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Everything posted by BillsMedia

  1. EJ "tank" Gaines is the perfect corner for this year, the worse the better.
  2. There is no question, its a tank job.
  3. I agree i'm not going to root for anyone to be injured, however, i'm also not going to complain when we play a lesser off Dolphins teams.
  4. My friend was at Phins practice as a media member, said it was not good at all. Said it immediately on the surface looks the same as when somebody tears an ACL in their knee, where the player looks like he knows its bad. The silence throughout the facility at that moment was incredible, everybody seems like they think the same thing: It's bad.
  5. So many old people complaining in here, love it. Welcome to 2017 and the era of social media.
  6. Per Josina Anderson: "I'm told WR Jeremy Maclin's decision actually came down b/w the #Ravens and the #Eagles, not the #Bills. Baltimore won." Bills we're never in the running for Maclin, embarrassing.
  7. Decker would not come to Buffalo, end of discussion. The tank is in full effect now. Also, per Josina Anderson: "I'm trying told WR Jeremy Maclin's decision actually came down b/w the #Ravens and the #Eagles, not the #Bills. Baltimore won." Bills were never in any sort of discussions. Interesting.
  8. The UB running back has a 0% chance of making the roster. The only answer here is the Punter from Idaho who hit a 67 yard FG in HS. If he doesn't make the team, we are in big trouble on ST this year.
  9. This always will be a discussion, and it will never be allowed. Very simple reason, big pharm. If you don't know by now, they pay an awfully a lot of money to be provider for NFL drugs such as painkillers. Would be a huge loss of revenue for the NFL, therefore, it would never happen. My opinion: Having been friends with NFL players, everybody smokes anyway. You have to get caught about 10+ times with failed tests before you are even under any trouble with the NFL. However, if you publicly support it then you're taking the big pharm dollars away which is a bigger source of income than one thinks. As more former players are coming out about pain killer abuse, the better chance the NFL can be progressive towards the use of Medical Marijuana.
  10. Link to article: http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/page/Barnwell2017GradesAFCEast/bill-barnwell-2017-nfl-offseason-report-card-free-agency-draft-afc-east-buffalo-bills-miami-dolphins-new-england-patriots-new-york-jets Sparknotes Version: Bills - B Dolphins - D+ Patriots - B Jets - C+
  11. I hope you know he has to say this kind of stuff, i'm sure its already been said im not reading 18 pages but Tyrod is locked in as the starting QB, fact.
  12. This analysis is completely wrong.
  13. Nope, he will be. No competition, HC just has to say it like they do every year!
  14. Trolling Tyrod is getting old, just support the guy because he WILL be the QB this year. Or complain until 2018. Either one.
  15. McDermott finally ends the Tyrod talk now that Whaley is gone. Tyrod could be here for many many years to come now, LOVE IT! Whaley wanted Tyrod out and McDermott absolute wanted him as the QB of his team. This season is starting to get some pull, love what the new coaching staff is doing!
  16. "By one trade value chart, Chiefs paid the Bills as if they had the No. 1 pick. "Enormous haul," says @billbarnwell." Nuff Said.
  17. Every other post is you, man. Take a break and breathe. Allow for other input rather than dispute every last post. Relax.
  18. Grammar is hard.
  19. He is THE guy imo. Everybody else racing for 2nd including Sammy Darnold. Allen is the real deal I've done hours of tape on him. Known for being a leader on the field as well.
  20. Reminds me of Shane Cardon from ECU a couple years back.
  21. He's not an NFL QB. Practice Squad/CFL caliber at best, more along the lines of Arena Football.
  22. I truly believe this as well, because he understands the importance of winning. With winning, he will obtain greater value in future endeavors than accepting a contract that limits the teams ability to win and succeed. Nobody will be working harder towards that goal this year then Tyrod Taylor, first one in and last one out.
  23. He wants to win, and knows how close we are to doing so. No idea what story you're trying to make up here? Reaching like Jordan in Space Jam, terrible point.
  24. Game in Carolina this year should be fun as always. We have a huge following down here in Charlotte and ALWAYS show up to BofA stadium.
  25. Who knows, nobody does. EVERY POST IS SPECULATION, but on these message boards users claim them as facts. Nobody knows anything in regards to Tyrod Taylor, other than he is FORSURE going to be the 2017 Buffalo Bills starting QB. Stop reading into stuff and trying to develop a gameplan like you people are GM's. Watch the draft, watch the training camp, and watch the Bills games. Why are you trying to question every last thing about everything? The only fact we know, is Tyrod Taylor is a 2 time pro bowl QB and will be starting for the Bills this year. Lets discuss draft options instead of making up arguments that favor YOUR individual position. I try to sit back and follow the Bills but these posts but most users are undoubtedly biased and have a clear mission to bash Tyrod in every wy possible. Does he have weaknesses? Yes. Does he have strengths? Yes. Is he our STARTER? Yes. What is there to discuss?
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