You people are the biggest f-n idiots continuing to barf out that Trump is a Russian agent.
You have to be a bot or a complete ret@rd, because you are out of your ever loving mind. FACT.
Judge Dingleberry knows that if he puts Trump in jail he is basically guaranteeing Trump the election.
The judge is a Demonrat simp, but he’s not stupid.
To be honest, I NEVER wanna see the blue over blue, white over white or all red uniforms ever again.
It should always be white over blue and blue over white.
Yeah, basically with a gun to his head.
Biden DID NOT want to leave the ticket. You know it, I know it and the world knows it.
So spare us with Biden did the “honorable” thing.
You're disregarding all the other garbage in the bill and this is SOLELY on the Democrats that we are being overrun by UNWANTED illegal immigrants.
Don't pin this on Republicans because you hate them. They are not the ones who opened up the floodgates on the southern border.
Stop being disingenuous for once.