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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. A tranny???????
  2. You and I see Canada as significant, but I am just telling you how the world views Canada. People know Mexico a lot more than Canada, maybe because Mexico is trying to swallow our country whole, while Canada does things by the book.
  3. I actually like Canada very much, but face facts................. Most of the world views Canada as insignificant and couldn't point you out on a map, so your smugness is laughable at best. And it's pretty obvious you know nothing about American politics. It's the Democrats that are ruining this country, not Trump. They are the ones who are unhinged over Trump, while REAL American citizens just go about their day and don't give two flying fvcks who the President is. I give you me as an example................... Trump being President or not has ZERO significance in my life as who is in the Oval Office isn't changing my life.
  4. Tony Podesta getting immunity for the same type of crimes Manafort is being isolated for should be frightening for EVERY American.
  5. Facts frighten desperate leftist morons............... and that's a fact ?
  6. This thing might get dragged out for a long time and by that time, McCoy might have been released by the Bills. So, who knows.
  7. Did you say that with you best Howard Cosell impression?
  8. So, Tony Podesta is going to get immunity if he testifies against Manafort. Ok, got it.
  9. People go watch the segment on the view with Whoopie Goldberg and Judge Jeanine Pirro......... and you tell that the left isn’t totally out of their freaking minds and wants to shut down all conversation. The Democrats are proving every day that mental illness is all they have to offer anyone.
  10. Dahlin could be Scott Stevens 2.0. If he is, then the Sabres have a major building chip right there. Now all the Sabres need to do if find Scott Niedermayer 2.0 and they will be set. ?
  11. Is there anything positive about the existence of Twitter?
  12. Or Trump showed him how he banged Stormy. ?
  13. The last two Democratic President got BJ's in the WH. Bill Clinton at least got his by a hot chic......... Obama's was by a man.
  14. I am surprised that no one has mentioned that nerd........ Eric Swallowell. He is the gift that keeps on giving to President Trump.
  15. I love how people act like they knew what was said between the two leaders behind closed doors. I forgot............. did the translators spill the beans? For all we know, they could have been enjoying Russian vodka (the translators and Putin, because Trump doesn't drink) or Trump could have had his hands around Putin's throat the whole time. WE DON'T KNOW.
  16. Will this entire anthem thing just please go the fvck away?
  17. Were Republicans as insane as the Dems are now when they were out of power? Serious question.
  18. We are all said when our beloved dogs die. Yet we keep repeating the cycle. When my two dachshunds die, me and my wife will be very sad, yet go out and get another dog or two. What does that say about us?
  19. I thought Philadelphia was in the market for another star to go along with Simmons and Embiid? I guess Fultz is completely healthy and that new shooting style has come to roost.
  20. I wonder if there are a significant number of the walkaways to make a difference in November?
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