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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...what happens as testing increases and asymptotics exponentially expand the denominator to dilute the death rate %?.......even if, IF the dilution rate drops below a normal flu season, what is the benefit of launching widespread criticism, albeit principally political ( A SHOCKER) going forward and what the hell is the benefit?....we currently have numbers but have a long way to go for correlative data, yet releasing purported studies exacerbates the panic mode IMO.......but....I am a layperson and not a scientist.....
  2. ...as expected, your words are prophetic.......we have NEVER faced a challenge like this at least in my lifetime......this pandemic was the classic "baptism by fire" reactive mode call to arms.....advance warning was virtually non-existent and downplayed......we are calling a nation of 330+ million people to arms, hardly a short order IMO....in our construction business, we routinely have "post project reviews" to learn what we did right on a successful project as well as why a project went "bad"......we use the "goods" and "bads" to learn going forward....ideally (COUGH), a "Post Pandemic Review" could elicit numerous goods and bads going forward, yet hoping something similar NEVER happens again...problem is politicization will take precedent.....very sad.....
  3. They are virtually impossible to get. As an ESSENTIAL BUSINESS in NYS, we have 200+ construction workers in the field.....our annual Safety Equipment Budget (pre Covid-19) is $125,000 and I have added $75,000 to that budget......yet our major supplier cannot get us N95 masks.......we order them along with paper masks only to have the N95's deleted.....signs in Home Depot say N95's are going to first responders and med staffs first as a priority, so I think that is what happens to our orders....
  4. ....I'm probably wrong, but isn't the premise of a mask to protect others from you versus protecting you from others?.......
  5. ...agree 100% 'Fig......the cousin of a work colleague is an RN who happened to draw blood from one of the first probable Covid-19 case hospitalizations here in Rochester.....as a precaution, she wanted to get tested because of the exposure....she went to a drive-thru testing site and while in line, she observed a PPE bin blow over and the PPE materials blowing all over.....a med type person dressed only in scrubs ran out and starting picking up the PPE, clutching them to her scrubs with NO PPE, gloves or mask......as a courtesy, the RN reported it to the Health Dept. where a rep said, "...guess we have a lot of work to do (training)"....just think these folks use their hearts first to help others before using their heads as far as self-protection......hope this person as well as similar others end up ok..........
  6. ...Vice President....Nancy Pelosi has a nice ring to it.............
  7. ...as a widower living alone, I only need one for my weekly grocery trip and easily reused....my kids are all set....we have 200 construction workers in the field who are now required to wear them (NY).......our mask orders are either being redirected, delayed or notification that they will be short shipped...thus, the remaining nine will go to our employees.....
  8. ...so CNN has three on furlough?...just askin'............. News Media Outlets Have Been Ravaged by the Pandemic. “Roughly 33,000 workers at news companies in the U.S. have been laid off, been furloughed or had their pay reduced. Some publications that rely on ads have shut down.”
  9. ...been in effect for YEARS......always been NYC FIRST and "the irrelevant rest in this state"..........
  10. ..looks like the Rochester NY division of Ortho Clinical Diagnostics had their antibody testing procedure approved by FDA/USDA..... FDA approves test at Rochester lab for identifying coronavirus antibodies By Jorge Fitz-Gibbon-NY Post The US Food and Drug Administration has approved a coronavirus antibody test developed in a Rochester lab that could help scientists learn more about acquired immunity to the bug, according to a new report. The test, developed by New Jersey-based Ortho Clinical Diagnostics at its upstate New York facility, allows researchers to help identify antibodies in the blood of patients who have been infected by COVID-19 and eventually recovered, NBC affiliate WHEC-TV in Rochester reported Wednesday. “The test can help us understand acquired immunity,” the company said on its website. https://nypost.com/2020/04/15/fda-approves-test-for-identifying-coronavirus-antibodies/ [mod edit: I went all over the links on their website looking for critical information: what does ortho claim the sensitivity and selectivity are for their test? This matters. If anyone knows, please LMK and I'll add. A previously FDA approved test is 93% sensitivity (how many exposed people are correctly ID'd) and 95% selectivity (how many people who were not actually exposed get a negative test). If 5% of the population is exposed and the whole population is tested, this would mean 50% of the people who get a positive test, have a false positive.]
  11. ...like DiBlasio's "snitch line".......leadership in its finest hour.............
  12. .....LMAO...um....er...uh....well...ok.......WNY/Upstate is the ugly stepchild until the "APB for money" goes out..........
  13. ...stopped at Walmart yesterday for my usual Saturday grocery shopping.......wandered into the Paint Dept as I needed a razor blade scraper.......there on the bottom shelf were two 5 packs of painter's masks......think I'd better play the Lotto...SMH..........
  14. ...I've probably had too many "senior moments" to understand this modern world........but what is repulsive to me is the surfacing of the "race card".....albeit attacking Asian Americans as if this is THEIR fault.....or better yet, the black NIH official (??) stating, "doctors are willing to let African Americans die from Covid-19".......sadly in my lifetime (age 67), we are sinking to new societal lows....God help us.....
  15. ....admit what?....facts always escape you.......... The Uninsured and the ACA: A Primer - Key Facts about Health Insurance and the Uninsured amidst Changes to the Affordable Care Act Rachel Garfield Follow @RachelLGarfield on Twitter , Kendal Orgera, and Anthony Damico Published: Jan 25, 2019 "However, for the first time since the implementation of the ACA, the number of people remaining without coverage increased by half a million in 2017, reaching 27.4 million."
  16. ...you mean HillaryCare rolled out by the puppetized Obama I assume...... ...depends on the size of your contribution to "The Foundation" I think...............
  17. ...but social irresponsibilities have been the norm for some LONG before Covid-19 and allowed to promulgate unchecked..............
  18. ...SLAM DUNK right there my friend......."always attack but never defend" is MUCH easier......asking people to THINK is non-sequitor.............
  19. ...have to respectfully disagree 'Chef........based on the population density of NYC and the ongoing influx of worldwide travelers, irrespective of Covid-19 for starters, NYS was woefully underprepared for such a calamity......if, IF the report is true about auctioning off ventilators, that IMO speaks volumes about pro-active preparedness, seemingly ignoring any "what if" synopsis, again based on population density.......now looking at Covid-19 cases and deaths, is this a valid observation or am I way off base?....should us in WNY be included in his "grand plan" ?......should there be or should there NOT be regional variations, but NOT sacrificing due diligence?......
  20. ....so rewinding the clock back to 2016 and totally eliminating Trump from the picture, who would be THE leader of choice regardless of party affiliation to be leading this pandemic crisis today?.....thread claims "terrible job", so who is the choice to have done a helluva lot better?....
  21. ...so then states, regardless of party leadership, get a pass for unpreparedness?........shouldn't their leadership have contingency plans within reason for emergency prepardness?....
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