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Everything posted by Gunsgoodtime

  1. So basically some of you should be watching on TV rather than being at the game, based on comments
  2. Just cut him already, time to move on.
  3. We won the game. We are not unbeatable
  4. Last I heard, at the end of game, is, Bills have the best record in the AFC
  5. 6-1. How about that? #1 in AFC. My, how the tides have turned.
  6. It was honestly the best, calmest gdt I have ever saw
  7. Is indeed. 32 here so you got me, im 42 now
  8. Said someone who just started watching Bills football
  9. He has made many, check the stats hater
  10. I despise post like this, fantasy has ruined the real fan experience. In no way should people be rooting for the other team to score, but welcome in fantasy ff
  11. Thats it, Allen has to go! Lol
  12. Nobody is perfect. We are just fine.
  13. Can a mod or anyone respond to me on why I have to relog in every 10 mins or so although I never log out? Thanks
  14. No more JA17 runs please. Thank you.
  15. I just looked him in the eyes. He is going to be our Saviour.
  16. Hopefully they adjust fast, without overadjusting
  17. Guys that hit him so fast in the head he didn't even know it hit him lol. That should not have need a interception
  18. Talking to the coach while his qb is going down lol
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