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Posts posted by njbuff

  1. I was being facetious. I know people don't like raw yardage statistics, but I think they're instructive when viewed through a certain lens. There are certainly trends and conclusions that can be drawn when you use yards to inform what you watch on the field.


    I hope McDermott understands this, cause Jauron-ball doesn't work over the entirety of the season.


    Problem is, they don't have the offensive talent to get away from Jauron-ball.


    Bend but don't break on defense can work if you have an offense that can help you out. When you don't have the offense, you get the Jauron-era results, 7-9.

  2. I remember two years ago at this team when I told Sabres fans on the BBMB to temper their enthusiasm cause everyone was was saying the Sabres are going to be a powerhouse sooner rather than later. I told them to calm down and let it happen, but they insisted there is NO QUESTION the Sabres are a contender.


    I wasn't making fun of them or ripping them apart, I was just trying to tell them NEVER assume your team will be a contender because you think you have these great young players that haven't proven much.


    I wonder how these same Sabres fans feel today. I know it's early, but boy does the Sabres youth movement seem stalled.


    I have been saying this same thing to my fellow Devils fans about their start this year. I hope I am proven wrong in this case.


    I will ask this to the Sabres fans............... Is there any way out of their mess now or is it bleak for you guys?

  3. Unless they are the 86 Chiefs, who went 10-6 and made the playoffs with a historically bad offense..,........,...


    there is no doubt this Bills team will be a 6-7 win team with this offense.


    Defense is good, ST is above average, offense is one of the worst in team history.


    Just being honest.


    You can't get consistently outgained, yardage wise, by your opponents and expect to be a contender. Ever since the Jets game, the Bills have been badly outplayed by their opponents from scrimmage. While it's no big deal to get outgained in an individual game, but to have it done week after week, no matter whom the opposition is, is very telling, in a bad way.

  4. Maybe I am wrong, but getting a close up look at the Sabres, as a Devils fan yesterday, your GM might have really let you down.


    There doesn't seem to be much of a return on your team's "alleged" tanking to get better in the long run.


    Eichel seems like a kid on an island, meaning, everything seems to fall on his shoulders without much help.


    Kane is a top level talent too, but he has off ice issues and he used to be a guy that took shifts off. But he is a big timer.


    The Sabres were supposed to be a contender in the East by now.


    Obviously, it's WAY EARLY in the season, but what can you guys hang your hats on and is there going to be some dividends coming?


    If the Sabres are still down, the Kane trade rumors are going to be flying like you won't believe.

  5. It's difficult to blame the OC when there isn't much to work with.


    I am tired of firing everybody at a moment's notice. If the offense still stinks as the talent level improves, then it's time to fire someone.


    But right now there isn't much anyone can do.


    And like I said in another............... when two of the team's highest paid players are firmly trenched in the doghouse....... it's a problem.

  6. I will be patient and I won't overreact week after week, but the offense is a mess and tow of the team's highest paid players are firmly in the new HC's doghouse.


    Unless some players step up, this thing is going to get worse before it gets better.


    But. like I said, I am not going to panic. I just hope that these new guys know what they are doing and they bring us fans a consistent contender year after year.

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