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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. The one who's ALWAYS full of bullSchiff?
  2. Do you say the same thing to the TDS sufferers who spew Trump BS every second, every minute, every hour, every day 365/24/7?
  3. Yeah, the DemonRats are SOOOOOOOO much better. Dude, give it up. BOTH PARTIES SUCK
  4. DemonRats are simply American hating azzholes that pander to minorities and transtesticles simply for their votes. And once these DemonRats get the votes from the galactically stupid, they do NOTHING for them. FACT
  5. As opposed to the nonstop bullSchiff posted by the braindead far left wing extremists on here.
  6. ^^^^^^^ Are you ret@rded?
  7. BillsSlime is a mentally ill TDS sufferer. FACT
  8. Like I said, the Bills toughest opponent is the Bills. But people want to use the injury excuse on D as the reason the Bills lost to them this year. I won’t use that excuse because even with a healthier D the two previous playoff matchups, the Quiefs lit the Bills up for a combined 80 points. The Bills are going to have railroad them in a playoff game to beat them. The Bills will NEVER beat the Chiefs in a close game when it truly matters.
  9. The Bills beat the Bills the last two times they met in the post season. The Chiefs didn't beat the Bills. If the Bills weren't so Billsy, they would have two SB's right now. The Bills have NO ONE to blame but themselves, the Chiefs don't beat themselves. That's the biggest hurdle the Bills have.
  10. I don’t know any reputable Bills fan has any interest in watching any of this garbage since the team we root for went up in flames three weeks ago.
  11. A blank piece of paper is better than Bi-dumb.
  12. I never said I supported Trump. We need candidates that are under 75 years old. I just think Demonrats are the most disgusting people around who have absolutely no clue about anything, except pronouns.
  13. You know the usual leftist idiots will spin this towards Trump.
  14. Remember time where Marrone thought he was too good for the Bills? That was awesome.
  15. In 2018, Allen pulled off the impossible as a rookie. He didn’t have a losing record in games he started and finished with one of the worst offensive rosters in history. A very solid feat for a supposedly “erratic” rookie QB.
  16. So, he’s finally moving on from music.
  17. Holy moly. Fake story after fake story after story after fake story. What’s next, Trump wipes his ass with 3 ply while the rest of his crew only used 2 ply??
  18. I don’t have to worry about it because it will never happen in my lifetime. Playoff failure after playoff failure attests to that.
  19. Problem is….. the toughest opponent for the Bills has been the BILLS. If you can’t stop beating yourself, you ain’t beating any quality team in the playoffs. Hence the CONTINUOUS playoff disappointments, WTH no end in sight. Josh being a one man gang won’t get it done.
  20. Yeah, Dumb and Dumber. But I’ll give it to you and I’ll agree that the Chia Pet is the dumbest box of rocks as a PS, which is also saying something, because Dana Perino didn’t exactly come off as being smart. If she has a significant other in her life, I feel truly sorry for that person.
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