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Posts posted by njbuff

  1. Why isn't Crooked Hillary and her people under investigation?


    Light years more evidence on them than there is on Trump and his team.


    But, of course, the Democratic Party gets a free pass to commit crimes, without penalty. Par for the course.


    Why isn't Jeff Sessions using his power given to him by the President? Is he scared of the Democrats?


    This is all back asswords and its infuriating to say the least.

  2. MJD looking like he's been eating at McD's. PIttsburgh isn't that great but they have an offense that is eventually going to break out and put up big points. We don't have that potential. Tyrod is playing the best he can with no help. We don't have that next gear waiting to kick in like Pitt does


    This is where I am at too.


    No one is in any position to say the Bills are better than any of the traditional powers in the AFC.


    The Bills are still in the "prove it" stage and every time they have gotten off to fast starts, they play a game where they fall flat on their faces and it snowballs downhill from there EVERY TIME. This Bengals game is a classic example of that.


    I am not putting the cart before the horse. The Bills just need to prove it before we anoint them anything.

  3. As Bills fans, we are loving that Gilmore has been awful, but I caution thee.............


    It's still A VERY LONG season and we have seen the Pats struggle out of the gate a few times only to be the best team in the NFL by the end of the season.


    And on the flip side, we have seen the Bills get off to fast starts only to fall flat on their faces every time.


    But for the first time in ages, I am cautiously optimistic.


    Also, for me, it's on to the Bengals. That's it, that's ALL I care about right now.

  4. The shame is if Cutty beats the Bills and I'm vindicated, the Bills will still have a loss. A real no win situation.


    I wouldn't expect Cutler to be starting by the time the Dolphins play the Bills if the fish keep up their ineptitude.


    Moore actually always seem to play very well against Buffalo.

  5. Obstructionist hacks? Have you bothered to follow politics at all before Trump became president? Both sides imo are deeply corrupt, completely owned, and hypocrites. Why do you think Bernie Sanders and Trump were drawing 20,000 plus crowds during the primaries? Where do you think drain the swamp comes from?


    You criticize McCain, but he's the only one who was consistent when it came to healthcare. He criticized the purely partisan and rushed healthcare bill that was the ACA and refused to do the same when his party was in power with the numerous purely partisan rushed GOP healthcare proposals. He votes down the party line on almost everything else despite his "maverick" reputation.


    That's why I said the Republicans are no angels.


    Look at all the bad stuff that is happening NOW though. It is all being perpetrated by the left. And what CNN and MSNBC continue to do? Need I say more.

  6. I have no political agenda whatsoever, but I have learned over the last year and a half that the Democratic Party and the left are nothing but disgusting, anti-American, obstructionist hacks.


    They hate America and anybody with a conservative thought. I give you Berkeley as an example.


    The Republicans are no angels as Trump's own party within Congress will resist and obstruct everything Trump wants. McCain is really a Democratic shill imitating a Republican as an example.


    And inner city projects throughout the country have been run by Dems for years. I rest my case.

  7. In all seriousness, some 'experts' and skeptics will still say the Bills are a smoke and mirrors type of team, and on offense that's largely true since we aren't running the ball as well as the last few years and still have a very shaky QB situation with no true gamebreakers for Taylor to work with outside of Clay who has been the main passing game focus.


    Personally I'm still tempering my expectations and need to see how this team handles success and the latest injury rash which will no doubt impact this team in one form or another.


    Even the Jets win is looking good right now.


    The Bills are doing this against a high quality schedule.


    As BB would say................ ON TO CINCINNATI.

  8. You can most definitely get to the playoffs and win on a consistent basis the way the Bills play.


    The biggest question would be can they get those explosive plays in playoff games that they will need to advance.


    If McBeane can draft well, everything will take care of itself and the Bills will become that consistent SB contender that we all want them to be.


    But let's not put the cart before the horse.................. in my BB voice.............. ON TO CINCINNATI.

    By the way, the Pats won their first SB with Brady with this exact same style of play.


    The Pats had very nondescript players at the skill positions and still won the SB.

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