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Mile High

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Everything posted by Mile High

  1. People tend to forget John Mc Cargo.
  2. All are updated. Hope you guys enjoyed it this year. One more week to go then I'm retiring this powerranking thing for good. It's been real.
  3. Me too this is awesome.
  4. All are updated. From Dr. Z. I love it!
  5. Waiting on Yahoo and Dr. Z..
  6. At first glance that was my original thought.
  7. Yup me too. Just sweep Miami, that in itself would be a victory in it's own right.
  8. Dr. Z's updated.
  9. See signature.
  10. Meazza.. Enjoy the game?
  11. See signature,
  12. Not going to this one. I would love to but X-mas is too close.
  13. Why hasn't anyone given usmc the power to attach pics?
  14. I bought a Losman throwback at the beginning of the year and rock it. Just go for it man who cares. The kid is here to stay and is getting better.
  15. Dr. Z. updated.
  16. Wow. These are all sick but a microwave, holy siht that chick is fuggin disturbed. She'll plead insanity and get nada.
  17. Waitng on Dr. Z.. Check out what Peter Schrager from Fox Sports has to say. Overall JPL is getting some pretty positive comments and we are slowly climbing up the power polls. See signature.
  18. This game just doesn't sound the same with out Rick calling it. Strange.
  19. Tedy WILL heal him.
  20. Fuggin great I work on Sunday Frez. Edit: I say we win tomorrow. Write that down.
  21. Nm.
  22. Nice I missed the game thanks.
  23. For those of you who care.
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