Could have fooled me, I live in the sticks of VA and there are Dallas fans everywhere! Like we live in Texas or something. When I drive at night I don't worry about hitting the overpopulated deer, I worry about hitting the overpopulated Cowboy fans! Listen, I'm not advocating for parents to raise their kids being a Bills fan, but geesh, raising a non Texan Cowboy fan is just bad parenting and should warrant an investigation from CPS! A very sad example just quick off the top of my head, a sad example, but I lost a close friend Friday, he was a Cowboy fan! Never been to Texas! My best friend who I lost 12 years ago...A Cowboy fan! Never been to Dallas! And before you tell me I need better friends, the whole town is like that! And to add a bit more sadness to the story, I'm only 43, they died at 43, and 33