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Everything posted by Gunsgoodtime

  1. To be fair, he did say he was going to "go off" tonight before the game
  2. God please don't let Diker the kicker end this game. It will go down as the Diker game
  3. Von Miller enters room
  4. Time to start chugging
  5. No reason we should be in this position right now with the current 2 teams playing right now
  6. Getting pretty close to "Prevent" defense time
  7. I don't why I ever thought I could make it through this sober
  8. Why they got to do me like this. It's Christmas for ***** sake
  9. I dread the day Taron is no longer here. He is such a solid player for the price tag. Don't think you will get better value at the position
  10. Oh boy, throwing interceptions with the lead. Please make it make sense
  11. I never could figure it out, to be fair I didn't know who he was, looked him up and was suprised they let him go for so little
  12. Good thing it's illegal to play without your helmet, If Eaton won't wearing a helmet im pretty sure he would take flight if he took off running
  13. For those at the game, great job representing. They are talking about how many Bills mafia is there on several occasions on tv
  14. Oh my God he caught it
  15. At least I know it's not just my phone now lol
  16. And yet again another nobody playing qb. I have no idea how the Bills lose games like these
  17. Didn't feel like drinking tonight, stomach upset. Just popped 3 tums and chased them down with beer
  18. Absolutely. He brings nothing to the table
  19. Be so glad when Harty is gone, what a terrible signing
  20. I have had a good day today, I dont have many. Please don't ruin it Bills
  21. That the most concerning part
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