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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ..we cannot close....we're deemed an Essential Business under NYS guidelines...…..we provide electrical services (200 employees) and maintenance to all hospitals locally, the University of Rochester medical campus, 47 Wegmans stores in NYS as well as their production facilities for starters...….
  2. ...another Connecticut gem to go along with Blumenthal...……..
  3. ...not surprising....pent up "cabin fever" has a revolt brewing...……….
  4. ...quite the conundrum...Joe offers nothing as well...…...uh oh...……….
  5. 39.3K people are talking about this …….January 24?...….digging rather deep aren't you?...….yet expected...SMH...………..
  6. ...game, set, match...…..it's "Shoo-in Joe" now...………………. Warren endorses Biden, following Sanders in closing ranks behind presumptive nominee By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday endorsed Joe Biden for president, more than a month after ending her own presidential bid. "In this moment of crisis, it’s more important than ever that the next president restores Americans’ faith in good, effective government—and I’ve seen Joe Biden help our nation rebuild. Today, I’m proud to endorse," she tweeted, along with a video. The Massachusetts senator had withheld an endorsement ever since ending her campaign in early March, even as the race narrowed to essentially a contest between Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders. But with Sanders dropping out last week, Biden became the presumptive nominee. Warren follows both Sanders and former President Barack Obama in formally endorsing the former vice president. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/warren-endorses-biden-for-president
  7. ...well just wait for the CNN version if you want THE truth...…………...
  8. …...and now they're defending wet markets.....SMH.... China's wet markets are not what some people think they are Ben Westcott and Serenitie Wang, CNN Updated 1:27 AM ET, Wed April 15, 2020 Hong Kong (CNN)If you have ever been to a shopping area where butchers and grocers sell fresh produce straight from the farm, then you have been to something that would, in some parts of the world, be called a wet market. That might be surprising -- because recently the term wet market has become almost synonymous with Covid-19 for some people in the West. The novel coronavirus, which has infected close to 2 million people globally, is believed to have originated in a wet market in the city of Wuhan, where wild animals such as porcupines and deer were being sold and slaughtered for food and medicine. Speaking on April 3, the US' top infectious disease specialist, Anthony Fauci, told Fox News that all wet markets should be "shut down right away," saying he couldn't understand why they were still open. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/14/asia/china-wet-market-coronavirus-intl-hnk/index.html
  9. ..so am I and hardly "offended"......HE is offensive......should have used the famed Ko Simpson line, "...don't you know who I am?....."......SMH......
  10. ...sadly, there is an irresponsible societal segment that has been "back to normal" from day one, the "nothing but a hoax......just another flu season" gang......the responsible societal segment will inch forward, one cautious step at a time IMO......for them and for my family, we will inch forward one cautious step at a time, hoping that our confidence gradually grows that the situation is somewhat under control and safe.....this will take months and not weeks IMO......with this NOT being a "flu like season", warmer weather ahead by most accounts is non sequitur..........
  11. ...just a FWIW for Erie County businesses.....here in Monroe County (metro Rochester), the County delivers us the NYS prisoner made hand sanitizer in 4 one gallon jugs....it does have a different silky feel from a Purell type, probably due to a higher alcohol content and lesser gel component (ie Aloe gel as an example), but it does sanitize....use a little skin lotion at night after work sanitizing and you'll be fine............
  12. ...could be the perfect name for a political party whether a current rename or future....we are effed up bud...........
  13. ...as CFO, try running a multi-million dollar operations in three states with all states having differing "plans" and definitions of essential businesses (NYS) or no categorization.......NYS, PA & NJ......
  14. ...seriously?...SERIOUSLY?......KKK?...white supremacist groups?...Antifah?......armed militias?......."Houston, we have a problem here"...SMH................
  15. ...well now that Mark Cuban is considering a presidential run, there IS hope IMO.............
  16. ...sorry, but NOT buying it....the FBI under "Sleepy Bob's" leadership was "Mother Teresa clean".......Comey solely initiated the Bureau's downfall to graft, corruption, abuse and misuse literally OVERNIGHT.....hence, "Sleepy Bob" was the PERFECT "Squeaky Clean Bob" choice for "independent (??) counsel"......show me the evidence where his selection was "the fox guarding the chicken coop (BIG COUGH)"...............
  17. ...may have to wait....toilet paper is in short supply......BUT...WaPo and NY Times could be alternatives to TP.....SAME function............
  18. ...with ALL lottery proceeds going for EDUCATION, how dare you???..............
  19. ....but these pressers are "Belichick like".........as in yesterday..... CBS reporter: "Mr President, what are you doing about China? I have not seen any information as to what your Administration is doing . What are you doing if anything"? Trump: "How do you know what we are doing about the China matter? How do you know we are NOT working on the matter? Besides, you'd be the LAST one I would tell". .....popcorn, bourbon and Depends are running low watching these......
  20. State Department leaked cables renew theories on origin of coronavirus By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News A Chinese laboratory at the center of new theories about how the coronavirus pandemic started was the subject of multiple urgent warnings inside the U.S. State Department two years ago, according to a new report. U.S. Embassy officials warned in January 2018 about inadequate safety at the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab and passed on information about scientists conducting risky research on coronavirus from bats, The Washington Post reported Tuesday. Those cables have renewed speculation inside the U.S. government about whether Wuhan-based labs were the source of the novel coronavirus, although no firm connection has been established. The theory, however, has gained traction in recent days. https://www.foxnews.com/world/state-department-cables-coronavirus-origin-chinese-lab-bats
  21. ...Biden is the Dem's Teddy Ruxpin….."put in a new tape.....I'm ready.."...…………………..
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