Part of having a favorite sports team reserves you that right. And it isn't only in Buffalo. It's in every city.
True to a certain degree. One hit wonders yes. Doug Williams and Dilfer of late. Both had great defenses. And not the offensive weapons. However the above average ones find a way to get into the playoffs every year, at least. And the ones better than above average find a way to win when they have to. The great ones repeat this year in and year out. ie. Brady, Elway, Montana and on and on.
Hate Him? That's pretty strong word don't you think? I for one like Travis and think he should have been utilized in the back filed with Willis more. However even was he wasn't injured and Willis DID infact take his job over you never saw him on the sideline waiting to go into the game. He was always on the bench with his winter parka on stairing into space. Like he gave up on playing. Let me ask you this.. When Thurman and Davis were the one two punch would you ever see Davis on the sideline with his helmet off? Acting like it didn't matter.
We are Bills fans. A Blue collar town who deserves better than average. We've been teased way to long and have been waiting for a playoff run for way to long. Is there something wrong with wanting to win? Sorry but you can't compare (if that's what your intentions were) Bradshaw to Bledsoe. Bradshaw went into Pittsburgh a rookie. Bledsoe came to Buffalo a 10+ year vet. Sorry if Blesoe was a rookie we all would be more patient but he's not and that's why he is being "ran" out of town. People feel we have the team to go further than we did and that's fine, that's an opinion. If some people on this board think that this team can get it done with Bledsoe than thats fine too, that's their opinion.
Yes you're right. Due to the fact that some of us feel that there is one piece of the puzzle missing. Who knows it will be interesting to see what happens in the offseason.