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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...J Edgar has to be PO'ed that he NEVER dreamed up this "level of dirty"......without the "draining of the swamp", it is incomprehensible to me how long this "dirty" has gone on and how longer it would have gone on without "draining the swamp".....BTW, how deep does the corruption go?....how many of us ordinary slobs been surveilled and how much of that info has been used against folks by lower level peons with access?......STILL thinking "world's greatest democracy" or a tad reticent?.......hmmm....
  2. ....whoa!...BIG time out......are you saying that if Sleepy Joe was THE nominee and kicked the bucket on November 2, that the Dems cannot rightfully count his vote on November 3???....
  3. ....common sense (uh oh) to me says the number of cases will increase significantly as testing ramps up exponentially.....think the MSM will highlight the increase singly?...naw not them....think they will include the number of asympotomatic cases?.....um ok......think they will quantify or accurately report the number of nursing home deaths and how states like NY pressured them to accept?....inconsequential no doubt.....talk about data all you want......how, if or whenever do scientists like Hap and his colleagues EVER get to the point where they can ascertain the "data" is 50, 75 or hopefully (COUGH) 80% accurate WITHOUT the obvious politicization?.....seems like a never ending battle for the scientific community to get to reliable data......to further exacerbate their analyses are these "studies" being released without a reasonable sample size or even before peer review solely for publicity.....
  4. ...think Joe needs to court the "bleach drinking crowd"......if they are that woefully fickle, voting for him is a slam dunk......
  5. ....ANY need to say more??.............. ...."The International Court of Justice, which has its seat in The Hague, is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations "
  6. ..why would ANYTHING Chicago or Illinois surprise you?......Obama and Emanuel were innocent victims of locaton, location, location.... Why Congress should reject Illinois’ $44 billion bailout request Adam Schuster-ILLINOIS POLICY Director of Budget and Tax Research Two decades of fiscal mismanagement have left state finances ill-prepared for the COVID-19 pandemic. Congress should condition any additional aid for troubled states on taxpayer protections that ensure pensions are solvent, accounting is realistic and budgets are balanced. Now, with fallout from COVID-19 exposing that mismanagement, Illinois Senate President Don Harmon wants a federal bailout worth at least $44.2 billion. Without strict consumer protections against risky bets, insider deals and other predatory behavior from state lawmakers, a bailout for Illinois or other states struggling with fiscal crises of their own making would be ineffective and harmful to residents already suffering under a broken system. https://www.illinoispolicy.org/why-congress-should-reject-illinois-44-billion-bailout-request/ The Most Corrupt States In America Feb 19, 2020,06:40am EST Niall McCarthy Forbes Contributor A new report from the University of Chicago has shed light on the U.S. cities and states with the most public-sector corruption. Co-authored by UIC professor and political advisor Dick Simpson, the report is based on an analysis of public corruption statistics released by the U.S. Department of Justice. Across all states and Federal Judicial Districts in the United States, there have been 19,634 public corruption convictions over the past ten years. In 2018 alone, 695 public official, federal employees and government contractors were convicted of public corruption. The research found that Chicago remains the most corrupt city in the United States with the Illinois-Northern Judicial District recording 1,750 public corruption convictions from 1976 to 2018. https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2020/02/19/the-most-corrupt-states-in-america-infographic/#558443f42101
  7. ...when in doubt, the bungling inept play "the card"....how sad........... Michigan's Whitmer says armed protesters displayed 'worst racism and awful parts' of US history By Andrew O'Reilly | Fox News Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer slammed the protesters who gathered inside the state's Capitol building on Thursday to demand she rescind her stay-at-home orders, saying they represented the "worst racism and awful parts" of U.S. history. "There were swastikas and Confederate flags and nooses and people with assault rifles," Whitmer said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union." "Some of the outrageousnesses of what happened at our capitol depicted some of the worst racism and awful parts of our history in this country." The Michigan governor, however, added that those people represented a small portion of the demonstrators at the state capital and that, for the most part, the protest was peaceful. "When you think about the fact that this is a state of almost 10 million people, the vast majority of whom are doing the right thing," she added, "the behavior you've seen in all of the clips is not representative of who we are in Michigan." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michigans-whitmer-says-armed-protesters-displayed-worst-racism-and-awful-parts-of-u-s-history
  8. ...according to CDC, the 1018-2019 US flu season yielded 35 million infections, 810,000 hospitalizations and 61, 000 deaths...help me understand how and why we reconcile those numbers to the Covid-19 pandemic, which I am NOT discounting , comparing, dimissing or DIMINISHING byt any means..the "flu season" has become an accepted phenomenon whereas Covid-19 is brand new on the horizon.....
