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Mile High

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Everything posted by Mile High

  1. The problem in my eyes is, he's not the guy the "new regime" wants. Buffalo isn't and never was about running their mouths and training off-site. Buffalo is about showing up on Sunday and letting their talking be done on the field. Trust me I really like what Magahee brings to the table skill wise. There's just something missing with him, that all great backs seem to have.
  2. I seriously have a feeling that it's not going to be what's expected. I'm thinking the total opposite. We grab a stud at rb in the first round followed later by lb and then cb.
  3. Late and there was an elbow. At least the Neil hit was kind of clean.
  4. I read that on the NHLPA website yesterday. He must have read my lips cause he didn't have a hearing aid in that I could see.
  5. Funny story that happened to me today: I was at the local pizza shop in town today and I saw this massive guy with his kid ordering pizza. On the back of his jacket it read, Senators Alumni. I continued to order after him and then I struck up a conversation with him. I asked him what his name was and he told me his name was Jim Kyte. I then asked him what he thought about the Neil hit on Drury and he said it was clean but late. And that Lindy was in the right for putting Peters and the gang on the ice. Then he disagreed with what Peters did to Emery. Saying that he should've at least took his helmet off before going after the keeper. I asked him who he thought had a legit shot at the cup. He said, "Forget Ottawa". Then he went on to say watch out for Pittsburgh. And went told me that with the additions and the free agent period they'll be better. Then I said, "What about Buffalo?" He basically told me that we'll miss Biron in case Miller goes down. Then he went on to tell me how the Penguins have a shot. And raved about them getting Gary Roberts, Georges Laraque and defenseman Joel Kwiatkowski. We then talked about Laraque and I told him I remember him fighting Rob Ray really tough. I told him I hadn't seen Ray ever get dominated like that in a fight. He then said Rob Ray huh (with a strange look in his eye)? I then got home a googled his name and found this. Link. It explains why the conversation came to a halt.
  6. He's coming back. Depth or to start he is a solid gaurd. Tackle on the other hand, eh...
  7. Let me be the first (and I'm sure I won't be the last) to say who cares.
  8. A second no less. If they want him bad enough they'll give it up.
  9. I'd rather have Thomas Jones. Actually I 'd rather see the Bills pick a running back in the second round or so and watch him develop.
  10. Mike Gandy or Napolean Harris.
  11. I agree.
  12. If these reports are true, then his blitz pick-up, blocking and hesitation to hit the whole make alot of sense now. Willis was one of my favorite players but if he can't do his homework then, see ya later. Wow, it really does amaze me the amount of money these guys bring home and they can't even study to be that much better. Just seems like a waste of time if they're not striving to better themselves and be the best they can be for the team. This report will hurt his trade value. God can give you all the talent in the world, but can't give you work ethic.
  13. Needed another thread here on TBD because he has huge balls. Good job with the team so far this year Lindy, you fuggin rock! Here's to you!
  14. It should be posted here in a day or so.
  15. Wow amazing. Good find, wtf?
  16. If Peterson is there when we pick, Marv better pull the trigger on the kid. Seriously.
  17. Yeah the whole Lutter thing was a little ridiculous. A once in a life time shot just blown imo. Dana White was probably pissed too. I wouldn't be surprised if White banned him from the UFC. Serious nerves on Jackson's part. Controlling them seperates good fighters from the great fighters. Hard to breath when nerves and all that emotion take over. Interesting take on Vera. But, Cro-Cop to the UFC was a well needed infusion in this division.
  18. Nice. Are you a St. Pierre fan? I like the guy alot. Classy as hell and I'm glad he stomped Hughes to get the title. Is he a hero up there?
  19. Decent night of mma. But, Cro Cop wow. Prediction: Heavy weight champ by the end of the year.
  20. To those of you who saw this game.. Why does this team seem to have our number this year?
  21. I'll put up Yahoo when Chuck updates. This is the last season for me doing this. Hope you all enjoyed!
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