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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...so "elect me and I'll tell you"....wadda deal......."IF Kamala or my teleprompter tells me"....... ...but...BUT the astute Delaware electorate BOLDLY differs with you... he's their chosen son......hell even his late son was AG......."All In The Family" meathead......
  2. ...LOL...Fecal Freddie's Sunday contribution right on schedule.....dominus vobiscum.....put you 10 in the basket and took change for a 20......
  3. LMAO Jimbo.....you like me are way too fickle to understand what's going on......
  4. ...depends how fast "West Wing Comfort Care" can be remodeled......and Nancy can get her 25th Amendment invocation passed.....and Kamala the Thrillah readied....the Old Bat surreptitiously tipped her intended hat.....
  5. ...well that settles it...she is no more a lawyer than our very own Section3/Section8/Third Chair/Hi-Chair......Kavanaugh Time......
  6. ...can "Clinton Foundation Funds(COUGH)" be used as bail money??...just askin'.................
  7. ...NEVER...they are overtly catered to and their corruption is beyond legendary (Mayor Barry posthumously does NOT approve of my message)......
  8. ...bet their Twitter accounts were "hacked" just like Scully's.......honorable mention to Big Fredo letting 8,000+ Chinese nationals pass through JFK AFTER the Trump ban.......and his "ain't my fault" about nursing home deaths policy....."Trump is at fault".....
  9. so setting aside the parsing/misuse of words, do you see it necessary to bring certain FBI PERSONNEL up on charges of collusion and/or abuse of power?..if the response results with THE SAME, would you be chiding "Covid Barack" or "Covid Joe" ala "Covid Donnie"????..I'll hang up and wait for a response....
  10. so do you think if Trump was deleted from the equation and we inserted Obama or Biden at the heml of managing the Covid-19 crisis, streams, rivers, tributaries and oceans would be overflowing with "a job well done" drool?...naw, not a chance.....political hypocrisy is non-existent of course....
  11. ...dammit....now I have to do laundry.....just ruined my shorts bro.............
  12. ...sad isn't it?......the epitome of self aggrandizement by posting daily stat tallies of Covid-19 deaths, citing "Covid Donnie" as well.....but in the true spirit of camaraderie, let us be tolerant of substantive opposing views......
  13. had to be a mere "oversight".....the Bezos rag would NEVER do such a thing......
  14. ...NEVER...that is self deprecating and I would NEVER do that to you friend...PERIOD.....STOP IT..... would you agree that increasing demand for wage growth starts with bringing HOME industries et al that we've let slide to the import side?.....as a single widower with grown children and a blessed job at 67 and still going (thank my lucky stars NIGHTLY, coming from humble roots), my tax tab is is astronomical....HOWEVER......if my tax tab helps to bring MORE jobs back home, at decent household sustainable levels, inducing companies to do so, I'm in.....strengthen our financial HOMELAND first and let the world come begging to us versus us begging to THEM.....
  15. ...if Barrett's principal disqualifier is religion, that sure as hell tells me this country has gone WELL beyond the "state of disrepair"........
  16. ...Delaware?...of course...he OWNS it........hell even his late kid was AG.....I'd bet Hunter could run for Senate seat or Governor and win in a bigger landslide than Schiff and his Cali House seat.....adept (COUGH) electorate shines again...reminds me of the Edwards/Landreau stranglehold on Louisiana......
  17. .....LMAO...ex-Clintonite George StepOnTopOfUs, ABC's gem led the charge........YAWN.............
  18. ...precisely indicators of your ignorance.....NEVER said that the elderly or at risk population segment don't matter...typical fallacious twisting of words to suit yourself.....EVERY damn life matters......pre Covid-19, I buried FIVE in 16 months, including my wife and mother, so I know loss of life VERY well......and only a petulant fool would deny NOT knowing people whose personal health practices rank low on their priority list.....hygiene, diet, exercise, vitamins, strengthening immune system, et al...even the CDC said obesity is a higher risk category for Covid-19, which knows NO age restrictions......which casts oneself into a higher risk category when a resistant flu strain happens during season or even in the case of Covid-19, a phenomenon unlike anything since 1917/1918....so just keep waving your "Covid Donnie" banner......it's the best you can do...SMH..............
  19. ...shoulda called Accountemps to "bolster" the turnout.......
  20. ...agree...historical deception.....simple math says alter the denominator......"those that have given up" no longer count......OR...."our party has created millions of jobs".......and folks agree saying, "yup, I know, I have THREE of them"......
  21. ...and the JUDGE is from Whoa Joe's home state......a/k/a "Law-A-Biden"......bet his teleprompter reads, "nothing to see here folks....a peaceful protest"................
  22. ....bet his library contains the "RACE CARD", the "RUSSIAN CARD" and the "PEACEFUL PROTEST CARD"......think we should still keep the border closed??...............
  23. ...maybe he wants to trade Trudeau for Trump................
  24. ...LMAO!...you failed to count my relatives....they're the "CNN IS GOSPEL" bunch.......he has company..............
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