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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. Hopeful optimism. I wanna believe that that triplet is the end to the Bills problems, but let's just wait and see. I once thought that JP Losman was promising. How stupid was I?
  2. I am just thinking of beating the Ravens in week one. Is that big thinking?
  3. Think about it.
  4. The constant meltdowns are funny and sad all at the same time by these MSM morons who offer nothing but Trump hate. Like I have said a thousand times, there actions are virtually guaranteeing a Trump re-election in 2020 and they will have no one to blame but themselves.
  5. It all just gets old, doesn't it?
  6. As an UDFA you have to lay it all on the line to even be considered for making the final 53. And Foster not laying it out on that Allen deep ball (the one in bounds, LOL) is a severe black eye on him to the coaching staff. He had better go thru a brick wall the next two games for McDermott to think about keeping him as the number 6 WR. To say he is on very thin ice is big understatement. Unless something changes drastically, Foster will be one of the very first cuts.
  7. Who's next on the hit parade to make unsubstantiated claims about Trump? Does it get old yet, or do you want to do this for 6+ more years? I think the next one is Joy Behar, who will tell us all that Trump tried to violate her back in 1973.
  8. When I look at political commentary, I just sit back and watch the pundits talk, without emotion whatsoever. But, this Rye POS does not deserve a platform whatsoever. She should be in a mental hospital, and I am not even joking. The way she acts is how mental patients act. Rye is one of the big reasons that CNN is crucified in being called fake news. I know everyone deserves to be heard, but this Rye character is the very definition of a hateful beeotch. I really don't watch the because Juan Williams doesn't deserve to be seen by me or heard by me, but Gutfeld is actually pretty funny. I would watch though if Katie Pavlich was on. All I can say about her is..............................MW (Major W......, oh you get it).
  9. This game is probably the most mad I ever got watching a Bills game till this day. It cost the Bills a home game against Miami in the playoffs where there would be no doubt the 98 Bills would have moved on to Denver. Even though the Bills still should have won that game down in Miami too.
  10. I have no idea how the 2018 Bills will do, none of us anywhere have any idea, but for the first time in ages, this organization has direction. There is no denying that. Remains to be seen where it all goes.
  11. Do you seeing Zay holding on to Allen's Roger Clemens like fastballs?
  12. EJ Manuel was shaky at FSU with NFL talent all around him When he graduates, the VERY next season FSU dominates the college football world with a RS Freshman QB (Winston) and wins the Championship. I KNEW Manuel sucked all along, but I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, while other posters on BBMB were a 1000% correct when said he was trash from the start. Allen didn't even have college level talent around him at Wyoming, never mind NFL talent. Allen was the definition of a one man gang at Wyoming, and still had a winning record. There is literally no comparison between Manuel and Allen. That's the point.
  13. Actually, I shouldn't talk............ I am a one-eyed cyclops and shouldn't be making fun of anyone.
  14. Fine, you won't see or hear another peep about sexuality any more. I know a lot of gay people who are good people and I will leave it alone.
  15. Ok, guys like Lemon are bad people because they are dishonest "so-called" journalists and sexual orientation has nothing to do with it. Is that more politically correct for you? I will leave the gay bashing out of it.
  16. I get it. Gays are human too. But tell them the President is human too.
  17. My God, this is what I mean. If you can't take criticism, then one shouldn't criticize. For the 37th time............................... the gay community hates Trump more than anyone and THEY will get called out on it.
  18. I did in another thread. Simply put, the gay community hates Trump about as much or more so than any other group of people. An individual can be gay all they want, but they continue their blind hate for Trump, so they will get called out individually and deservedly so. You want me to leave their sexuality out of it............ fine. But if the people in the gay community are going to call the President all sorts of names, people will fire back on them. If they (and you) can't take the criticism of folks fighting back, then they shouldn't say anything in the first place. Just look at all the names Don Lemon has called Trump the last two years for example. And you don't expect any push back?
  19. I said this in another thread. You do realize the gay community hates Trump more than anyone, right?
  20. if it's not relevant, you haven't been paying attention.
  21. I forgot, Trump is going to prison according to your brain: Silly me.
  22. I could care less, I just point out the facts.
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