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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ....1/3 of Covid-19 related deaths are in NYC....94% were identified with pre-existing medical conditions.....Feds through Medicare funding pay $39,000 versus $13,000 if death is rubber stamped as "Covid-19 related".....so MO MONEY ...NYS auctioned off surplus ventilators yet screamed to the Feds for 30,000 ventilators and now sending ventilators to Massachusetts......FACTS?....seriously?.......naw they're immaterial.......home schooling ain't working...........
  2. ...MOST definitely.....at the same time, the country is in "crisis management mode", perhaps worse than 1918 And exacerbated by the "invisible enemy"......forgetting politicization (um right), what do you logically measure the Trump administration against?.....objectively?...seriously?...r u kidding?.......TDS prevails.....I never realized that we lose 1,800 Americans daily to heart disease or 649,000 annually....CDC 2018-2019 US flu stats said 45 million were infected with 810,000 hospitalizations resulting in 61,000 deaths...and the headlines were where??......certainly NOT discounting Covid-19 by any means......but we are light years away from establishing a solid denominator because we have NO idea as to the asymptomatics.....not sure of the percentage, but isn't the annual flu vaccine only 40+% effective because of multiple strains and how many actually forgo the vaccine anyway?.....probably an unsubstantiated "what if" syndrome, but what happens if the current situation turns out to be the proverbial "Cry Wolf" syndrome?.....for me, erring on the side of caution and being pro actively prepared going forward makes more sense than the current situation of being unprepared across ALL governmental and private sector levels.....
  3. ..NO interest in politicization and seriously doubt objective discord will result, but here goes anyway.......considering assessing THE leader of the free world.....Biden vs Sanders were THE best candidates for the Dems to offer up?.....sorry but it is reminiscent to me of the GOP offering up Dole or McCain.......collectively what leadership qualities for this country do you see in Biden, Sanders, Dole or McCain and what is the basis?.....probably painful for some, but leave Trump out of the picture......is that foursome REALLY the "best and brightest" we can put forward?....at age 67 in my advancing years, sure as hell I won't be around to see the long term effects....God help us.....
  4. ...I am in favor of "Phase I-III Federal Guidelines" relative to states reopening, with emphasis on "guidelines"....A dictating "one size fits all" from the Federal level makes zero sense IMO.....states have duly elected their leadership regardless of party affiliation, so let them show their leadership now....granted, there is NOT one elected official stateside, regardless of party, who ever imagined EVER facing a nationwide crisis such as Covid-19....but as the old adage says, "WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH, THE TOUGH GET GOING"...so let's see and hope for the best.........
  5. ....more importantly, what do we actually know about the potential food supply chain being interrupted stateside?....more reports about food processing facilities shutting down due to Covid-19 worker cases......put EVERYTHING else aside for a moment regarding Covid-19, can you imagine a nationwide panic if there are significant interruptions to food chain supply?.....if you think "cabin fever lockdown" is an issue now, can you imagine significant nationwide food shortages?....
  6. ...perhaps I'm dead wrong, but there has to be some concern with food packaging plants experiencing high rates of Covid-19 and being shut down.....how can the food supply chain NOT be affected?.......what do you think would be the exacerbation to current "cabin fever" if it became widely public that the food supply chain was in jeopardy?....
  7. ..certainly agree, bur labeling everything Covid-19 related (deaths in particular) nets you more money from the Feds.......if it was not for Covid-19, I never would have known that we lose 1,800 US citizens daily to heart related disease or 649,000 annually.....I do have a problem with data being released from "studies"......seems to me a multitude of inconsistencies starting with public release prior to peer reviews, validity of sample size to draw valuable conclusions, etc......want public acclaim for your study?....fear mongering?....does that have an impact on public confidence and lockdown?......your call....
  8. Report: Eagles, Marquise Goodwin agree to restructure Posted by Charean Williams on April 26, 2020, 12:21 AM EDT Receiver Marquise Goodwin agreed to restructure his contract after a trade to Philadelphia, Mike Kaye of nj.com reports. Goodwin, 29, will sign a one-year, $1.35 million deal. He has a chance to earn $1 million in incentives. Goodwin was scheduled to make $3.95 million in base salary in 2020 on a deal with the 49ers that ran through 2021. He played nine games last season, making 12 catches for 186 yards and a touchdown. Goodwin finished the year on injured reserve. Goodwin appeared in 36 games with the 49ers the past three seasons, catching 91 passes for 1,543 yards and seven touchdowns. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/04/26/report-eagles-marquise-goodwin-agree-to-restructure/
  9. ...Pence is FAR better as the administration's steadying hand with a calm voice of reason IMO.....Trump in the pressers gets overbearing with his inept press combat....leave them to VP Pence, Birx, Fauchi, the SG as well as heads of CDC , NIH et al to restore credibility.....strip the fake news gambit of their ammo.....
