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Mile High

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Everything posted by Mile High

  1. $ or he really wants to meet Petey.
  2. Yeah right what the hell is the guy thinking go to the dead end street called the New York Mets.
  3. It was LA if I recall. And it was dinner for two.
  4. San Francisco kicker.
  5. Goes to show the coaches didn't have any confidence in the guy from that far out.
  6. Who cares whether he likes it or not. The bottom line is he's under contract through 2005. If we can't get a second rounder or early third rounder for him then keep him on the team and make him happy some how. Yeah he won't be happy but imo he's not as great as he thinks he is. Oh and you're welcome I was just bored.
  7. Funny that's what I was thinking as well.
  8. I agree on keeping Bledsoe to b/u JP 100%. As long as Drew isn't displaying his usual pat pat method and starting. The cap hit would be too much and lets face it no one in their right mind would trade for him. But if someone is stupid enough to like say for instance Dallas, let him go for a forth or fifth round pick. You're right TE isn't a problem at all. And Gates will be way to expensive so scratch that. Disagree McGee has all the tools necessary to excell in the NFL. All he needs is more playing time and experience. Besides we aready have too much money wrapped up in our secondary. Agreed. Keep Travis and Williams unless we can get a second for Travis if not he plays the rest of his contract out. JR was injured most of the year and hopefully the coaching staff looks past this and decides on some other alternative. I'm sick of his play as well and it might be an option to move Aiken to the slot if he works hard in the off season and proves to the coaches that he can be an impact player in the NFL>
  9. I do have something to say, :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: isn't that amazing, Grant?
  10. That's what I was thinking. What the hell is their problem? What's the discussion about anyway?
  11. bump again
  12. b u m p
  13. What do you think?
  14. I just listened to the Donahoe philosophy of returning starters on BB.com: "My feeling on players..... Is that all positions are open regardless of the way they performed the season before. Whether they were the starter, went to the pro bowl or were all pro. That's something I learned from coach Knoll. All players will be evaluated and we'll start from scratch." I really like this statement.
  15. hey cablelady what's the picture of?
  16. Yes. We will make the playoffs.
  17. Agreed I hate the Beetle and the Aztec.
  18. Not a problem I will continue to do so next year as well.
  19. Salt in the wound...
  20. And he has us higher than the Jets. Read the caption next to the Bills ranking. Great.
  21. wrong more like 3 out of ten don't get the point that having an above average qb on our team this year would've gotten us in the playoffs. where have you been the past 3 months i missed your posts john?
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