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Mile High

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Everything posted by Mile High

  1. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that she's Russian.
  2. That has to be one of the worst fa signings that I can ever remember. They paid him very well to, right?
  3. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! I found the sweetest avatar the other day. Ya like?
  4. Where's the I don't care option?
  5. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm. good question.
  6. Talking football with a bunch of my friends and I came up with this idea... Extending the football regular football season to 34 weeks. Make teams play everyother week with alternating schedules. Mix in evenly the NFC and the AFC so that the football season would be longer. This would cure the hockey itch that has been broght on this year and also give teams the right to let their players heal up more. Once the playoffs hit made them play every week right through the superbowl. So the season would be 38 weeks long. Wouldn't that be great. I know the Bill's wouldn't play every week but foootball would almost be year round.
  7. Why the hell do Bobblehead and Stojan have the avatars they have?
  8. I run as much as I can. Usually 5 days a week 21-25 mile range right around a 7:00-7:15 minute mile. It really is addicting. When I was training for the marathon last year it was around 8:00-8:30 due to the length of the run. Good to see there are other runners out there! Edit: What kind of insoles do you guys think are the best? I use Spenco's polysorb. Jester, Sorry to hear about that. Everything will work out in the long run.
  9. Last month I bought a sweet jersey that I found on ebay. It is an authentic Willis Mcgahee throw back jersey. I just did a search over there to see if any more are avail., but no dice. It's the late 80's jersey, white and everything is sewn on with a bills patch on the left shoulder. God I love it and I got it for 40 bucks. I wish I could post a picture of it so you guys could see it. I'm kinda partial to our old jerseys.
  10. Am I the only one tempted here to buy that Kelly jersey?
  11. Not really a shame if you think about it. He doesn't like to show his hand at all. Kind of smart imo.
  12. Why pick on Barry here I'll switch this. Drew Bledsoe =
  13. Paul Smith's College '98.
  14. Yes. As long as they stayed in western NY.
  15. All Time: Kurt Schulz (I think I'm the only one to ever have his jersey custom made.)---And I still wear it to every Bill's game to this day. Now: Willis Mcgahee Soon: JP Losman
  16. Where have I seen this?
  17. Thanks.
  18. The story is on the front page.
  19. Freeze, don't move! (click)
  20. Monday at what time? 3 rounds?
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