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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...sounds like your infection is worsening...... .....this may dispel your assertion............
  2. ...you are hereby deputized to remind him...best wishes with THAT......
  3. ....the TBD petition to deny you a test has 432,876 signatures and has been submitted.......
  4. ....and Quid Pro Joe said China is our friend......so despite lies that China and Russia have taken aim at the US, vying for top spot as THE world's superpower status, we have "friends", right?.....just askin'.......
  5. ....so with the hindsight ability for a do-over, who would be your current choice effective immediately?...just curious.........
  6. ...saw it in the Post Office yesterday....believe it was #4............
  7. ..FYI and most probably know that Wegmans is now requiring mask or facial covering to enter stores....my son encountered the same thing at Home Depot today.....Walmart did not.....
  8. ....FYI and most probably know that Wegmans is now requiring mask or facial covering to enter stores....my son encountered the same thing at Home Depot today.....
  9. ...beginning to think Section C3 was a Section 8 discharge.......pretty objective, non-partisan dialogue (COUGH)......perhaps a Tibs relative??........
  10. ...the Clintons trained their puppet well.......a sixteen year stranglehold on US politics......promulgating the depth and extent of "The Swamp".......pantsuit gets elected and add 8 more years.....
  11. ..he'd be the PERFECT mayor of Arcade, right?......
  12. ...what is exactly the value of his daily pressers?......don't the numbers and cases of death in NYC speak enough volumes of his FAILED leadership as far as preparedness LONG before Covid-19 over three terms?......SEVEN trips to PR to commiserate with them about Trump's 92 BILLION DOLLAR aid package for hurricane relief being a screw job?....spending my effin' tax dollars to sue Trump for his tax returns?....threatening to sue Rhode Island for barring NYS citizens' entry?.....NYS Political Hall of Fame nominees....Big Fredo, Mini Mike, DiBlasio, Spitzer, Weiner, Hillary, Schumer, Schneiderman et al.....we do have some REAL gems......
  13. ...hmmm...um....er.....oh....uh....well...ruminating pause.......lemme think.....okay..."...........the expected non-partisan analysis.......SMH.......Biden is looking for a VP......
  14. ...thank you .. ...so then despite being less, this is far more destructive, contagious and/or potentially fatal versus influenza mutations, especially with no vaccines yet, albeit one that addresses a nominal percentage of strains as in our regular flu seasons?.....
  15. .....so for how many years has Big Fredo gotten "unrestricted aid" from us in WNY?........we are the ugly stepchild funding the parasitic NYC, his voting base.......
  16. ...LOL....bought the neighboring Canandaigua Lake cottage (900 sq ft) for a million, knocked his down and built a new one for TWO million......frugal?.....LMAO...nuts....
  17. ...the comparative confidence factor is an Allen strength while an EJ decided weakness before going any further......
  18. ...his five year, $10 million dollar contract went up in flames because of his indiscretions...BUT...Pegula did give him $2 million severance.......at the same time, he is forever blacklisted from ANY employment in Buffalo and remains unemployed......even his buddy Koch who owns New Era said, "no can do".......Pegs does have some (COUGH) "influence"...
  19. ...are the mutation rates similar to, below or above other similar viruses?..............
  20. ...thanks....WELL above my pay grade though.............
  21. ...and I do know that Brandon called Fitz in asking him to re-negotiate for backup money.....Fitz said, "nope I will get starter money somewhere"........which he ironically did and STILL does.....
  22. ......natural disasters this country has faced is the premise......regardless of party in power albeit presidency, House and/or Senate, look objectively (WITHOUT partisanship) at the bloated Federal bureaucracy response, focusing on hurricanes and tornadoes, perpetrators we can see with ADVANCE WARNING....even WITH advance warning, the Fed response is a slow rollout.......so now add in the "invisible enemy of Covid-19" and your expectations are exactly WHAT?......shall we wait for your personal expertise on the 1918 Flu Pandemic?...can you offer up some constructive NON-partisan dialogue?......doubt it.......
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