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Posts posted by HoofHearted

  1. 11 hours ago, ArtVandalay said:

    I'm not at all, sorry but go back listen to Josh and watch the play. 


    Josh isn't going to come out and throw Gabe blatantly under the bus and say he ran the wrong route, which seems what you want him to do to admit that. 


    You even say yourself Peterson has outside leverage, which perfectly sets up Gabe to settle middle of the field vacated by the saftey. 


    They didn't run double post, again your not listening to what he said or watching the play. He said double post-ish type concept,  it was an over route and post route, Morris on the over, Gabe on the post.


    Saftey has the deep ball covered,  Josh says it, he knows he does, he took the over route (Morris) and says he was in position to stop if he threw it over the top (come off the over route to Gabes post), he's not trying to go up top to Gabe.


    That's why he tips his hat to Peterson for reading the coverage as a savy vet knowing saftey had it covered over the top, and stayed undernearth.


    When the saftey took the over and vacated the field Gabe was supposed to dig and settle underneath -- to EXACTLY where the ball was thrown. 


    Are you really claiming Josh missed a throw by 10 yards when he was fully behind it? Come on that's silly.


    Gabe did the a similar thing last week running the wrong route vs the Jets and gave Sauce a free pick. 5 of Allens INTs have gone Gabes way it's been an issue all year. 




    You can disagree all you want, but I'm telling you what happened. Gabe settling where Josh threw it makes no sense based on the coverage they got. It's MAN TO MAN after 8 yards with a corner outside leverage! So why tf would Gabe settle and let the corner play catch-up instead of continuing to run AWAY from the corner on the post. C'mon man it's not that hard. Nothing is ever Allen's fault around here lol.



    Same concept here - Double Post - Coverage is 0 so the throw goes to #2 as the receiver presses his toes and crosses face but watch the throw - low and outside when Allen is trying drive the throw. 


    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, ArtVandalay said:

    No, that's what he said, go back and listen, he said Smith took the over and was in position for the throw over the top.


    Gabe supposed to read the saftey and adjust, this is how our EP offense works with receivers reading coverage and adjusting routes. Smith chose to cover deep, Gabe needs to settle. Allen the tipped his hat to Peterson saying he's a savvy vet good play aka he read the coverage and the play and stayed under neath instead of following Gabe because he had Smith over him. 

    You completely misinterpreted what Allen said. Bills ran Double Posts vs Quarters which should be a quarters beater since the Safety will go with the Post by #2 and the corner is then responsible for #1 man to man. They got the exact look they wanted from the defense for the called concept. Gabe should win on the Post every time because the corner is playing outside leverage on #1 in quarters so as soon as you take away the Safety there is no longer help inside. Smith was not over Gabe - Josh said he felt that he WAS in a position to make a play if he threw the post ball over the top to Gabe and so he tried forced it (I believe he used the word “drive”) into the window but threw it behind.


    Based on the concept and the coverage there should have been no route conversions. Go listen to it again.


    EDIT: I think you got hung up on “took the over” - the “over” being referenced is the Post being run by, I believe, Morris. Smith isn’t “covering deep” he’s playing the Post by #2

  3. 5 hours ago, BullBuchanan said:

    It's both a bad throw and a bad decision. Josh is trowing directly into the strength of what appears to be Cover 4. Could he make it? Sure, but this is a game about percentages and this defense is designed specifically to make this a low percentage throw. Against lesser QBs it would be practically impossible, but because Josh is Josh he says ***** you and throws it anyway. This time even he's not good enough to beat the stacked odds against him.

    Cover 4 opens up the underneath routes which he had in a wide open Singletary.

    This is not new behavior from Josh. He's done it his whole career and I posted a video from Brett Kollman about how the Dolphins figured him our last year, but just didn't have the talent to beat him. Now they do and apparently a lot of the league has the same playbook. If Josh doesn't adapt, this will keep happening. He can't fix it with better throws. He has to put his ego aside and take what the defense gives. It's then up to Dorsey to figure out ways to get Josh what he wants by countering the defense.


    Double Post is a Quarters beater. They had the perfect concept dialed up for the coverage they got. Josh just threw a dud.

  4. 43 minutes ago, CoudyBills said:

    Receivers make adjustments on routes all the time that may or may not be exactly what is called.  It only works if the qb knows its coming based on both players reading the same thing.  


