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Posts posted by njbuff

  1. I know a lot of teams have problems holding leads in the NHL this year, but that one hurts for you guys yesterday.


    Got a point out of it, but it provides no solace in the fact you had the champs beat and gave it away.


    But the larger point is, I have never seen so many leads blown in so many games this early in a hockey season. Not just a Sabres problem yesterday, but a problem for just about every team. No leads seem to be safe.

  2. Depending on who they like, they might not have to trade up at all.


    Peterman could be a massive failure and the Bills lose out. Or he could be the answer and the Bills can stay where they are in their draft position and take another young QB somewhere other than the first round.


    This thing gets interesting now as we see how it all plays out the rest of the season.

  3. You know folks, even if this move backfires badly........................


    I still LOVE the decision to bench Taylor.


    It has been painfully obvious to us Bills fans that Taylor is not the answer and they needed to move on from him.


    And if it works out, the Bills might not need to draft a QB next spring and just sign a vet QB to help Peterman.


    Either way, I love this decision and it is a win-win for the Bills and the fans.


    And even if Peterman fails miserably, I WILL NOT BASH McDermott or Beane in the least. And I won't backtrack one bit if this is a massive failure.


    Curious as to what you guys think.

  4. 11 minutes ago, unclepete said:

    Dumb decision. Give Tyrod until we’re eliminated. Allow us to draft our guy early. Not give us false hope with a mediocre back up. 


    The Bills were AWFUL the last two weeks and they needed to do a drastic move like this.


    No matter how it works out................. I love the decision and I won't bash McDermott even if Peterman fails.

  5. This is the ballziest move in team history AND I LOVE IT.


    No mater how this works out guys................. this organization needs to move on from Taylor.


    Painfully obvious Taylor is not an NFL and the Bills needed to move on from him, no matter what the option is behind Taylor.


    This team was THAT BAD the last two weeks and needed this DRASTIC change.

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  6. People are conveniently forgetting that Dareus contributed very little to the Bills on the filed and was a disaster off it.


    To blame this on the trade of Dareus is beyond stupid.


    The last two opponents figured out the Bills D and that is why they rushed for 500 freaking yards, not Dareus.


    Dareus was a disaster here and people seem to forget that when analyzing the last two games.

  7. They arent bouncing back. We have seen this garbage movie before and we know how it ends.


    They will be lucky to win one more meaningless game the rest of the season.


    Maybe split with Miami. Miami is as bad as Buffalo.


    No.chance they beat NE (twice), KC and LA is much better despite the records.


    The Colts fight really hard, so that game is a toss up.


    Forget the NO game (severely outclassed)......... getting utterly destroyed by the Jets proves how bad the Bills are and how far they will have to go talent-wise and scheme-wise.


    Let's face it, the Bills are the usual crapstain we see every year. Characters change, the result stays the same. 2017 is no different. The Chargers will take out their frustrations on a very bad Bills team.

  8. Have you seen them play the last two weeks?


    We as fans don't have to give up on the season, cause the team already has.


    They have brought back the Rex Ryan rush D and the don't EVER sniff the opposing QB.


    if that isn't a sign of a team that hasn't quit, I don't know what to tell you.


    And I know yardage isn't the most important factor in winning games, but it does establish a pattern of what kinda team they are. And the Bills have been outgained in EIGHT STRAIGHT GAMES...... and some games very badly. Let that sink in folks.

  9. We are all tired of seeing Taylor. We know how that movie ends. Unfortunately, the HC doesn't know this and gives Bills fans serious questions about the HC's ability to attain the "process".


    When you get destroyed the last two games like the Bills have............... that means there is a serious problem here and it starts with the QB position.


    It was Taylor's fault in NJ, but he certainly was a BIG part of the problem yesterday.


    A QB change can spark the entire team or officially end it. The Bills need to take that risk.

  10. The most hopeless 5-4 team ever.


    The fact the Bills are in a WC  spot as we speak means ABSOLUTELY nothing to me.


    The fact they are a 4 point dog to a 3-6 team playing in a building where they have no fans is all I need to know.


    Let's see........


    a QB who won't/can't throw.


    a team that has Mike Tolbert as its top back up RB.


    a team that employs Vlad and starts him, along with Mills.


    a team that has one of the most pathetic front seven's on D in team history.


    another coaching staff here that has NO GUTS.........,.....


    and we are supposed to be excited that the Bills are in playoff position?

  11. The Devils had a wild first two periods in Chicago on Sunday night as both teams combined to score 11 goals.


    And to the delight of many hockey fans across NA, the Devils played a little NZT and the Devils blanked the 3 time Cup Champs in the third period.


    Man, old habits die hard.


    And Kane's name is being thrown around a lot for all three local teams down here. The scuttlebutt is the Sabres want established young NHLer's and NOT prospects.


    The Sabres should hold out for a massive return on Kane. From the Devils end, Santini is one of the names the Sabres want, but the Devils want no part of dealing him, so the Devils will be a tough trade partner.


    This Kane thing for the Sabres is fascinating. I think you guys should keep him though.


    i wonder what the market could be for ROR?

  12. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    Watch that start to change now that they're winning. LA loves a winner.


    They have had winning teams before in LA, hence why the Rams and Raiders moved out in the first place.


    LA might love a winner, but it is not a football town and it has been proven over many years.

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