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Everything posted by Gunsgoodtime

  1. I normally don't do this unless Bills are playing the team, but going to make a exception for this one. Heading over to Vikes message board for some pure gold now
  2. We had that hame won 3 different times, still lost. Most ridiculous loss of the year by far. Should have beat Mia as well, but we were in tough circumstances due to weather and a huge wave of injuries. Jets was the most legit loss we have imo. I thought the Jets had a pretty good strategy that game
  3. 1st quarter blowout so far. Love it!
  4. In a recent interview, Tyson said his mind set was to kill the other guy every fight. If you watch him, he won't lying. Go Bills https://www.foxnews.com/media/mike-tyson-tucker-carlson-fought-ring
  5. I usually watch it because I have no life. Watching it, it just further reminds me I have no life if im watching this garbage every year. Its just awful
  6. Hey eey easy yeah, let's go Buffalo? Times is hard, we putting 2 shows on at once with the asscipade Im coming back soft 😆
  7. I will believe it When I see it! Let's go Buffalo!
  8. I broke up with a girl because my cat did not like her.
  9. Wr, Oline, Wr Oline, S, then whatever next years draft. Enough with the uninspiring defensive high round draft picks. They might not have a job now if they didn't strike gold with Allen with the same draft, fa strategy they have used to this point
  10. He was a late 5th round draft pick, im not sure why anyone had high hopes for him. If McDermott goes into the next draft and uses most our capital on defense, and spends league leading type money on defense, I will hop aboard the train a few others are on now, his seat will be getting hot imo, because he puts so little emphasis on the offense. Did nothing to upgrade line this year, let Beasley go, let Sanders go, addresses with an uninspiring Crowder, 5th rd pick and boost McKenzie and Davis up the deptht chart, all being downgrades
  11. Sign me up for this. Jerry deserves to get a ring here
  12. We have enough money and draft capital on the defense to bring Jesus down from the heavens to play. Got 1 of the best qbs in the league and they refuse to use capital to protect him or give him weapons. Bumping Mckenzie up on the depth chart was just a kick in the nuts
  13. He ain't coming back for the money boys, he is coming back for the ring!
  14. Just saw the news, page 46 lol
  15. I guess our standard of success is different.
  16. These were my thoughts before the season started, no rose colored glasses. You have a right to your own opinion, as do I. Mine has not changed all year. I liked the players on offense better last year than I do this year. You say Gabe Davis passed Emmanuel Sanders, so who replaced Emmanuel Sanders? On the flip side I like this years defense players better than last year
  17. For me it started with Wide right. It only got worse after that. Im sure everyone has their own starting point though.
  18. Both imo. Take the best Wrs and OL early and often. Would be nice for a change after investing soo much money and draft capital on Defense.
  19. I considered it a downgrade before the season even started. Crowder was a downgrade to Beasley, Sanders was let go and McKenzie was upgraded on the depth chart, no Oline upgrades. It was a downgrade and its showing right in front of your eyes. Yet we drafted heavy on D and aded a high paid DE to our already highest paid DL and which also has enough draft pick capital invested in it to create a new football team
  20. I wish the MVP talk would stop, its Super Bowl or nothing. And yes, outside of Diggs our wrs stink. I felt a lot more confident in weather games with the early 90s Bills than I do with the current squad.
  21. One thing I felt differently about for the early 90s Bills vs current Bills. I loved to see the bad weather games, I felt like Buffalo had a real advantage in those game. With the current squad, I really worry more when they play bad weather games. Not that amounts to anything lol
  22. Well I wasted a lot of typing 🤣
  23. On the subject of CB, the one that came to mind was Tre White, and I was curious as to what others thought. I noticed him getting beat a lot yesterday, looked slower and did not look to be back to his previous version. Defense done a great job either way
  24. Could you imagine Bills fans if they were to sing T.O? Im not saying im for it, but I'm not saying I'm against it lol. T.O. back to Buffalo!
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