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Mile High

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Everything posted by Mile High

  1. I caught an extended interview with Willis tonight on ESPN the radio on the way home from work. He Basically was praised by the hosts over and over but there were a few interesting things said.. First of all they asked him how the Bills fans were responding to him and he said that he thought we were some of the best fans in football. Then he was asked about the game today and he praised his offensive line and Damien Shelton over and over again for the key lead blocks in the game. He also stated that he is a more patient runner now than he was earlier in the year. WM said he likes to sit back and watch the play develop in front of him and kinda pick and choose where he wants to go. They said said who do you credit for your recovery? He said god. Willis also said that if this team gets on a roll they are going to be VERY hard to stop. He is looking really forward to his "home coming" in Miami and he can't wait he said. Also the most interesting question imo was about where he was at physically.. He said right around 95-96% followed by him saying how he couldn't wait until next year to be 100% to show Buffalo and the NFL what he's really capable of doing.
  2. Did'nt we win today? Who gives a stevestojan how or who did it.. Or if Drew or JP is the qb. God this crap gets OLD....
  3. Scroll down to my signature and click on Dr. Z.... He gives us some props. Good to see.
  4. One of my favorite players in the NFL.. He's been buying and raising money for these unfortunate mothers since he's been in the league. A real great guy not to mention the perfect role model in pro sports for kids. Good job Warrick!
  5. Black Peter - The Dead
  6. Really? I thought that that was Henry's miscue.
  7. Sweet picture of Willis standing next to Big Mike in the tunnel. Check out the look in Mike's eyes. Click on Best shots from around the NFL. There's also a decent one of Willis dodging an Archuleta tackle.
  8. well another year and you're becoming more dooooomed by the second. happy birthday anyway!
  9. Ya know I missed that whole TO thingy... Was it really that bad. Is it online anywhere?
  10. Thanks Millbank!
  11. that had to do with posting your picture online. i can't find it anywhere. i want to show my gf. thanks guys.
  12. I guess I'm just in denial bf... denial...
  13. How about, "Hey Mularkey grow some balls like Del Rio in Jacksonville DID, PLAY THE KID"!
  14. Ya know I've been thinking about this thread for awhile now.. Do any of you guys know who Morgan Webb is from Tech TV? Morgan
  15. Find out exactly where the dog lives Pete. Then call animal control. They need to know the exact location of the animal, or else they won't do anything. And chances are if they ask the neighbor's they won't rat out on their friends animal. And make sure the police have it on record that you called. So IF you do get bit it will be on file. I jog almost every day and have come about some vicious dogs. The thing that I have done in the past is act hostile and kick at then whiile screaming at the top of my lungs. i don't know if you could pull that off on a bike though.
  16. Yeah sure.... It's also a scientific fact that taking roids speeds up your bat. And it also helps your hand eye coordination. Not to mention it makes you hit the ball further. And if you watched him play (like I have for many years) you would realize that he didn't gain 40 lbs. in a few months. He put it on in the last 5 to 6 years. He decided years ago that he was going to rededicate himself to the game and his body. Which he did. Now has been accused of roids. Is it true? I don't know do you? Does anyone? And if memory serves me right it's usually around age 35+ when men and women tend to gain unwanted lbs... That just happens. So dog the guy all you want the fact of the matter is he is probably the best that has ever lived and the best that we will ever see in our life time.
  17. Ballwashers? Why because some of us like what Bill Polian did for our franchise back in the day? The truth is the Pats got LUCKY in NE with the first win of the year over the Colts. And I'm sure most of the Pats fans don't want to see Peyton and Co. back in NE because they are SCARED. Especially with the way he is playing now. I know I would be....
  18. I really liked the Bledsoe pick up at first. Now watching him play on the road and sometimes at home I really think it's fair to acess that he's spent. With that being said. What have the Bills not done for this guy? I mean really, Peerless left and he had a crappy year. Every Bledsoe apologist said well he lacks the receiver to spread the field... Bullshiiiit. In New England it was well he lacks a running game... BULLSHIIIT. Well now he has a runnning game and has a speedy wr and whats the verdict... BULLSHIIIT. He needs a better line to perform or he needs more time... BULLSHIIIT. Its all BS guys, what a waste of a season. Whats next he needs Ben Coates back... BULLSHITYYYYY. Was it just me or DID bledsoe have enough time last night. P.S. Hey Mularkey grow a sack the way Del Rio did with Brunnel and Pull the fuggin plug on Drew. Jacksonville isn't suffering from it, are they?
  19. Ya know you're soooooo right ! And on that note I'm outta this discussion.
  20. Explain..
  21. .340 with at least 60 home runs is more like it and at least 180 ribbys is more like it!
  22. have you EVER watched the guy play man?
  23. Another point I'd love to bring up is that Bonds walks more than anyone else in baseball. What if he didn't? what would his numbers be like then? 232 walks and his numbers still outshine every one. And when they do pitch to him he only gets one good pitch to hit usually cause most pitchers are scared ato throw to him. 26 of 32 votes to get this award speaks for itself. You know all these guys don't like Barry but he won the award anyway. Why? Because he was the MVP in the national league.
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