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Everything posted by HoofHearted

  1. Was forced to flush right because of the pressure. You flush to the side contain was lost on. The balls at the 6. Aren't many routes in the route tree under 6 yards. 🤷‍♂️ EDIT: Davis is setting up the rub. They're anticipating man down here to set the pick so Diggs can be wide open, once he recognizes it's not man he continues to work his shallow.
  2. Well that's not true at all. It was a called mesh concept (which by designs incorporates a rub) and also featured a stick/spot concept with Knox. EDIT: Read was Rail > Spot > Shallow. Vikings played zone and everything was thrown off because of pressure and receivers not finding the soft spots in the zone.
  3. We're seeing a lot more zone in the Low RZ this year than we have in the past. Dorsey is trying to take advantage of this with the follow concepts, but the spacing has been horrible and the route running has been lazy by the collector (the receiver running the clear) on those concepts. It's also concerning seeing us run a bunch of mesh/shallow concepts and our receivers not recognizing zone vs man. If man they need to continue running the route across the field and run away from the defender in coverage. If zone they need to recognize the soft spots and settle. This is day 1 stuff when these types of concepts are taught. We're so used to getting a ton of mileage out of Beasley on these types of routes, but there's been many times this year where our receivers will continue to work across the field vs zone and essentially run themselves into being covered. Even on our spot concepts I've seen Knox multiple times work to a specific spot on the field and then just sit there even though he's got a backer sitting directly underneath him instead of pushing to the soft spot in the zone. Imo the concepts themselves aren't the issue - or when they're being called - you can see these same concepts being run by every other team in the league every week. They just need to be cleaned up. The spacing, the understanding of rules for man vs. zone, and then the protections to go along with them. It just feels like there's always a misstep by one crucial player every time we get down there.
  4. Oh, I meant schematically. Double Post is a Quarters beater. You made a comment in your post that the defense the Vikings called was perfect to stop the play (or something along those lines). They defended it well and Allen should have 100% checked it down.
  5. 😲 I've exposed my true identity!
  6. Old school Toss Sweep - Dorsey can thank me later.
  7. Man, you're a ball of fun with everyone I see. 😆
  8. To be fair the way we played Sunday made me sick too.
  9. You can disagree all you want, but I'm telling you what happened. Gabe settling where Josh threw it makes no sense based on the coverage they got. It's MAN TO MAN after 8 yards with a corner outside leverage! So why tf would Gabe settle and let the corner play catch-up instead of continuing to run AWAY from the corner on the post. C'mon man it's not that hard. Nothing is ever Allen's fault around here lol. EDIT: Same concept here - Double Post - Coverage is 0 so the throw goes to #2 as the receiver presses his toes and crosses face but watch the throw - low and outside when Allen is trying drive the throw.
  10. You completely misinterpreted what Allen said. Bills ran Double Posts vs Quarters which should be a quarters beater since the Safety will go with the Post by #2 and the corner is then responsible for #1 man to man. They got the exact look they wanted from the defense for the called concept. Gabe should win on the Post every time because the corner is playing outside leverage on #1 in quarters so as soon as you take away the Safety there is no longer help inside. Smith was not over Gabe - Josh said he felt that he WAS in a position to make a play if he threw the post ball over the top to Gabe and so he tried forced it (I believe he used the word “drive”) into the window but threw it behind. Based on the concept and the coverage there should have been no route conversions. Go listen to it again. EDIT: I think you got hung up on “took the over” - the “over” being referenced is the Post being run by, I believe, Morris. Smith isn’t “covering deep” he’s playing the Post by #2
  11. Double Post is a Quarters beater. They had the perfect concept dialed up for the coverage they got. Josh just threw a dud.
  12. Sure, choice routes. Read one defender and the route adjusts based on what they do. There's nothing on the double post that would adjust that route. Choice routes are designed to take advantage of leverages and cushions and put you in the best possible position based on what the defense is doing. Vikings were playing split coverage - Quarters to the boundary and Two to the field. Safety going with the Post by #2 clears the window for the Post by #1 behind it with the corner playing outside leverage. There is nothing that should change Davis from running his Post there.
  13. Yeah, he looks horrible here. I assume you think this is "shotgun draw" as well?
  14. Also with Edmunds... 😄
  15. I'm just picking at the notion that every run out of shotgun is a "shotgun draw" to some around here. We do not run them very often.
  16. We hardly ever run draws. Just fyi.
  17. That's true - the tackle eligible stuff is good down there as well, but not something you can rely on week in and week out.
  18. Yeah, that's pin & pull. We've seen it some thing year. Dorsey seems to like naked bootlegs a lot more in those short yardage situations which allow Allen to have a two way go (throw or pull it down and run). Obviously that doesn't work within the 10 though. I'm all in for QB run game - guarantees you're +1 in the box - should be yards every time.
  19. Power or Pin & Pull? Daboll used to run Q pin & pull a lot down there. Shoot run all of it - Q Power and Q Counter to get some misdirection and mix in some Q pin & pull as well.
  20. That's not what Josh said in the presser. He said it was a double post, safety took the first post, but Josh felt he was in a position where he (the safety) could stop if he threw it over the top to Gabe so he tried to drive it.
  21. Your initial inclination was correct. It was a screen to Knox.
  22. I dunno - I think it's more so a really smart play by Peterson. Lean McKenzie out of bounds - he's now no longer eligible to touch the ball (also heads up by McKenzie to stay out so Josh doesn't throw to him - remarkably stupid to be in that situation in the first place...) - which now allows Peterson to pull himself off coverage and play Josh's eyes. The inexcusable part is that he just stood there and watched Peterson return it. EDIT: It's also still extremely frustrating that we couldn't take advantage of the blown coverage on third down... It doesn't get any easier than that.
  23. I'm not - though I don't think anyone predicted they'd get off to this good of a start. Daboll is a relationship builder and people can say whatever they want about that, but it matters in this game. If you don't like the person you're working for then you have no shot. He's also smart. Smart enough to know what his players do well and what they don't do well and willing to bend and mold what he does schematically to fit their skill sets. He's a players coach through and through - that team is playing hard for him.
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