I really liked the Bledsoe pick up at first. Now watching him play on the road and sometimes at home I really think it's fair to acess that he's spent. With that being said. What have the Bills not done for this guy? I mean really, Peerless left and he had a crappy year. Every Bledsoe apologist said well he lacks the receiver to spread the field... Bullshiiiit. In New England it was well he lacks a running game... BULLSHIIIT. Well now he has a runnning game and has a speedy wr and whats the verdict... BULLSHIIIT. He needs a better line to perform or he needs more time... BULLSHIIIT. Its all BS guys, what a waste of a season. Whats next he needs Ben Coates back... BULLSHITYYYYY. Was it just me or DID bledsoe have enough time last night.
P.S. Hey Mularkey grow a sack the way Del Rio did with Brunnel and Pull the fuggin plug on Drew. Jacksonville isn't suffering from it, are they?