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Everything posted by HoofHearted

  1. It’s a good initial assumption. The reason it can’t be 6 is because Winfield isn’t playing as a flat defender (which he’d have to be if it were 6). He doesn’t care about Cook working outside at all and instead only cares about the in-cut of 1 and getting his eyes across to the zone side to pick up the final 3.
  2. You don’t have to have anyone pressed to play banjo, however in this particular instance they do.
  3. Based on their alignments and footwork they're playing, what I call, Special to the field (Trips Concept where you man 1 and play Quarters between the overhang and safety), but the field Safety is working skate footwork (he thinks he's playing 2). The boundary is playing a banjo (man concept). Safety has first in and corner has first out from 1 & 2 weak. Since first in went shallow Safety drops it off to the zone side and takes eyes across the field and picks up the final 3 player man to man (Diggs). Corner has first out which ends up being Cook on this play. Long-winded explanation to say the Field Safety is the one who should have been covering Shakir.
  4. Yep. This is the whole premise behind the RPO and Option run game (which is almost every QB run scheme we have). It’s also why we have to run Gun.
  5. If you haven’t watched this you need to (especially if you’re a “Dorsey sucks at play design” guy). He breaks down the RPO game I’ve been referencing all year as well as the mesh concept that everyone is complaining about spacing on. One thing I’d like to clarify from the video. What JT is calling “Access” on the RPO game is really just your man coverage beater. You see this a ton at the college and high school level where you essentially have three options based on what you’re seeing - the run, the pass option off of the run, or abort the whole thing and throw the man beater.
  6. This probably deserves its own thread too. There’s a big difference between the sneak in the open field and the sneak at the 1 yard line.
  7. I don’t know. That’s why I was asking.
  8. 13 seconds happened because we played the sidelines aggressively - did everyone forget that?
  9. It was Kincaid - his arrow route depth of 4-5 is right where it should be. This concept has been a staple of Dorsey's because he's using it as a multiple coverage beater. The way they are running it is essentially Smash with a Vertical collector to beat both Cover 2 and Cover 3 looks. The collector (vertical) pulls the deep defender and puts the flat defender in conflict.
  10. Is that fact? Or is that just how it feels? Genuinely curious what the numbers show there.
  11. Timeouts are for defense. Gives them a chance to regroup as well and get quick reminders about situational play. Playbooks are limited in these situations offensively so the time is used to remind players about what they’ll get out of the few looks they’ll see.
  12. It was Knox - he’s not the smoothest out of breaks but he is right about where he needs to be. That ball should hit at 18 bottom of the numbers on that concept.
  13. The interception was a flood concept. Allen underthrew it and the flat defender made a good play. Spacing was fine.
  14. Don’t think I can recall us running power once this year.
  15. I really do think it’s because of his feet the more I watch it. He was off-base and did have a guy right in his face.
  16. To be honest there was really only one opportunity for him to step up and escape the pocket and he ended up getting tripped up on it. Teams are doing a good job collapsing the pocket on us.
  17. @Dukestreetking 4th Series 1. 11p - Curl/Swing vs. Cover 3 - Half Slide Protection - Pats rush 4 - correct protection - Allen throws to Kincaid on the curl 2. 12p - PAP Deep Curl vs. Cover 3 - BOB Protection - Pats send 6 because we 7 man protect it - Allen hits Kincaid over the middle 3. 11p - Curl/Arrow vs. Cover 3 - Half Slide Protection - called correctly - Hit Davis on the Curl 4. 12p - PAP HBO vs. Cover 3 - Half Slide Protection - called correctly - Looked for Diggs on the Out n' Up - Patriots shaded his side and forced Josh to look backside - had Davis open on the route conversion - Allen over throws out of bounds with pressure in his face - Godchaux beat Morse with a spin after a failed chop rip - Josh held the ball too long (just over 4 seconds in the pocket) 5. 11p - Snag 7 vs. Cover 2 - Slide Protection - called correctly - Pats rush 4 - Allen hits Kincaid on the snag 6. 11p - Mesh vs. Man 7 - Full Slide Protection - Pats rush 6 - Protection set correctly - Allen is responsible for the free rusher off the edge - wants to throw the hot to Cook - but it's covered - Torrence and Morse both get badly beat - this is a dead play that Allen needs to just dirt 7. 11p - Switch Choice vs. Quarters - Slide Protection - Pats rush 5 - Allen initially looks boundary side Smash concept - sees the corner sink and moves on - sees corner/safety playing the vertical seam by Davis - looks like he's throwing a blind ball (or he's throwing it away) to what he assumes will be Switch Verts to the near pylon but Shakir rightly converted it to a hitch because the flat defender had vertical leverage on him That's your first half.
