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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. Yeah he did. She even said so. Get with the program, Nancy,
  2. And Bi-dumb raped his daughter. When someone talks about Trump, you dumb ret@rded leftists ALWAYS revert to…………. TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP. This tactic is older than the crust on Bi-dumb’s underwear.
  3. You don't know sh!t about me or anyone else on here, sissy.
  4. Slime now claims to know everything about you politically? The garbage never ends with that clown.
  5. Don't ask questions you already know the answer to.
  6. I was responding to Doc with tongue firmly planted in cheek. But I think you already knew that.
  7. You believe what you want, Sparky.
  8. January 6th is simply total bvllshit. Sure there were mor0ns that went inside the capitol that had no business being inside there. There could NEVER be an insurrection when nary a gun was found. And why wasn't there a LARGE police presence when we all KNEW FULL WELL that people were going to march to the capitol? Only whiny crybabies, who hate Trump and his supporters, complain about J6. Everyone else has more important issues in their lives, like how to put fvckin food on the table.
  9. Slime hates America too, so why bother.
  10. Well, Bi-dumb hasn't dropped dead yet. That is MAJOR accomplishment in itself.
  11. That's because it was the most secure election EVER, with no interference from ANYONE. Shut your mouth and accept reality. 🤣
  12. Problem is, is that there are a lot more than one crap poster.
  13. The Bills are fine and I, for one, am very happy that the spotlight won't be ANYWHERE near them as they start the season. As long as the Bills have Josh Allen, they will ALWAYS be in the SB mix. The defense needs to come through (which includes the coaching staff) and Allen's weapons need to hold to the ball to win a championship. Period. End of story.
  14. He's right, but, OF COURSE, the haters will be like.......... "RACIST, NAZI" 🤣
  15. We have major problems here at home and that should be taken care of FIRST before anything else. No one forced those illegal immigrants to come here and break our laws by not coming here LEGALLY. It's NOT OUR PROBLEM that they are in poverty and danger in their own countries. Because they are breaking our laws, THEY DON'T BELONG HERE. Period. End of story. Why doesn't every other country on earth vet foreigners, but it's ok for us to allow millions of illegal immigrants to flood our country? They are more than welcome here if they come here LEGALLY. What the fvck do you dumb sh!t pandering ret@rded leftists NOT UNDERSTAND about LEGAL immigration.
  16. Just starting to enter his prime.
  17. Maybe not start, but I'm sure the staff is hoping for meaningful contributions by 4-6 of these rookies.
  18. If number 2 isn't as confusing as all holy hell, then nothing is. 🤣
  19. Don’t forget racist and sexist as well. Or any other ist or ism you can think of. As Irv would say…… What a mess.
  20. Don’t forget Martin Nance.
  21. Make sure the questions regarding the Bills are easy. Don’t forget, Slime has a smooth brain.
  22. That speech should tell you everything you need to know about Bi-dumb. What an utter POS and it just goes to show how racist this man is by CONTINUING to keep black people down. Obama's third term might be the most divisive one yet.
  23. You are so lost it isn't even funny. You actually think people are upset over a message board? Get a life.
  24. No, I haven't been on the other board in a LONG TIME and I actually work for a living. There are these things called cell phones and you can use the internet on these things called cell phones, meaning we all can pop in and out of here any time we want as it doesn't take much. Difference is, we have lives and you don't as you post utter bvllshit day in and day out.
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