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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. I'm sure there are people killing them in the Sound............. if there aren't sharks eating them.
  2. Hunting was BIG in her family and everyone in their circle did it......... except me. It's ok though............... married a great girl. ? Oyster Bay has a big deer problem. They can swim the Sound like MFers. No, my point was that I refused to go hunting.
  3. I understand your argument. In other words.............. if you wanna kill em, more power to you.............. I just won't I lost a great girl once because I REFUSED to go deer hunting with her father and I told him I would rather shoot you than the deer. That's how much I will avoid killing them.
  4. Gimmie a break. Trump's a lot of things, but colluding with Russia isn't one of them. Total BS. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. This whole thing was cooked up by the left because they can't handle the results of a Presidential election. AND STILL TO THIS DAY. Continue with your hateful rhetoric though. I hasn't gotten you anywhere and WILL NOT get you anywhere moving forward. Americans are tired of this Russian BS. And I ain't talking about the conservatives. I am talking about the every day independents who just go out and do their jobs and support their families. You know, the real Americans who count.......... not people on the right or people on the left. I am tired of the Trump haters on the left and the Trump ass kissers on the right. Is he wrong? No.
  5. I am not a member of PITA, but I have a soft spot for deers. They are the tortured species. We kill lots of them every day either by car or by gun and in the wild they are hunted by predators. I know it's a part of nature , but, nonetheless, I have a soft spot for deers.
  6. Honest question. I’m just curious because Democrats haven’t exactly done them folks well.
  7. Mark Levin crushes these MSM buffoons. It’s hilarious and SPOT ON.
  8. The deer picture aggravates the hell out of me.
  9. And this farce of an investigation continues on. And no one cares that the actual crimes were committed by the other side of the political isle.
  10. It would be SOOOOO Brownzie if Coleman got out from under that Cleveland dark cloud and became a very solid contributor for the Bills, while Cleveland continues to have troubles with Calllaway and Gordon.
  11. Millions????? Maybe left-leaning favorites do. Real Americans who want real news don't. She is one so-called reporter that people have told me about to NEVER take seriously. She's as rude and obnoxious as Acosta............. so there's that.
  12. No one takes Kaitlan Collins seriously. Anyone with a brain wouldn't. She is one of the biggest hack reporters out there and she is one of the swamp rats the President is referring to when he says "Fake News"
  13. Watch this interview and tell me what you think.
  14. Black Democrats will tell you otherwise. Hell, Democrats in general will ABSOLUTELY tell you otherwise.
  15. If it's all true and he is guilty............ throw the book at him. I don't know the full story................ so I say "allegedly"
  16. A politician that is corrupt........................... SHOCKING. ........... or allegedly corrupt.
  17. My bad....... I assumed he was ripping the entire WR core. My mistake.
  18. Destroyah was a massive monster, but a little disorganized. He went up against a dying Godzilla, so it wasn’t a fair match as a dying Godzilla would decimate the entire monster kingdom. A dying Godzilla’s power is virtually unmatched.
  19. If you draw a picture of puppet for the left.................... you would have John King.
  20. I guess Benjamin having 16 TD's almost 2,000 yards in his first two seasons amounts to nothing in your book. Battled injuries his in 2016 and 17. We'll see how he is this year. Coleman needed a change of scenery and he got it. We shall see here too.
  21. Hence why most teams had him off their draft boards. I don't blame the Browns for taking a chance on him though. We'll see what comes of this.
  22. Literally no one outside the political realm of the mentally ill left cares about a meeting in Trump Tower. Ask any non-liberal (even the ones that aren't far left could care less about the Trump Tower meeting) and they will tell you that the Trump Tower meeting is nowhere on their radar. The people of this country dislike the MSM for a reason............ and it's not because Trump said so, even though Trump only said "fake news" is the enemy of the people, not MSM. But these folks will spin anything Trumps says, so why bother.
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