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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...not sure I understand bud........can you help further?...thanks..........
  2. objectively (I have no ax to grind or want to play the blame game) I think it was a combination of both.....Nix was hell bent on drafting a QB...ironically his 1st choice was Gnome Smith until they flew down for interview and work out...consensus on the plane ride home was, "um...no thanks"......so EJ was 2nd fiddle......I don't think his self-confidence level would rise to being overdrafted nor do I think his collegiate career demonstrated a HIGH ceiling......think he did show a good work ethic and tried to improve...but as Steve Young (yup THAT guy) said, "more collegians fail versus succeed at the NFL level due to the speed and complexity of the game".......
  3. ...this is just some incredible stuff and not sure how your industry and colleagues can keep up....do you share the tepid optimism about Remdesivir?...what was interesting is that it specifies RNA which is something you have specified in your ongoing info...... "..It is a nucleotide analog, specifically an adenosine analogue, which inserts into viral RNA chains, causing their premature termination. ...".....
  4. ...so they now have included outspoken docs and political opponents in the count I presume......
  5. ....yet another chapter in "Big Fredo's fine whine".......nothing is HIS fault.....our good 'ol NYS has been unprepared for YEARS........him and DiBlasio have done a fine job.......assuredly to get re-elected and probably has Fredo as his Lieutenant Governor....DOUBLE trouble...SMH........ Cuomo and Trump spar after NY governor says don’t 'pass the buck without passing the bucks' By Brooke Singman | Fox News New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and President Trump clashed Friday after Cuomo demanded the president provide the funding necessary for the state to reopen the economy amid the coronavirus ciris, warning not to "pass the buck without passing the bucks." The battle of the New Yorkers started Friday when Cuomo, during his press conference, complained about funding while discussing the president’s set of guidelines titled "Opening up America Again,” which passes the decision on when to move to each phase to governors and local officials. "The federal government has passed three bills to address this crisis. Of those three bills, the state governments have gotten precisely zero, zilch, nada in unrestricted aid," Cuomo said Friday. ”That is passing the buck without passing the bucks.” “Don’t ask the states to do this without the funding,” Cuomo added, saying that putting the onus on the states without the funding necessary to have a successful reopening is “the opposite of the buck stops here.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cuomo-warns-trump-not-to-pass-the-buck-without-passing-the-bucks-for-reopening-of-economy-amid-coronavirus
  6. ...I have 12 on furlough for our PA operation and 6 in NJ.......at least in NY, we are deemed an ESSENTIAL BUSINESS, operations continue.....175 field construction workers ...
  7. ….he's doing just fine......why he's a "younger" Strom Thurmond, right?...………….
  8. …...neither House or Senate have enough votes to override his expected veto.....
  9. ...social IRRESPONSIBILITY has been growing exponentially for years......look at the "it's a hoax......Spring Break anyhow....Mardi Gras time regardless....et al" gang; …...it is repulsive to hear how retailers are being ripped off with store thefts...…..reminds me of the dark days in the 60's regarding looting...….so I agree with your assessment regarding rallies, but rest assured a component will surely be the socially responsible....certainly opening needs to be done carefully, but I fear there will be a "mad rush for the doors" similar to the start of Black Friday shopping......sure hope I'm dead wrong...…...
  10. ...the dam is bursting...……….. Rallies to reopen economy spread across country as officials urge caution to prevent coronavirus resurgence By Tyler Olson | Fox News A growing wave of rallies are taking place across the country as protesters demand that state governments lift their orders closing businesses and public places as soon as possible, even as officials urge caution to prevent a resurgence of coronavirus. These Americans say they are suffering because of the economic shutdowns nationwide to reduce the spread of the coronavirus and are antsy to resume working and going out in public as usual. The movement, which started with demonstrations in North Carolina and Michigan, has now spread to New York, Ohio, Virginia and Kentucky with more protests slated for the coming days even as federal and state officials are warning that rolling back virus mitigations efforts too soon will lead to even more coronavirus cases and set back the nation's response to the pandemic. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rallies-to-reopen-economy-spread-across-country-as-officials-urge-caution-to-prevent-coronavirus-resurgence
  11. ..it's all Taiwan's fault...….now they can invade to punish them...……...
