm from Covid-19 bout......you redefine hypocrite...never in your daily stats babble do you qualify that probably 70+% passed (140,000) due to pre-existing conditions, at risk elderly, or exacerbated by not practicing even MINIMAL self-help health recommendations......we in business call this "convenient omission"......
  12. ...good point......those with heart disease missed treatment, etc because of hospital limitations......bet the stress exacerbated conditions as well......BUT...2020 will actually be LOWER as heart related passings will be tabbed as "Covid-19 deaths".......you know THAT drill................
  13. ...LOL BG...you must know my relatives.......staunch, dyed in the wool, "CNN IS gospel" Dems......EVER voting for ANY Republican is blasphemy and treason....they love to goad you into a conversation so they can use their standard line, "let me explain this for you", laced with condescending and arrogant drool....."quarantined" myself from them for 12 years and counting...SMH..........
  14. ...I'm doing good friend and sincerely hope the same for you and the family.......and your observation is precisely correct......at the same time, I will forever maintain BLM is a woefully fraudulent movement.....it is the exploitative "Gimme Gang" looking for a handout...their own purported "Leader(COUGH)" said "looting is a form of reparations".....and how many BLACK OWNED BUSINESSES have been destroyed for "reparations"??....and that zero drive, gimme segment indicts those balck citizens who have become educated at whatever level those chose, HS, college or graduate work, have successful jobs, strong families/values or even those with the entrepreneurial spirit have their own flourishing businesses (unless the "peacefuls" destroyed them) who are now looked at as obvious "BLM's" solely on skin color...it sickens me......
  15. ..."today is the tomorrow I worried about yesterday"....
  16. ..and WHERE has THAT occurred?.....Portland?...Seattle?....Minneapolis?.....now Madison and LA?......Fecal Freddie offering up his usual non sequitor gibberish......as expected....
  17. ...it was created in 1787 via Constitutional Convention......and has worked as intended up until 2016 when the Dems cried foul because the pantsuit lost.....immediately followed by ideas to abolish it......coincidental or poor losers?...hmm......therein lies the declining nature of abhorrent dirty politics.....lose by the rules and then squawk to change them...pathetic....
  18. ...thanks......put yourself in the position of considering public candidacy at any level.....and then consider, especially if you have a family, what your opponent or MSM will drag you through to discredit you....hypothetically, let's say you're a grass roots person slowly gathering support against an entrenched incumbent......they'd probably go back to your grade school years to find something or ANYTHING to discredit you......pretty sickening and sad.....
  19. ...NBA shocker, right?..."traveling" or "double dribble"...take your pick......SMH.............
  20. ...if Biden is a lock, what does this crustacean fear?.....special thanks to the Cali electorate......and the Dem House plebs.......leadership?...... Pelosi questions Trump's health, says ‘we’re going to be talking about the 25th Amendment’ Pelosi questioned how long President Trump has had coronavirus By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a dramatic announcement during her weekly press conference Thursday by telling reporters that she intends to discuss a constitutional measure to remove President Trump from office, following questions regarding Trump's health as he recovers from coronavirus. The 25th Amendment allows for the vice president to become acting president if is determined that the president "is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office." "Tomorrow, by the way, tomorrow, come here tomorrow," Pelosi said. "We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment." The president fired back in a Thursday afternoon tweet. “Crazy Nancy is the one who should be under observation,” he said. “They don’t call her Crazy for nothing!” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pelosi-trump-talking-25th-amendment
  21. ...did you forget Kamala's "bail fund" or does it depend on which purview you are from??..........
  22. ...Biden?......he needs to be decontaminated.......thanks Fecal Freddie......LMAO.....
  23. ..understand what you are saying to a certain extent......BUT....how do you atone for the likes of Strom Thurmond (98+), Jesse Helms (85+), Bob Byrd (90+), Fritz Hollings, and so many others...NOTE that I have highlighted BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE purposely....is Pelosi STILL effective?.....if you were a bright young fellow knowing you could make a difference, what would be YOUR chances against these incumbent dinosaurs?..TRY THIS ONE: I was going to run for a Town Board position in my community....a friend (?) on the Board told me, "don't bother....you're too outspoken to tow the Party line"......WTF?.....do you even bother knowing your personal life will be turned inside out and upside down WITH NO BOUNDARIES?......yet they get reelected time and time again.....Biden with 49 years?...Nadler with 42 years?....."world's greatest DEMOCRACY"??....hmmm...
  24. .will be one helluva crowded cemetery.......
  25. ...rest assured that Bezos has Amazon Prime picking up "absentee ballots" from "Cemetery Drop Boxes"......well, they ARE "absentee", right???................
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