    Sure, choice routes. Read one defender and the route adjusts based on what they do. There's nothing on the double post that would adjust that route. Choice routes are designed to take advantage of leverages and cushions and put you in the best possible position based on what the defense is doing. Vikings were playing split coverage - Quarters to the boundary and Two to the field. Safety going with the Post by #2 clears the window for the Post by #1 behind it with the corner playing outside leverage. There is nothing that should change Davis from running his Post there.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  5. 2 hours ago, mrags said:

    Yeah? Well they did it on Sunday and Singletary was stuck behind the LOS at least once. But that’s besides the point, the point is Singletary is just not good, doesn’t make people miss, and doesn’t have what it takes to be an effective RB in this team, with this OL. 

    Yeah, he looks horrible here. I assume you think this is "shotgun draw" as well?

  6. 22 minutes ago, Beck Water said:

    FWIW Dorsey comments "we hit some draws on them" in the long drive (in response to a question about run/pass balance ending in 4th and 2)

    About 1:40 into his presser


    I'm just picking at the notion that every run out of shotgun is a "shotgun draw" to some around here. We do not run them very often.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Big Turk said:


    Any of the Allen edge runs will work there...Seahawk clip I posted is a perfect example of it...basically walks into the endzone untouched.


    It's like Dorsey has a bank account with a million dollars in it but is trying to scrounge up money from in between the couch cushions to pay for the pizza he ordered.

    Yeah, that's pin & pull. We've seen it some thing year. Dorsey seems to like naked bootlegs a lot more in those short yardage situations which allow Allen to have a two way go (throw or pull it down and run). Obviously that doesn't work within the 10 though. I'm all in for QB run game - guarantees you're +1 in the box - should be yards every time.

    • Disagree 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Big Turk said:

    I am unsure where this staple of the Bills RZ package has gone under Daboll.  It was highly effective and Allen would rarely get touched on the play. So many scoring drives ended over the 4 years he was here with this play, and yet not only do we not run it in the RZ anymore under Dorsey, we barely run it at all.  I can only remember 3 or 4 times this year where we have run it.


    So the easiest fix to the RZ issues plaguing this team is to simply go back to basics and a play that is nearly indefensible down there.  QB Power.

    Power or Pin & Pull? Daboll used to run Q pin & pull a lot down there. Shoot run all of it - Q Power and Q Counter to get some misdirection and mix in some Q pin & pull as well.

  9. 19 hours ago, ArtVandalay said:

    It was Gabe not adjusting his route, again. 


    Double post, saftey took the high route, he was supposed to settle down under (would have been WIDE OPEN) instead he kept running deep instead of settling down.  [Per post game press conference]

    That's not what Josh said in the presser. He said it was a double post, safety took the first post, but Josh felt he was in a position where he (the safety) could stop if he threw it over the top to Gabe so he tried to drive it.

  10. 2 minutes ago, 2003Contenders said:

    The 2nd down play is bizarre too. Did someone miss the play call? When I watched the play live, I assumed it was a screen play to the left that the defense had sniffed out and that Josh intentionally tossed the ball into the turf. Upon 2nd review, the RB goes to the RIGHT and blocks. To the left there is nothing but offensive linemen. (I do not recall an announcement that a tackle declared as an eligible receiver). The only skill position player in the vicinity is Knox, who also appears to be blocking and not looking for the ball. Was Knox supposed to chip and then go out for the pass?

    Your initial inclination was correct. It was a screen to Knox.

  11. 11 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:

    He also bizarrely just ran out of bounds which allowed Peterson to come off him into the throwing lane


    play at 1:20


    McKenzie runs himself out of bounds and then just watches Peterson intercept the ball and stands there. He should be inactive next game imo



    I dunno - I think it's more so a really smart play by Peterson. Lean McKenzie out of bounds - he's now no longer eligible to touch the ball (also heads up by McKenzie to stay out so Josh doesn't throw to him - remarkably stupid to be in that situation in the first place...) - which now allows Peterson to pull himself off coverage and play Josh's eyes.


    The inexcusable part is that he just stood there and watched Peterson return it.


    EDIT: It's also still extremely frustrating that we couldn't take advantage of the blown coverage on third down... It doesn't get any easier than that.

