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Mile High

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Everything posted by Mile High

  1. i hope that we win gold in basketball just to piss off everyone who thiks we are going to lose.
  2. i'm just saying that none of the characters have southern accents. so nope try again. sorry.
  3. so explain this if they are from kentucky then why no southern accent? and marge and homer HAVE lived there their whole lfe. sorry
  4. so its kinda like the kenny thing on south park where you didn't see his face for three years or whatever?
  5. i always thought it was mass. thats crazy i just thought it was mass. i guess there was never a clearcut state named now that i think about it. this must be solved by the end of the day.
  6. I was listening to the the Dan patrick show on the radio today and he kept talk about Jason Whitlock's article on page 2 on the espn website and here it is: Article Make your own conclusions.. it's pretty well you'll see. overall i really don't agree with any of the junk this guy wrote on the page except for the hockey part and thats about it. sample of the article i don't care what color your skin is no matter what the case. and i think that most true sports fans feel the same way no matter what the case. and if your wearing the red, white and blue we root for whoever that person may be, that much more. this is what is wrong with our press and media and why some atheletes don't like to talk to them.
  7. i agree totally.
  8. now don't get me wrong i like the guy.. but, great special teamers ARE measured buy turn overs, forced fumbles and tackles not assisted tackles either. tasker and mark pike were probably the best we WILL ever see along with there leadership helping carry the special teams the last decade. and they DID make the plays (by this i mean turn overs and shoe string tackles) that were needed to turn the momentum of games back then. i know he's young and has a giant heart but i just haven't seen it yet.
  9. coy and tasker shouldn't even be used in the same sentence. i for one have never seen coy block a punt or even revover a fumble on special teams. i'm sorry i just don't see the love affair with this guy. i mean yeah it's great that he has the coy wire foundation, but what has he really done on the field. nada..
  10. my take on it is this: he would have had on the job training with "hands on" training if he would've broke his leg.. now he still gets to hold the clip board and there is no "hands on" job training for him until 8 to 12 weeks from now or until he can play. thats my concern.. i just look at the whole thing as a negative because it slows down his learning process. does that make sense?
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