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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...BIGGER question may be are THEY interested in Marrone??............BTW, the absence of no "bring Dalton in....cut Barkley.....and Jake State Fromm to the PS" threads is becoming a concern....
  2. ...without getting into player specifics and with the 2020 roster being 53/55, safe to say IMO that some pretty decent football talent will be in those final cuts......similar to tough decisions last year......this gang IS good...hard to remember >post Polian era where we had to cut a surplus of talented football players.......
  3. ....impressive...I dead lift 1,000 lbs daily getting outta bed.............keto ain't working...........
  4. ...perhaps consider sympathizing with those who flaunt their ignorance versus hiding it first......
  5. ....how come Antifa gets a pass?.......empathy for their TBD affliction I presume?......
  6. ....drug companies are the epitome of major rip off artists......how many billions in grants do they directly get or via colleges for R&D?.......needed steroid based eye drops after cataract surgery.....$226 for 1/10 ounce.....seriously?.......
  7. ...has to get rid of the Covid-19 bodies somewhere, right??..............natural compost.....
  8. ...even BLIND squirrels find nuts.....and they STRUCK GOLD with this acorn....SMH.....
  9. ....if, IF this gets swept under the rug with a hand slap followed by, "c'mon, let's be friends.......we didn't mean anything evil about it" crescendo spin, you're damn right about it "happening again".....makes you squirm about how many US citizens are being surveilled under the guise of "national security" and how many low level peons have access to the info for their own personal or exploitative gain.....makes you think J Edgar is alive and well with Jimmy Hoffa..........
  10. ...perfect.....could be the makings of Joe's Cabinet......potential commonality??....... Coronavirus: California governor orders release of 7 high-level sex offenders as he criminalizes beach attendance By Hollie McKay | Fox News Just days before California's Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered the closure of parks and beaches in Orange County, making it a criminal offense to step foot in the sand, the state ordered the release of seven high-risk sex offenders from the county's jails over concerns they could contract coronavirus. The move prompted the District Attorney's Office to issue a safety warning to the community this week, highlighting that the men are likely to re-offend. https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-governor-orders-release-high-level-sex-offenders
  11. ...thinking Durham better double the chlorine budget for "The Swamp".....stay tuned..............
  12. ..."free shipping" may be attractive to you...just sayin'...........
  13. ...yet his ratings are through the roof and he's yapping about how he funds the state of Florida (HINT: PO'ed at New Yorkers fleeing tax hell)......a VERY wealthy WNY developer relocated to Florida and escaped ordinary income tax on capital gains......he was under Big Fredo's Gestapo Surveillance Squad for more than a year hoping to bust him on the residency requirement.....one of my employees formerly worked for the individual.... Coronavirus: Amid New York's unused hospital beds and ventilators, critics point to mass waste and mismanagement By Hollie McKay | Fox News While New York has weathered the brunt of coronavirus infections and deaths, the state’s apparent hoarding of medical supplies, and the millions spent on equipment that never arrived, as well as unused hospitals and beds, have some questioning what went wrong. Early to mid-March projections of the spread of COVID-19 had the state scrambling to bolster its hospital bed capacity to more than double its 53,000 maximum status-quo. Subsequently, hospitals statewide were ordered to discharge patients to free up beds, and forced to add new ones as non-emergency procedures were canceled. In addition to a bevy of state orders, Gov. Andrew Cuomo made desperate overtures to the federal government to step in. In response, and in record time, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers scrambled to erect at least four field hospitals, and the Navy deployed its USNS Comfort hospital ship to Manhattan. However, those efforts – and the many millions of dollars spent on them – have largely been deemed a waste, even as New York has battled a soaring a death toll and is maintaining stay-at-home orders. So what happe ned? "[The models] have been extremely inaccurate," Dr. David Samadi, a New York-based surgeon, told Fox News. "These models gave a horrifying prediction that suggested COVID-19 could kill anywhere from 200,000 to 1.7 million Americans. Currently, it looks to be more like 60,000 to 65,000 deaths. While any American life lost to this virus is a shame, the death and infection rate is looking not quite so bleak as it was in the beginning." https://www.foxnews.com/us/coronavirus-crisis-amid-new-yorks-unused-hospital-beds-and-entilators-critics-point-to-waste-and-mismanagement
  14. ...could give Quid Pro Joe a start on his Cabinet...…. Coronavirus: California governor orders release of 7 high-level sex offenders as he criminalizes beach attendance By Hollie McKay | Fox News Just days before California's Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered the closure of parks and beaches in Orange County, making it a criminal offense to step foot in the sand, the state ordered the release of seven high-risk sex offenders from the county's jails over concerns they could contract coronavirus. The move prompted the District Attorney's Office to issue a safety warning to the community this week, highlighting that the men are likely to re-offend. "These kinds of high-risk sex offenders are the most dangerous kind of criminal and the most likely to re-offend," DA Todd Spitzer said in a statement. "They are doing everything they can to avoid detection by the parole officers assigned to monitor them so they can potentially commit additional sex offenses. These are not the kind of people who should be getting a break." https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-governor-orders-release-high-level-sex-offenders
  15. ...almost....Excedrin, Preparation-H, Depends and Bourbon...... ...my Ouija Board says "NFW will that happen".....viable?....nope....vile?.....DONE DEAL...........
  16. ....this should bode well......he is the epitome of sad sack California politicians.....look at his track record as Mayor of San Francisco, and the degradation of that filth pit......so now he's going to throw law enforcement into the fray against 80,000+ defiant beach goers?.....not to mention the legality of his mandates with similar ones in PA being challenged by SC Justice Alito?.....
  17. ...before we even get to the accusations, how does one possibly reconcile Biden being a viable candidate and based on WHAT?......
  18. ...I am in full compliance as far as wearing a mask in public (a painter's mask).....but it does get uncomfortable as far as feeling sweatiness under it, yet bearable in deference to others, but I do remove it upon returning to my car....yet I do notice many single occupancy vehicles wearing the paper style blue masks......perhaps they think if they were to sneeze or cough out dropletts that eventual passengers would be exposed.....I see walkers daily on my street wearing a mask while walking alone....if that makes them feel safer, so be it and I would NEVER pre-judge or criticize their choices as I have NO basis.....these are uncharted times perhaps going back to circa 1917 that we have never seen.....
  19. ...so then it IS possible Hap to get it a second time?......or is it more reasonable to think she was possibly released too early and returned to the nursing home population?.....I would think with all of her longstanding health ailments that her immune system would not be up to the fight for "round 2", which is why I said I was getting info second hand....
  20. ...$17.5 mil tariff easily squashed any trade efforts......agree on starter money prognosis......incentive laden deal with "competition promise" is probably the best he'll see IMO.....had pretty decent stats at TCU and thought that the Bills would pull the trigger in 2011 round 2 with the proverbial "later round QB pick", but Aaron Williams was the choice.....guess we were all set with Fitz & Thigpen.............
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