Anyone with a brain in their heads has enough common sense to know that us humans have ZERO affect on Mother Nature whatsoever.
Since the beginning of time, Mother Nature does what she wants when she wants. Pretty simple. Case closed.
Maybe she was only joking. I don't know the full context of the video.
But, even as a joke, whitey can't joke about making a series out of single motherhood, watermelon and fried chicken, or that will be deemed racist. 🤣
Keep up the good work.
I wish I was stupid so I wouldn't able to read the utter bv.llshit that you and the other sh!!tlibs on here post nonstop day in and day out.
Health, a defense that can make a stop and someone that can make a clutch catch.
It all sounds so simple, but has yet to be done against the Chiefs.
If the Bills keep kicking the can, they will eventually beat the Chiefs.