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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. I will tell you one QB who has fallen off the map................ Derek Carr.
  2. Cousins is WAY OFF right now.
  3. Is it me or do the Bills always seem to play the slowest moving games?
  4. Guys, it's WAY early. Still over 3 quarters to go. I will temper my enthusiasm.
  5. Well, I hope the Bills destroy everyone's survivor pool today.
  6. If there is a Bills fan who saw this coming................. congratulations, because you are the only one that did. Way early though
  7. Yes. One of the biggest wastes in Bills history.
  8. Benjamin is so worthless.
  9. The offensive line continues to be well............... offensive.
  10. McClappy is so aggravating it isn't even funny. Does he have to clap EVERY freaking time?
  11. I'm tired of the double standard of the Democrats when it comes to sexual harassment. This is all about derailing Kavanaugh's confirmation. That's it, that's all that it's about. Keith Ellison walking free when there is a mountain of evidence against him is a total f-ing disgrace, Yet they want to attack Kavanaugh over a 75 million year old accusation against him. What a joke.
  12. This probe is the biggest fraud in American history. Fact.
  13. This story is beyond messed up. All while Keith Ellison goes untouched with actual evidence against him.
  14. CNN's obsession with Trump and his sex life is truly things that retardation is made up of. It's no wonder their ratings are falling fast.
  15. They say Godzilla vs. King Ghidora in this movie is going to be epic.
  16. Juanita Broaddrick is blasting Killary.
  17. And yet a dirtbag like Keith Ellison gets to skate from his bill.
  18. Tell that to the 3,000 people who died there.
  19. A lot of people I know still think 9/11 was an inside job. Crazy.
  20. MSPMSNBC doesn't seem to be losing ratings, by the minute, like CNN, for whatever reason.
  21. I hope the President is right when he says the Communist News Network will be out of business. Oh what a glorious day that will be.
  22. Don’t forget......... The OL was a big problem with Glenn, Wood And Incognito. ignoring (or unable to do anything) the OL, basically because of cap issues, has killed this season.
  23. The dishonest Democrats wanna dismiss Keith Ellison’s accuser, but wanna hold Kavanaugh’s feet to the fire over something that did or didn’t happen 750 million years ago. Hypocrise sure is a tremendous thing in the anti-American Democratic world.
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