  9. ...so how do we logically, realistically or accurately determine if increased cases are directly related to premature openings OR increased testing revealing more cases, whether asymptotic or not?....think perhaps the MSM will "report(COUGH)" premature re-openings due to TDS?...naw, not a chance......in today's climate, we'll NEVER know the truth.........
  10. ...nothing...libations include Stella, Woodford Reserve Bourbon (123 proof), White Claw and Caymus Cabernet........perhaps a pillow??..........
  11. ...logically and realistically how can there be a "date certain...ALL better" mark on one's calendar?.....it is a moving target to appease the masses IMO, buying time until May 14.......certainly the pandemic has been nothing like anything since perhaps 1917 and invoking crisis management with no other choice......bigger fear is that this becomes a "cry wolf" syndrome after all is done...it does NOT help with the politically charged climate focusing on minutia for just that, political gain......more widespread testing is increasing numbers and with a populus of 330 million, it will take time.....yet more cases and more deaths are politically charged for THAT purpose only.....HYPOTHETICALLY, if and a BIG IF, Covid-19 turns out to be a similar yet perhaps heightened flu type phenomenon, I'm certain (COUGH) there will be a long list of MSM "mea culpas(CHOKING)"..... ...2:30 bro......mask is NOT required.....
  12. ....what more can one say?...SMH..... California man arrested 3 times in a day, given citations and released due coronavirus restrictions By Travis Fedschun | Fox News A man in California was arrested three times over the course of 12 hours on Wednesday -- including for allegedly leading officers on a pursuit -- and was only given citations and released each time due to the statewide zero-bail policy amid the coronavirus outbreak, according to officials. The Glendora Police Department said Friday on Facebook that 24-year-old Dijon Landrum from Monterey Park racked up three citations between 8:28 a.m. and 8:50 p.m. on Wednesday after three incidents in the city located about 23 miles east of Los Angeles. "We want to thank all of the citizens that helped with this investigation, particularly those that called when they noticed something suspicious," police said. https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-coronavirus-zero-bail-policy-arrest-glendora-police-covid-jail Orange County DA 'outraged' after commissioner releases 7 dangerous sex offenders due to COVID-19 restrictions By Julia Musto | Fox News Orange County, Calif. District Attorney Todd Spitzer stated Saturday that he is "outraged" after the state ordered the release of seven high-risk sex offenders from the county's jails over concerns they could contract coronavirus. Appearing on "Fox & Friends Weekend" with host Jason Chaffetz, Spitzer said that the issue at hand is not just in Orange County or California, but "is a ruse that has been pulled on the American public, on jails and custodial facilities all over the nation." https://www.foxnews.com/media/orange-county-district-attorney-outraged-seven-sex-offenders-released Sex offender, sprung from California jail due to coronavirus, arrested for indecent exposure By Robert Gearty | Fox News A California sex offender released from jail early due to the coronavirus crisis had been charged with exposing himself at a parole resource center, according to a report. Rudy William Grajeda Magdaleno, 39, was released from jail under a court orderon April 13 after serving 71 days of a 180-day minimum sentence, Fox 11 Los Angeles reported Friday. https://www.foxnews.com/us/sex-offender-sprung-from-california-jail-on-coronavirus-release-arrested-for-indecent-exposure
  13. ....ah Tibsey........you are the modern day equivalent of Rowan & Martin's "Laugh In".......I thought "saving 15% on my car insurance with GEICO" was big, but I saved even MORE by cancelling the Comedy Channel with you here......thanks!........
