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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. DR, he’s just another moron who calls Trump a racist with ZERO evidence to back it up. It’s very tiresome and debates are OVER once racism comes up. I say if you think Trump supporters (or half the country for that matter), leave the country and go to a country that’s not racist. Facts aren’t these bozos friend.
  2. At this rate that's what it will go up to as they continue to investigate Trump-Russia collusion in 2049.
  3. What's the financial burden up to now that we have been paying for this farce?
  4. He will be found dead somewhere sooner rather than later. The guy is just a complete mental midget.
  5. The NFL loves to destroy itself, doesn't it? If these calls continue in the regular season, this will kill the sport. So many people will not be watching the NFL. The NFL trying to be politically correct will be its downfall. Like I have stated before.......... if you are a 15 year old kid in high school............ Do you wanna be a defensive player in football. You will get flagged just for breathing on constant basis. If these product-killing dopes refuse to understand that the human body doesn't move in a straight line during plays in an NFL game................ the will never get it. I am already aggravated big time by this rule and if these calls continue to happen, I will not watch. I don't ever say I am not going to watch, but this thing is just plain bad This is a real drag-me-down when it comes to being amped for the regular season to start.
  6. Sorry, I forgot that ALL Trump supporters are racist. How could I forget with the MSM reminding me every day. Is that all you people have is calling Trump supporters racist? People who support Trump are numb to this by now and people like me who hold no political affliction are tired of the left's racial rhetoric. Even still, this might not be enough to keep the Dems from taking over the house in November. Sadly.
  7. Here's is to hoping that this shows up at the next liberal protest to disrupt things.......... There would be nothing funnier than to see a bunch of SJW's scattering like crazy. I wouldn't want KG to kill anyone, I just want to see them scatter like the morons they are.
  8. The Bills could use a stud like Mack (who couldn't) in their front 7, but do they even have the money THIS YEAR to fit him in financially, never mind trading the capitol to get him here.
  9. The Clinton's theme song................... Just ask Seth Rich.
  10. If Trump lies 4,426 times..................... then the left must lie 15,889 times.
  11. Forgive my ignorance.............. I have no idea what the OP is saying.
  12. The Bills play the Browns next season and I think to a man that they are tired of Landry's antics and someone will MOST DEFINITELY cheap shot him next season.
  13. One of the more punchable faces on TV and I bet there is a long line of people who would love to punch this lying little Constanza weasel right in his face. His voice alone is like fingernails on a chalkboard. A female on FOX, I think her name is Jessica Tarrif (or some ****), is just as annoying with her voice.
  14. This is what the preseason is for. For guys like Fede trying to keep their careers alive and earn a roster spot on an NFL team Does Fede make the Bills 53 man roster?
  15. Oh those ICE agents. How horrible of them to protect America and go after a suspected murderer. It's awful isn't it? CNN KNOWS they are a joke and at this point they don't even care. I wonder in the next 6+ years with the ongoing war with Trump, will CNN even be on the air as their ratings continue to plummet.
  16. I wonder if Linda Sarsour ever got laid? I think she would be much happier if she did.
  17. The way the left gives these people a pass is beyond disgusting. They will NOT let these people go down and will protect them with their dying breaths, starting with all the dishonest jerk offs in MSM. The money Stzok has raised with his GoFundMe and the way they are touting Brennan and Ohr as national heroes is very very disturbing. No interest in justice, just protecting their own. There are a lot more players playing this game who are on the left than there are on the right. MAJOR PROBLEM.
  18. Vlad at LG could be a season killer. If there ever was a position that is an emergency for the Buffalo Bills.............. it's LG.
  19. Maybe I worded it wrong, but point is Riddick is jumping the gun a little. We have a tendency to make players great before they actually accomplish it.
  20. Losing players in the pre-season is one of the dark matters of the NFL, but this has been happening since the beginning of time. And in today's Information Age, it's just more scrutinized. By the way, I think the said KW was a minor injury. Don't know for sure, but that's what I read.
  21. I am not slamming Garoppolo, but the pressure was off when he came in last year. Let's see how he performs now that he is under the gun as the sure fire number one starter. I don't doubt his ability, but he still has to prove it.
  22. The Niners stole a HOF QB from a bad football organization back in the day when they traded for Steve Young. To say that the Garoppolo trade is on that level when he hasn't even played a full season yet is foolhardy. Cart before the horse syndrome.
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