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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. Who's making excuses?
  2. I don't have to remind anyone how this game went. But my question is................... Is this truly the day you started hating the Patriots or was it after Tom Brady became a Superstar? For me, it was this day in 1998.
  3. Lawrence Taylor is that you???? ?
  4. Never heard of Mark Levin up until about a few months ago, but he lays out this whole Russia thing, the Constitution and Trump's role in the Constitution perfectly.
  5. It's amazing how Strzok lasted this long. The swamp must be deeper than we thought.
  6. What exactly do you expect the Bills to get if they trade Peterman or McCarron? There is nothing wrong with carrying three QB's. All of which are on friendly salaries. And through most of camp, the one player that has hit the radar is Croom. Now, would it be a shock if he doesn't make the team?
  7. Show some balls and suspend them for the regular season opener.
  8. Trump has said that he would talk with these players and listen to their grievances. The NFL lost 10 % of their viewership over this. You would think that they would find another platform to do this. And there are plenty. We fans don’t want politics injected into our love of the NFL. The players need to understand this and just stand for two freaking minutes to honor a country that offers you the privilege of earing wonderful money. This needs to end.......... NOW.
  9. This just won’t go away. And it’s on the players, no one else. Try again OP. You would think these dopes in the NFL would have learned by now that you don’t give Trump any fodder on this issue.
  10. A Godzilla sighting would be more credible than Trump Russian collusion.
  11. The left has no interest in justice, just power. Covering for Hillary and the rest of the dirty players just doesn’t make sense to me. Hell, even Colin Kaepernick, YES COLIN KAEPERNICK, called out the Hillary back in the day. But Trump is the scumbag. Ok, got it.
  12. Its about time the President called it for what it is. Now it’s time for Sessions to awake from his slumber and do something about it. But, of course, the left will just spin this as another Trump “lie” and continue their major cover up by calling Trump out to divert from it.
  13. Forget the anthem protests, this will ruin the NFL. There will not be one single kid growing up who will wanna play D. And I bet you there will be a defensive player who will walk off the field in protest when he gets flagged for a clean tackle.
  14. I am not a big Holmes fan myself, but he plays specials so that gives him an edge.
  15. The Schiff audio of him trying to get naked pictures of Trump tells me everything I need to know about this Russian mess. Disgusting on so many levels, but I will mention one......................... Who the hell wants naked pictures of a 72 year old man? What is it, 25 million and counting with this ridiculous investigation. All Mueller has to do is look in the other direction and he will find the collusion he is looking for. But since he is working for the Democrats, he will NEVER look in their direction.
  16. Just like Da'Rick Rodgers.
  17. Be patient. Let him take all the snaps in the 4th pre-season game when you don't wanna play anyone who is significant on the roster.
  18. The watch will be on weekly with these young QB's. This week Allen would be number 3 of the five, then next week he will number 1 of the 5. Get my drift?
  19. By August 31st, he won't be.
  20. We all know/knew Trump was hardly perfect (and I didn't even vote for him), but the way the MSM and leftists are doubling and tripling down on their hate for Trump is downright deplorable. I don't understand this cover up for the REAL political criminals. Shouldn't we want justice, no matter side of the political isle you are on. And by all means, give me the political criminal conduct that Trump and the right have committed and I will be the first to say throw them in jail. It's just a mess. It really is.
  21. I would just assume to wait till he becomes a FA in 2019 and the only cost will be money (which the Bills will have plenty of), instead of giving up players and draft picks for him. I would be the most shocked man in the universe if he re-signed with the Raiders.
  22. I love how everyone says that Trump lies on a consistent basis when, in fact, the MSM (and leftists) lie more than a Vietnamese hooker. Even FOX, who is supposed to be up Trump's ass has had 52% negative coverage towards Trump. The Fake News is INDEED the enemy of the people.
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