  14. Executive Order 20-24 Oregon.gov Office of the Governor State of Oregon EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 20-24 EXTENDING THE COVID-19 DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY (EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 20-03) FOR AN ADDITIONAL 60 DAYS, THROUGH JULY 6, 2020 Executive Order 20-03, declaring a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 outbreak in Oregon, was issued on March 8, 2020, and declared a statewide emergency for 60 days, through May 7, 2020. Pursuant to ORS 401.165 and ORS 401.204, I find that the novel infectious coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to threaten public health and safety, and remains a statewide emergency under ORS 401.025. Accordingly, I am extending the state of emergency for an additional 60 days, through July 6, 2020. Executive Order 20-03 shall remain in effect through July 6, 2020, unless extended or terminated earlier by the Governor. Done at Salem, Oregon, this 1st day of May, 2020.
  15. ...we avoid it at all costs.....but a major customer has operations there and rely on us for service/maintenance.....here is the Union lunacy......I may have service calls to NF that total 8 hours in a month.....our tech signs in there and I have to remit his Unions benefits to the NF local......so based on the numerous Funds contributions, I am cutting probably four checks for 15 cents or less in a month....postage, envelope/stationery cost, labor to prepare the Fund report, etc??.....i want to send the SOB's a roll of pennies and have them let me know when it runs out....they will NOT budge....
  16. ....Oregon's governor extended the lockdown to July 6?.....and I thought DiBlasio had a screw loose.......my daughter's birthday is today so I wanted to have a small cookout for the four of us......my daughter in law said, "no we can't do that...Governor Cuomo said NOTHING until May 15"...seriously?.....my daughter "broke ranks" and is coming over for bacon wrapped filet mignon, lobster tails, grilled shrimp and roasted brussel spouts with pancetta/balsamic glaze....Big Fredo is NOT invited.....SMH........
  17. ...seriously?.....the GOP could be running Mother Teresa and we all know sure as hell you'd pull the BIDEN lever....with your LEFT hand no doubt............
  18. ...we are in NYS as well being a Union construction firm......apprentices and CE/CW classifications (another form of trainees) did the math and figured out they can make more staying at home, thus taking voluntary layoffs/furloughs citing fears of bringing Covid-19 home.....keep in mind that with 180+ field construction workers, we have not had ONE Covid-19 case.....a major project for us with a 60 man crew dropped to 45 due to voluntary layoffs/furloughs.....we now have potential exposure to liquidated damages as a trailing trade if We delay the project.....we are taking a more aggressive approach with this group, calling them back as "work available" and disputing ongoing unemployment claims......
  19. ....how about an OUNCE of fiduciary responsibility with what they do collect?......"waste, fraud and abuse" = "oh that, well, we'll look into it"......YAWN......
  20. ...seems that a major hurdle to overcome is servers are actually making more guaranteed money staying home...so until the $600 stipend expires, re-staffing may be difficult especially if restaurants are mandated to operate at reduced capacity.......
  21. ...pretty sure I read they have to maintain a 12,000 calorie per day diet....
  22. ...Covid-19 is bad enough, but the proliferation of "Fisher Price Syndrome" with NO known cure relegates Covid-19 to non-sequitor status......we're screwed.....FPS is in full bloom right here......
  23. ...sounds like the mayor, justice of the peace, undertaker, DPW general contractor (wheel barrow and shovel always ready) and police chief are all one in the same, sharing communal offices in the general store which is owned by the mayor, justice of the peace, undertaker, DPW general contractor and police chief....ONE lever re-elects them all.....
  24. ...incredible what he went through......sure as hell hope the kid sees another Bridgewater like epiphany........good luck Alex.......
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