To answer the question/point of your post. D-1 no, probably could've with out a doubt. Started playing football at age 8 in full pads. Wanted to follow in my big brothers footsteps. All together I have about 10 years of football playing experience. But, a diving (yes swimming) accident fugged my neck up really bad. This devistated my family and I. I knew it was over for football. I didn't sit around and mourn though, I got on with my life. The passion to play was gone and the thrill of the sound, smell and intensity disappeared. I love the game and I love my Bills. People on this board are intitled to say what ever they want. Some of you I know. Some of you are new here. It is a great place to shoot the sh-- (so to speak). And that's what makes this board so great. Were the biggest underdogs in the league and sometimes it's frustrating but we all hang in there. Keep your heads up guys and gals it's a new beginning for all of us.