  18. Based on his footwork it looked like he thought he wouldn't be able to get the pass off in time.
  19. 1st Series 1. 12p - Flood vs. Cover 3 - Half Slide Protection to the Field - Good Concept vs. the Cover 3 look, Patriots bring 5 - protection is good - we slide to the pressure - Josh's eyes are good - corner came off late like it's taught and josh threw an underthrown floater to the out. 2nd Series 1. 11p - H Follow vs. Cover 1 - Half Slide Protection to the Field - Great concept getting the rub vs man coverage - Patriots bring 4 - protection is good - throw is good. 2. 11p - HBO vs. Bracket - Slide Protection to the Field - Protection was called correctly - Patriots bring 3 and spy with the 4th - Brown lost his 1v1 - Nice throw and catch between Allen and Cook on the scramble drill. Allen worked the two receiver side vs the man look to go for the big play to Sherfield on the vertical - had Diggs to the field early (even though they had bracket coverage on him on a rub - looked there but protection was breaking down and didn't have a base set to throw. 3. 11p - PAP Corner-Post Concept vs. Cover 3 - Outside Zone Blocking Scheme - Based off the protection it looks like Josh got too wide in his drop and then got caught outside of his pocket and was forced to roll to the sideline and eventually eat it. Play was designed to bring the defense down to the OZ side and then hit Diggs on the Post as it cross the MoF Safeties face. Dig route by the Tight End brought the underneath defenders forward to create the open spacing for Diggs to be wide open if Allen were able to sit inside Brown within the protection. 4. 11p - Curl/Arrow vs. 1 Rat - Half Slide Protection - Patriots rush 5 - Protection is called correctly - Good coverage - Allen recognizes man and tries to take off - gets tripped up - Barmore beats Morse with a club rip and gets widened into Dawkins allowing DE to work back upfield to get to Allen 5. 11p - Tunnel vs. Man - Good pitch and catch for a 1st Down to Cook. Great call vs. what we got from the defense and a great way to SCHEME COOK into the pass game 6. 11p - RPO Bubble vs. Cover 6 - Dart Blocking Scheme - Good call - 3 over 3 coverage - Dart actions holds the backer - we cross block the bubble to gain advantage on angles and pick up about 8 yards. This is the type of stuff that doesn't get noticed by anyone - the design of this play to 1) get a numbers advantage and 2) block it in a way to give us a huge advantage is a master class in play design. 7. 11p - T Choice vs. Quarters - Half Slide Protection - Patriots bring 6 - Protection was called correctly - Diggs is lined up in our backfield so Allen can't keep the back in for Scan protection - the 6th rusher will be free and Josh has to recognize that and throw hot off the 6th rusher - Allen recognizes the rushes - stares at Shakir who's our hot and instead of setting his feet and throwing he panics and tries to escape the pocket - should have been an easy pitch and catch - this ones on Allen 8. 12p - H Choice vs. Bracket - Slide Protection - Patriots rush 3 - Protection called correctly - Torrence blows the protection - after he realizes he doesn't have an outside threat he just freezes and doesn't help Morse who gets beat by Barmore - Josh still able to throw TD pass to Knox which was called back for OPI. 9. 12p - H Follow vs. Quarters - Slide Protection - Protection called correctly - Pats rush 3 spy 1 - Allen reads the H Follow side first sees it's not there and scrambles to the field - unfortunate because the patriots were in a version of Quarters where the corner mans 1 and the cover down and high safety are playing combo coverage on 2 and 3 - with the route concept we had called it set up a natural pick and both Knox and Kincaid were wide open 3rd Series 1. 11p - PAP Curl/Arrow vs. Cover 6 - BOB Protection - Patriots rush 4 - Protection called correctly - Allen hits Kincaid in the flat on the arrow 2. 11p - Flood vs. Cover 3 - Half Slide Protection - Protection called correctly - Patriots rush 4 - Torrence loses his 1v1 - Josh escapes the pocket and probably should have just dumped it to Murray and let him get what he could, but he tries to extend the play and has options in Knox and Diggs open - overthrows Diggs on the Out. All I got time for right now, but I'll try and get some more done later tonight if I have time. @Big Turk You had asked about protections I think.
  20. You still have provided zero evidence to back your stances. Can't describe scheme. Can't understand scheme and how it affects the other side of the ball. You have no awareness as to what we are doing as an offense to attack defenses, and no awareness as to what defenses are doing to us. Without any of that I don't know how you can come up with any solutions. All you've done is say a bunch of words that don't mean a whole lot at the end of the day.
  21. Pompous lol. Coming from the guy who says he has all the answers and is trying to tell the professional football coach what to do. I just don't know how many ways I can say you don't know what you're talking about 🤷‍♂️. Sorry for hurting your feelings though.
  22. It's easier to gripe about offense. Most people don't know what they're looking at when it comes to defensive football.
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