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Everything posted by Gunsgoodtime

  1. I think Rivers is a good quarterback, but highly overrated. He has had the talent, and always comes up short. Nowhere near the level of top tier qbs
  2. It probably makes s difference, but has nothing to do with the overall asswhipping they are taking
  3. Spoiler Alert. It dont get any better
  4. I was thinking the same thing. We are watching them play a game we have not made it to in over 20 years
  5. 21-7? You still watching the 1st quarter?
  6. This movie has got so old. I feel like I'm in groundhog day watching football every year
  7. At what point do you stick someone on Eddleman, seriously
  8. I am, Patriots are winning
  9. This is my biggest fear, Brady retires and the Pat's still dominate
  10. I love the whole declining thing, yet they are likely headed to another AFC championship. Must be nice to be declining
  11. Was that Kelvin Benjamin dropping that ball?
  12. How many times are the Chargers going to let them dump off in the middle? And yup, there is the refs!
  13. Please for the love of God, break Satans curse today
  14. I agree, and not to derail but I thought the same with the Chiefs
  15. I hear that excuse a lot in here, but have yet to see any substantial evidence supporting this. I hope I am wrong here
  16. We may be getting too use to seeing Josh Allen bullets
  17. It has to be the worst job to have, that's an amazing amount of stress and pressure
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