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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. Detroit can’t field a defense now. We as Bills fans know something about that.
  2. So, is the snow going to be a major problem or is everything going to be south of OP?
  3. You have serious serious issues, like Fib and many other leftist mental midgets on here. Seek help…… FAST.
  4. You must have sand coming out of your ears with your head being buried in it for so long, finally coming up for air.
  5. Please tell me I’m living in bizarro world when a player gets fined FOR THAT? And all time great to boot. The face of the league gets fined for something beyond comprehension.
  6. Does he plan on getting a cat?? Otherwise, I don’t think people carry litter in their pocketbooks. Hopefully it isn’t used litter.
  7. The Chiefs usually don’t make moves based on what the Bills do to them. It’s always the other way around. Hopefully this means the balance of power has FINALLY shifted. We shall see.
  8. Sadly, it was all down hill after this game in 1988. A 10-5 loss at Tampa Bay two weeks later, in a clunker, cost the Bills the one seed in the playoffs and a shot at beating the Niners in the SB.
  9. I am, and I have moved on. Just having a little fun with Taylor’s man.
  10. I gotta stir the pot a little with a hated rival. 😛
  11. Post of the year here,
  12. Personally, I wanted to slap him. 🙃 We all know he’s a douche, but I think that reaction was a little classless.
  13. Speaking of Detroit, I shudder to think how good Barry Sanders would be in todays NFL with all the shoddy tackling.
  14. The Bills can win in KC. I’m worried about the Bills playoff mentality against the Chiefs more than anything, so it doesn’t really matter where the game is at. I want the Bills to win EVERY game, no matter what. Let the chips fall where they may. The one seed, two seed, three seed…. it doesn’t matter to me.
  15. It’s mind boggling to believe that the Bills have a 4 game regular season win streak against the Chiefs. It stinks that it doesn’t really matter. Enjoy the win and move on to a wounded SF team on December 1st.
  16. Detroit is freaking good. If the Bills don’t win the SB, I’d like to see the Lions win it.
  17. The OP is one of the biggest mentally disturbed losers you will ever encounter. The OP contributes NOTHING to society and should shipped off to Vanuatu.
  18. That 1988 AFC Championship game STILL burns me up.
  19. OMFG 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮
  20. For me, it’s Tony Boselli. The guy was a beast and he dominated Bruce Smith in almost every matchup they had. Who’s yours?
  21. Since Jones got injured last year, both Jones and Oliver have been off their games. The Bills have gotten away with it for the most part, but the Bills need both Jones and Oliver come January. And if those two can’t make their presence felt in January, it may be the reason the Bills fail in January again.
  22. A lot of people are saying the Bills should lose this game to turn the script come January. And there are folks saying (foolishly) to rest some starters so the Bills can be healthy when/if they play the Chiefs in January. It’s all hogwash. There is ABSOLUTELY no guarantee the Bills will be healthy in January whatsoever, so why throw games away for no reason. The Bills should go all out to win this game and keep the pressure on the Chiefs to win as many games as possible to keep the number one seed. Plus, the Bills have the off week after this game and they can go absolute balls to the wall to get those one and rest up. The objective should be to keep the ball rolling. That’s it.
  23. The OP has serious SERIOUS problems. What’s it like to live in a demented world where Trump is on your smooth non-functioning brain 24/7/365?
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