  12. 12 hours ago, Nextmanup said:

    I am surprised, however, that Daboll is doing such a good job in NY; didn't really expect it.

    I'm not - though I don't think anyone predicted they'd get off to this good of a start. Daboll is a relationship builder and people can say whatever they want about that, but it matters in this game. If you don't like the person you're working for then you have no shot. He's also smart. Smart enough to know what his players do well and what they don't do well and willing to bend and mold what he does schematically to fit their skill sets. He's a players coach through and through - that team is playing hard for him.

  13. 22 minutes ago, JMM said:

    I will continue to beat this dead horse. Did you see the Commanders last night? 50 carries, only averaged 3.7 yds, they continued to run. They committed to it. Yes, it was part of a strategy to keep an explosive Philly offense off the field.  Yes they don't have a Josh Allen. It doesn't matter. You need a commitment to the run. I know this will bring out the " it's a passing league,  you have Allen, you don't need to run!" comments. 

    I watched the best pure passer ever his whole career, Marino. He never had a good run game. He got to one SB, never sniffed another one. I watched Elway. He never won a SB to late in his career.  What was the key those 2 years? The run game! I see McDermott for 3 years state we need to run more, we need to commit it to it, yet we don't. Who is the HC?? Is he in charge overall of what the team does or not. RUN THE DAMN BALL!



    50 carries a game isn't what you want either, though I understand your point. Our problem is we have no balance - and when I say balance I mean from a touches standpoint from our skill players. Our offense runs through Josh and Diggs - that's it. If we spread the ball around more it would alleviate a lot of the pressure on those two guys and make us a hell of a lot more efficient as an offense and forces defenses to defend the entire field. We will never be a dominant run offense - we're not built for it - so game plan around that. Use the screen game as an extension of the run game. It seems we're extremely reluctant to do so even though we have two guys who should be really good at it in Diggs and McKenzie with how twitchy they are.


    One of my favorite Mike Leach quotes about balanced football:

    "Now, what is balanced is when you have five skill positions ... if all five of them are contributing to the offensive effort in a somewhat equal fashion, then that's balanced, but this notion that, if you hand it to one guy 50 percent of the time and then you throw it to a combination of two guys the other 50 percent, that you're really balanced ... you probably pat yourself on the back and tell yourself that, and people have been doing that for decades. Well, you're delusional."  

  14. 1 minute ago, CEN-CAL17 said:

    Guy, I understand the game. I understand how RPOs work and I know exactly what TE screen you’re talking about…. Sure, misdirection. But I’m talking bigger. Sorry. You’re right, you got it all figured out. Is your point to prove me wrong or just stand on RPO as the greatest misdirection we got?


    either way you win. 

    My point was to show you we do have misdirection in our offense since you said you’ve never seen it. Glad I could open your eyes for you my guy!

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  15. 9 minutes ago, RyanC883 said:


    I said there was no rule against it, and that it requires contact in the NFL.  Actually read what I wrote.  He had poor positioning and was in phase. Period.  He needed to turn his head, and he had a play on the ball.  Instead, TD.  


    Bro, he was behind the receiver!!! By definition this is out of phase! 🤣

    • Haha (+1) 1
  16. 3 minutes ago, RyanC883 said:




    faceguarding IS a thing.   Required contact (becomes PI above HS).  




    Jackson was not out if phase.  He simply had poor technique.  

    Come on man… people are that lazy?


    ”Many people mistakenly called this face guarding, but there is no rule against face guarding in the NFL. The defender doesn't really have to turn and look for the ball as long as he doesn't forcibly contact the receiver.”


    it’s the first thing that pops up if you Google it…


    and he was out of phase - this conversation is pointless though.

  17. 8 minutes ago, RyanC883 said:


    so why did we get gashed in the running game AGAIN in the second half.  


    you are not taught to play the hands.  that is a clear way to get a PI at best unless extremely lucky.  Turn around, play the ball, and any contact is permitted.  What Jackson did was faceguarding. 

    A missed tackle, but that’s not something that you can adjust in-game like I said. It’s taught over a period of time.


    I don’t know how to make it any more clear to you that if a DB is out of phase with a receiver they are taught to play through the receivers hands. If you don’t want to agree with me then that’s fine, but that’s literally what they are taught.


    Also faceguarding is not a thing.

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