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Posts posted by njbuff

  1. When one sees everything through the prism of racism, especially when one is actually racist themselves ( minorities can be racists, yes) it's not surprising he doesn't see it. His Obama drivel was actually one of the most racist things I've ever seen posted on this board. Obama was actually the divider in chief. Trump is the natural correction to eight years of that craptastic nothing of a racist President.

    Obama is the worst President this country has ever seen based on his racial division alone.


    Also, inviting BLM to the WH. Biggest joke ever.

  2. Sorry, not buying it. Trump knew he was talking to a Black person and his track record in provoking fights with people of color is long and shameful.

    No, your trashing of Trump on this matter is shameful.


    Think about it for a second.........


    Trump is really gonna call a fallen soldiers widow just to insult and disrespect her and her family? Give me a fvcking break.


    You have be a mental midget to actually believe a sitting President in the United States is going to do that. I wouldn't even accuse Obama of doing that, even though he's the worst President this country has ever seen.

    Are there no limits to how low some will sink to try and get political points. The left, and those trying to take advantage of the dead, are some of the purest forms of scum possible. Yall (you know who you are) ought to be ashamed of yourselves, IRL. Seriously, I hope some of you reevaluate your political passions.



    Liberals are proving everywhere everyday across this country that they are anti-American scum and will stoop to any level to get their useless political agenda across.

  3. Well... looks like Oakland is back to being an L


    Tonight's game epitomized how raiders kept winning last season.


    And it also emphasized how important it is to have receivers that actually have talent in the 4th quarter of a game.


    The Bills are an overachieving team that has to count on their opponents screwing up to win games.


    The Raiders are back on a mission and the east coast factor is no longer even an advantage for us when they have extreme momentum and extra rest going in their favor


    Oh and did I mention they have hardly any injuries? Probably biggest advantage of all. Carr might still be "recovering" but he just threw for 400 including a game winning drive so he's fine

    Are you drunk?

  4. Maybe she didn't do anything wrong. That's why there has been no indictment. It was all politics. Trump admitted he was playing with you dolts


    Reversing this is the typical libtard way.


    That's why it will guarantee Trump being in office till 2024.


    No American worth their sole (and I mean people with no political affiliation like me) see through the Democratic obstructionist BS.

  5. That congresswoman has had it in for Trump since he announced he was running for President.


    You have to be a bleeping moron to believe anything this dingbat congresswoman says.


    And, of course, the MSM runs with it as it's another chance to crucify Trump.


    And people wonder why CNN continually gets crushed in the ratings.


    If CNN wasn't on in airports, who in their right minds would watch that drivel.


    Get rid of the PG era?


    Yep, that is the easy answer, but there is no WCW any more, so no matter what the ratings are I guess they don't feel the need to make the product edgier.


    They cater to 10 year olds cause there is no competition. But I bet you if some wrestling organization emerged as a threat, the way WCW was, I would bet that they would jump right into an edgier product.


    The other answer is to make John Cena a nasty heel, just like every other superstar in any other time frame. ALL SUPERSTARS go through multiple character makeovers. You give me the superstar and I will tell that he has went through multiple character makeovers. What makes John Cena so special that he can trot out the same boring character he has been for 15 years. One character makeover is all he had. He started out as a heel, then becoming a face. And to this day, the most boring face in the history of the company. STILL IS.


    You make your mark as a nasty heel in this business and it helps revive a stale product (Hogan NWO 96, for example).


    But since WWE faces ZERO competition, Cena will remain the very stale superstar he has been for 15 years. People will tell you the children and merchandising are the main reasons WWE will never turn Cena nasty heel. But it's BS, as the NEW heel Cena merchandise would go thru the roof.


    WWE needs a major shakeup that rocks the wrestling fans down to their foundation. As of now, their arrogance is going to kill them. They are covering up sections in arenas across the county for God's sake. What's that tell you?


    When I talk to wrestling fans though, they seem to think that women wrestling is the biggest bore in the world and during a 3 hour show, it's the best time to take a break and do something else. Very troubling.


    May I ask why you're trolling this thread? Every Yankees fan who's not a drooling moron knows what we're up against in Houston in games 6 and 7. We are aware that Verlander is dominant. What is your MLB team?

    I'm not a MLB fan any more. The 94 strike took care of that for me.


    I just live around people who hate the Yankees and younger arrogant Yankees fans. It's a war zone I'm around and I try to keep out. My neighbors are literally at war over baseball.

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