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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. Good for the Rangers. Why should they kowtow to f@g month?
  2. Joan Jett is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous in this video, but she's no Bon Scott, but that's ok. Well done nonetheless.
  3. Oh, like you do every time you wake up in the morning.
  4. I’m sure Bash and Tapper will be fair. Their history says they are fair to both sides. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  5. I’m getting Vito flashbacks looking at these f@gs.
  6. Hey OP, are you b!tching to China and/or India about the carbon problem?? If you are only crying to us about this, you seriously need to STFU and stop moaning about it. Humans have NO IMPACT on climate change whatsoever. Grow up already. We have been hearing about this nonsense for 60 years. Yeah, there is climate change. It’s called the four seasons.
  7. Safety can be a sketchy issue. I am surprised that the Bills aren’t linked to Simmons or someone of that ilk. We shall see.
  8. Don’t hold your breath.
  9. As long as woke simpleton Turdeau is running Canuckland, you will be welcomed with open arms.
  10. If Trump wins in November, OP, will you leave the country? Because b!!tching, moaning and crying about Trump just might lead to you having a heart attack and taking that dirt nap.
  11. He’ll just pee and poop in his pants and kick it out while he’s mumbling and stumbling.
  12. I wonder how much Red Bull they’ll pump into the system of that scumbag Bi-dumb at the debate?
  13. It's weird how Noem gets attacked for killing a dog, and rightfully so, if you agree with it or not, but......... this dirtbag Ouchi kills MILLIONS of beagles and NO ONE says a word. Amazing.
  14. Fudge Packers over current and retired military personnel. Yep, makes sense. 😡
  15. It’s not pretty when this potato goes off script. To steal a line from Irv…… What a mess.
  16. Half the NFL is backing it, but I can GUARANTEE you that MOST of the PLAYERS on these teams secretly DO NOT go along with it. They deal with it publicly, but talk to them behind "closed doors" and they will tell you differently as most players who play sports DON'T like their manhood challenged.
  17. It replaces “Russian disinformation”
  18. This Hochul beeotch is DEFINITELY in the running for “Dumbest politician alive”
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