  12. ...unfortunately this is just the beginning......once the "cabin fever revolt" starts, it will snowball...…...
  13. …..perhaps some good news...…….. Experimental coronavirus drug remdesivir shows promise in Chicago trial, report says By James Rogers | Fox News The experimental COVID-19 treatment remdesivir is showing promise in a Chicago clinical trial, according to the health news site STAT. STAT reported that patients in the trial experienced rapid recoveries from fever and respiratory symptoms. Nearly all patients were discharged in less than a week, it said. The news sent shares of remdesivir developer Gilead Sciences surging more than 14 percent in after-hours trading. Some 125 people with COVID-19 -- 113 with severe symptoms -- were recruited by the University of Chicago Medicine into the two Gilead Phase 3 clinical trials, according to STAT. The news site obtained a recorded video discussion of the trial results. In the video, Kathleen Mullane, the University of Chicago infectious disease specialist overseeing the remdesivir studies, said that most of the patients had already been discharged and only two had perished, according to STAT. “Partial data from an ongoing clinical trial is by definition incomplete and should never be used to draw conclusions about the safety or efficacy of a potential treatment that is under investigation," said a spokeswoman for University of Chicago Medicine, in a statement emailed to Fox News."In this case, information from an internal forum for research colleagues concerning work in progress was released without authorization. Drawing any conclusions at this point is premature and scientifically unsound.” https://www.foxnews.com/science/experimental-coronavirus-drug-remdesivir-chicago-trial-shows-promise
  14. FBI: Coronavirus provides criminals opportunities at 'breathtaking' speed By Bradford Betz | Fox News The FBI on Wednesday warned that the public health and economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic are providing criminals with illicit opportunities at “breathtaking” speed. The agency said a wave of criminals has emerged in recent months as U.S. officials scramble to coordinate relief efforts. Although “swindles, scams, and outright thefts” are a regular feature of major disasters, the novel coronavirus has provided “criminal opportunities on a scale likely to dwarf anything seen before,” the FBI said in a statement, adding: “The speed at which criminals are devising and executing their schemes is truly breathtaking.” The FBI has uncovered a plethora of criminal activity in connection with the pandemic ranging from sham treatments and vaccines to bogus investment opportunities in non-existent medical companies. Crooks have been busted for impersonating doctors demanding payment for treatments. Scammers have used websites and mobile apps to implant malware to steal financial and personal information. Other criminals have used COVID-19 as a lure to deploy ransomware for payments – a practice the FBI derided as “homicidal in the midst of a global pandemic.” https://www.foxnews.com/us/fbi-coronavirus-criminal-opportunities
  15. ...same here..annual trip with my kids and daughter in law for Mar 22 to Mar 29.......was taking Delta this time through JFK versus United through Newark....cancellation was a Godsend with BOTH being hotspots....
  16. ...for 44 years and still going, I have weighed all of the parameters necessary when I have to make a corporate decision......hindsight is a beautiful tool but NOT available at decision making time......have some worked?....yes...have others failed?...of course......have I learned from the ones that failed?.......think I'd still be employed after 44 years if I didn't admit my failures and made necessary corrections going forward?..........
  17. ...RIP Brian....certainly liked his accomplishments.....
  18. ...because you're trying to rationalize with common sense.......flatly refuse to politicize the decision making process re-opening which should be at the states level....what is the priority of politicians at the top state level and down in making re-opening decisions?.....is the fear factor tempered by their re-election being affected or the infection/death toll in their state?....which do you think is their priority?.....is there a "wait and see" position as far as "let's see what our neighboring state(s) do ?......a/k/a "who wants to go first?".....
  19. ...um....er....uh...oh.....well.....lemme think......ruminating....ok......have your dog take you for a walk with a blue plastic bag handy...SMH.........
  20. ..if I respond, "BANNED" is a slam dunk...stop goading me................
  21. ...just read where telcom/internet providers agreed with the Feds NOT to shut off services under current circumstances.....but some are doing it anyhow.......SMH......shut off abilities of people to communicate?......scumbags.......
  22. ...only recently I'd bet.....rumor was their viewership went up 25% once he started........if my math is correct, from 4 to 5 = 25%, right??............
  23. ...YOUR picture in the Oval Office assuredly causes dire consequences.....
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