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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. I guess one of my criticisms of this regime is how they have handled the OL. I don't understand why this C position is a battle, Groy earned a chance to start when Wood went down a couple of years ago and Groy filled in admirably. Bodine isn't that good of C. I don't understand the fight, but what do I know.
  2. Raiders have very little leverage in this. The longer Mack doesn't show up, the more the Raiders will get pennies on the dollar for Mack. The Bills don't have to rush into this thing and give up the bank for Mack. I bet a team can wait till the deadline and give up, maybe, a third round pick for him. The Raiders at the deadline know that Mack isn't re-signing there, so the Raiders have nothing. Unless the value is a third round pick right now, the Bills can wait this thing out. I don't think there is a team foolish enough to give up anything of significance knowing they can pursue Mack as a FA in 2019.
  3. Chris Cuomo is EXACTLY like his brother, a dishonest prick. I saw that interview with Conway and that was the most biased unprofessional interview I eve saw and this Cuomo character has the BALLS to say he is impartial. Again, it was the most unprofessional interview I ever saw. I don't give a FF who Conway works for, you bring a guest on your show and you treat them WITH RESPECT. Case closed. You can ask the tough questions without the "gotcha" intent and not CONSTANTLY talk over your guest like you are some beacon of integrity when the host is the SWAMPIEST of the swamp rats. Fact.
  4. Is this going to be the steamy subject now?
  5. We are going to learn that Jeff Sessions has been paid a lot of money by the Dems to NOT do anything about the REAL crimes on the other side. It's the only explanation as to why Sessions remains in a slumber.
  6. I am confused. Have they played a real game yet to actually lay the groundwork to see where they are defensively?
  7. The “Trump fans” as you call them aren’t as obsessed as morons like you with Trump hate. The Trump supporters will get up go to work every day now because Trump gave them jobs back. They don’t care about the political BS, just getting food on the table. Please go away.
  8. Can Peterman make NFL throws other than with anticipation and rhythm?
  9. I remember in 86 when they wanted to start Frank Reich in the opener ahead of Jim Kelly. How much of a mistake would that have been
  10. Do you take any meds for your TDS? If you don't, you should. It may help.
  11. How about we have illegal immigrants go and murder family members of these disgusting MSM scumbags and let's how they feel.
  12. Can we Bills actually handle it if Allen is indeed the franchise QB? A lot of Bills fans have no idea what a franchise QB looks like for their own team. There are those of us who were old enough to remember how good it was that from 86-86, we didn't have to worry about the QB position. And that is big plus when trying to build a team. Even though there was major controversy in 96 that Kelly was done that year. Can you handle a franchise QB? ?
  13. Here's the deal. I have no dog in this fight, so I will say this........... If you wanna go after Trump's employees....... FINE. If you wanna go after Trump for his infidelities and make them impeachable offenses............... FINE. My question would be and has always been............... Where is the equal justice under the law? I don't give a FF what side of the political isle you are on............... We should all want equal justice and not just protect the offenders on the left. And there are OBVIOUS crimes on the left too and you if you deny that, you are a delusional moron that has ZERO interest in an equal justice system. It's just bring down Trump at any cost and don't pay attention to the crimes on the left's side. Bring all the criminals down................ ON ALL SIDES.
  14. You get mad when people bash Michelle Obama, but you turn around and call Ivanka a whore. Can't make this up.
  15. This just proves I have no life whatsoever as I can read thoroughly through threads. LOL. The wife ignores me on every level, so I truly have nothing better to do when I am not working.
  16. Trump has to answer to his wife about this.......... or wives from his past. Millions of people are adulterers and those are the ones who are taking the moral high ground while going against this President. It's a mess and I really don't have an answer for you.
  17. A lot of people I have talked to say that this will be the Golden Goose that will bring Trump down. I have heard this for two years. I just keep my mouth shut. It is pretty pointless. Haters are always going to hate. Nothing I say won't change anyone's mind, so it is best for me to just keep my mouth shut.
  18. Trump's base knew all this about him.................... and they still voted for him anyways. All this is really no news, but I will keep out of it as people are losing their minds over this.............. on both sides.
  19. A beautiful girl lost her life to someone who wasn't even supposed to be here. Yeah, I know, an American citizen easily could have done this too, but to make this beautiful girl's loss of life political is shameful. But, it's all predictable. The father's heartache........... I can't even imagine. And the heartache for other folks who loved this girl. too.
  20. I get that Manafort was a bad dude with money and deserves what’s coming to him, but doesn’t this finally debunk the Trunp-Russia thing. Going 8-18 isn’t exactly a sterling batting average.
  21. I wonder if they are going to play the “Na Na Na Na......... Na Na Na Na......... Hey Hey Goodbye” song for Manafort on the 29th. What’s he getting 100 years?
  22. Three Trump's in the WH would put the entire Democratic Party in a mental hospital.
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