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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. I fully got it. From where I am standing............... it's the right wing content that is being shut down by these platforms, not leftist content. You are right that they have the right to do whatever they please with their platforms, but they need to understand that there is half the country that are Republicans who use their platforms too. Hate speech is hate speech no matter who it is. If they shut down the right, they should shut down the left too. But I digress, I am not on any of these platforms anyways, so I really don't care, just pointing out the hypocrisy.
  2. Mueller's service to his country has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with what's going on right now. Wasting 25 million dollars of tax payers money is putting a stain on his legacy. It's just the facts.
  3. Then why aren't conspiracy theorists like The Young Turks being shut down, who are EQUALLY as bad as Alex Jones?
  4. Where does all this Mack talk stem from? Anything substantial?
  5. For a Canadian you sure know American politics.
  6. Peterman and McCarron are worse that Tyrod Taylor. It would be a major shock if Allen isn't the starter sooner rather than later.
  7. Your response might as well have been in Chinese, cause I have no idea what you said due to my political stupidity. ?
  8. Free speech isn't free speech if you don't spew the usual leftist drivel. I can't stand Alex Jones, but that doesn't mean he should be shut down. CNN is the worst, but that doesn't mean that their voices can't be heard. Get my drift? I don't know much about the mid terms because I ain't political, but even with the lefts ridiculous rhetoric and violence.................. they have a good shot at taking over the house and the senate. And if that happens, WATCH OUT.
  9. I don't know how the Bills would fit Mack under the cap for this season............... but I digress.
  10. What's wrong with him. How much worse can he be than Mothra? Or Biollante?
  11. Next we will have farm animals announcing NFL games................................ on the radio.
  12. Ok. let me rephrase. It doesn't have to be Tom Brady. Insert any QB's name in there and that is the equivalent of what Acosta went thru. And, of course he is loving it. It gives him a chance to go on one of CNN's terribly rated shows so he can spew his victimhood BS.
  13. There is no way in hell that Beane is going to involve Edmunds in a trade for Mack. Get over it. And if this actually happens.............. I will apologize directly to you. That's how confident I am that this will NEVER happen.
  14. Um, call me crazy, but................................. Wouldn't the Bills trade for Mack with the idea of pairing him up with Edmunds? Involving Edmunds in a trade for Mack defeats the very idea of acquiring Mack in the first place.
  15. I see the Creepy Porn Lawyer can't keep himself out of the news. I thought his 15 minutes of fame, with his BS, was up?
  16. DR, why are you arguing with these leftists? You know you can't debate them. They don't want debate. They just wanna crush people like you so your voice is never heard. It's really a lost cause. No matter what you bring to the table you are wrong and it's sickening. It is getting worse by the second. The left doesn't even care about trying to gain Trump supporters for future elections either. You know, the same ones they lost in the 2016 election. Again DR, you can't debate people who's main political stance is identity politics.
  17. I think Logan Thomas might finally be on the roster bubble. I am tired of hearing about his potential. He's 27 now. If he hasn't reached it by now, he never will. I am thinking the Bills might keep 4 TS's. Clay, O'Leary (as an H-back type too), Lee (very solid blocker) and Croom. That shirt was never happier.
  18. It would be a Godsend to this team if Croom is the real deal.
  19. I should pat myself on the back because I told you guys this was the player the Bills were going to get. Seriously though, Coleman has a BIG to jumpstart his career here. I’ll guess it was a 5th rounder.
  20. I have made the mistake by looking Rye up and what a total piece of garbage this woman is. Her hatred towards whites is disgusting at best. Fits right in at the Communist News Network though.
  21. Glenn was never there. Wood was in serious decline. But Vlad replacing Incognito is going to be HORRIBLE at best. We better pray that someone like Teller can win the LG spot, or even Gory because Vlad at LG is a disaster waiting to happen. The LG spot alone is why I hesitate to put Allen in. Vlad will most certainly get Allen killed.
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