  10. ...everywhere......as more and more "studies" come out and major dichotomies among them albeit sample size, rush to judgment with insufficient data, pent up "cabin fever" wins out.....the asymptomatic numbers begin to predominate risk considerations orchestrating, whether accurate or not, that this is just "another flu type season"......I'm clueless as to how you reverse that type of populous thinking.......
  11. ...you're hired!!.....a grisly attorney now in charge....uh oh..................
  12. ....regardless of party, is this seriously the best one can come up with as an offering, if and a BIG IF, he is to be THE leader?........or is he to be the puppet controlled by Dem puppeteers?...what has he shown where he could be an effective leader?......doesn't this have the same stench as the GOP parading out Dole or McCain as effective leaders (NOTE: I am not politicizing my question).....
  13. ...so for the NYSDOT, that means four guys watching with one guy working......our tax dollars at work.......
  14. ...in our Lifetime?........it would be a protracted mess going into 2037 with an eventual hand slap........"can"t we be friends and let bygones be bygones" sounds about right.....
  15. ......LMAO....busted by my bud......NOT pulling my hair out...found a new one on top and went to Home Depot for Miracle-Gro......and GREAT memory about multiple Unions....final SBA PPP regs are now supplemented with 31 addendums, with #31 coming out yesterday and more to follow......I must be a masochist to have not taken SS on April9 when I turned 67.....can't fix stupid......
  16. ...FORGETTING politicization (NOT my interest or intent), how long and to what extent has this graft, corruption, manipulation et al gone on in the "world's greatest democracy(COUGH)"??......again, FORGETTING politicization and had anyone at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, regardless of party, decided to "drain the swamp", would the graft, corruption, manipulation et al we are now seeing have rankled the "good 'ol boyz network" on BOTH sides?.....perhaps at 67, I've been too naive and "under my rock too long"......
  17. ...don't follow....that is the M&T phone number for administration matters.....and you have to go through a stringent "..name...rank....and serial number.." steps before they'll talk to you.....I haven't had to do it in awhile (corporately), but I'd bet it is even MORE stringent now......
  18. ....what if they call COLLECT?.......r u ready?.......I ran a 4.44 yesterday but apparently 4.44 HOURS did NOT attract much attention...WTF?.............
  19. ...225 lbs at 5'9" seems to me (??) to send a message about his low center of gravity and thickness......BUT....still having decent speed and hands.....
  20. .....we've done quite well in the 5th over time....same for UDFA's......this gang certainly does their homework IMO...............
  21. ...Clorox 2 on the rocks works much better.......very smooth.............
  22. ...a word of caution from M&T Bank.......... Business email compromise attempts are increasing. Fraudsters are using COVID-19 disruptions to infiltrate businesses. They are taking advantage of the changed work circumstances and have increased the amount of Business Email Compromise (BEC) attempts. This is happening with both payroll impersonation and vendor impersonation. In Business Email Compromise, fraudsters use readily available digital sources to identify the names of core executives or vendors and then target a victim within the company who manages finances. They then create a fraudulent email to trick the victim into initiating an ACH or Wire payment. We recommend following the practices below to minimize the risk of falling victim to BEC: • Verify any account number changes – any time an employee or vendor sends an email or submits a request changing their account number information, reach out directly to that employee or vendor to confirm the changes using existing contact information. Do not use the contact information submitted with the request. A best practice in this situation is to use a previously known phone number and call directly to verify any changes • Payment instructions received via email – if an email is received requesting the initiation of a Wire or ACH payment, confirm the payment instructions with the requestor prior to initiating the transaction. Do not reply to the email request to confirm the instructions. Reach out via another communication method, i.e., separate email or phone call, to confirm the payment instructions • Update contact information – with many employees working remotely, standard contact information may not be correct, and M&T may have trouble contacting the appropriate parties to verify payment information. Customers can update their contact information under the Administration sections of Web InfoPLU$ and Treasury Center. For M&T BizPay users, please contact 1-800-724-2240 to update Administrator contact information If you would like more fraud prevention tips, please visit M&T Resources and Insights.
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