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The Bills Blog

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Posts posted by The Bills Blog

  1. 10 hours ago, MJS said:

    He can't BE the 53 man roster. But he sure can MAKE the 53 man roster.


    That's what they've been saying on the radio at least.

    I know a lot of people have been questioning whether we'd keep five or six WRs, but here's how I see the 53 shaking out.


    QB: Wade / Wade


    RB: Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade


    FB: Wade


    OL: Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade


    TE: Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade


    WR: Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade


    DL: Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade


    LB: Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade


    CB: Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade 


    S: Wade / Wade / Wade / Wade


    LS: Wade


    P: Wade


    K: Wade


    Don't forget that we also have 11 PS spots available as well:











    Wade (bonus international player allocation)

  2. 8 hours ago, eball said:

    Hmm...I have GamePass and use it without issue on my iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV.  Maybe the NFL just likes Apple products?


    Could really be.

    6 hours ago, Mr. WEO said:

    So the OP watches the NFL, at home, on his desktop, Xbox (which I assume is through a TV), and 2 TVs via Roku? And maybe the nearby laptop?


    Man,  it’s ok to leave the house now and then you know.  Go to a friends house.  Or a bar.



    Point taken, haha, but I can explain! I promise!


    The desktop is not meant to ever be used to watch the game. Of course, that's the place it works flawlessly. The Chromebook also is not meant to watch the game, but again...


    Living room = Xbox

    Bedroom = Roku

    On the go = NFL Mobile app


    I want to have it working in the living room and bedroom so I don't interfere wherever my daughter is watching Paw Patrol. ❤?

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 2 hours ago, RobbRiddick said:

    Can't you just hook your TV up to your computer? Picture won't be as great but you can still watch it on the big screen

    There shouldn't have to be a workaround to access an official NFL product. One of the primary complaints IS the playback quality, so the hook-up-to-TV workaround would only work if you don't care about the quality and are okay with the service not working on the platforms it's supposed to (i.e., the services you paid for).

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. Confirmed, this just happened. Went to commercial with 9:19 remaining in third, came back with 7:27 remaining. Completely skipped the Robert Foster catch/no-catch sequence.


    I just started watching, so I'm not sure if this was the first instance or not.


    I'd love to be a fly on the wall in the room where some random guy is deciding what to cut from the broadcast. "Oh, no one will notice if we leave THAT out."


    You know what? I bet they even do this for games that run less than 3 hours, just so they can get more commercials in. Of course, they falsely advertise these broadcasts as full replays. Yet another branch on the NFL's despicable video/customer care tree.

  5. This is going to be long, but I know some are interested in hearing my experience with NFL Game Pass.


    First of all, for those who don't know, NFL Digital Care does not have customer service by phone or live chat. When you call the number, it's a recording only with no option to transfer. The only option is to send a webform email, which they claim they will respond to, but they do not define a timeframe. The customer service is borderline what you would expect from a scam "company."


    Next, note that I have had issues with Game Pass for years (in particular, going around and around with them about their claim that it can be streamed via Chromecast, only to find out that that wasn't true at the time and was just wishful intent on their part), but this thread is strictly about my experience this year.


    I went onto the Game Pass website a few days before Thursday's game to make sure my auto-renewal was set up (I was a season ticket holder last year, so I had received the free Game Pass, but I never used it). I put a new credit card on file, and it said I have access through some date in August 2020. I was good to go. I tried to log in on the mobile app, and it let me log in but then said I didn't have access to Game Pass. I said to myself, "Oh well, I'll just watch the game on my Chromebook, because I know it works on there." And it did work, to an extent (more on that in a bit). Today though, in preparation for the season, I decided to make sure I was properly logged in and set to go on all my devices: desktop, Chromebook, Xbox, and Roku (TVs in living room and bedroom). I made sure I was properly logged in with the correct username and password on all sources. Funny thing was, I no longer had access to Game Pass, and my credit card information had been removed. I checked my credit card account just to make sure I hadn't already been charged, and I hadn't, so I went ahead and put my card information in and subscribed again. I was able to access Game Pass just fine on that device (desktop). I was also able to access it on my Chromebook.


    However, the same as Thursday night, despite being properly logged in, I am NOT able to access Game Pass on any devices other than browser-based ones (desktop and Chromebook). Access through the mobile app, Xbox app, Roku, etc. are not available. On the Xbox, I get a message that reads, "You are signed in, but you do not have access to Game Pass." On Android, I get a blue screen with a picture of Leonard Fournette, offering me to subscribe to the service. I log in, and the screen just keeps coming up exactly the same. The only way to access is to pay again—it has my credit card information there ready to go—which, perhaps, is exactly what the NFL wants impatient and frustrated fans to do... fans like me who wanted to relax and watch the game in front of a TV tonight, not a computer.


    Please note that this problem is not unique to this season. There have always been issues with access on multiple devices. It is so bad that you have to describe it as intentional at worst and negligent at best from the NFL's perspective. That brings me to my next point.


    The NFL has the resources to develop a state-of-the-art app and streaming technology, but it refuses to do so, instead literally pushing one of the worst-engineered official sports apps on the market. Why is this?


    I can stream from any other service—Netflix, YouTube TV, Amazon Prime, Sling, you name it (even on IPTV, I can flip through channel after channel in instantaneous crystal-clear HD)—and the picture is HD from start to finish with no buffering. I subscribe to the fastest internet service available in my area, yet I continue to have issues streaming videos from the NFL in high quality. In this day and age, buffering of any kind is completely unacceptable, and yet using Game Pass feels like a trip back to the early 2000s and the DSL service I had at that time. Even the quality of the videos in the NFL Mobile app itself is shameful with regard to its tendency to be slow-loading, oft-crashing, and with low-quality video playback. When you play an NFL video—whether it's a highlight play, an NFL Network segment, or whatever—it should display in HD immediately, just like all other major streaming services. But with the NFL, many videos don't even achieve HD, because they are pushed out in a low quality and have to "work themselves up," if you will, to HD, but the clip is over by the time this happens. This is kind of a big deal if, as a fan, you're trying to catch up on action you missed.


    On another note: until streaming has the same appearance and reliability of traditional TV, it will not be an acceptable alternative for serious fans, because even when streaming in full HD, you can still tell it's streaming—especially on a big TV. I don't know how to explain what the difference is, but the best way for me to describe it is that something is off during the action as the players and the ball move. Anyone know what I mean? Until that is "fixed," I won't be streaming football if I have a choice. Of note: when streaming the game the other night, it constantly fluctuated the playback quality. I can't emphasize enough that my issues with other streaming services are zero, zilch, nil. But apparently the NFL's technology can't handle live streaming. Completely unacceptable.


    Regarding the catastrophe that is NFL video technology and subscription services, I'd love to get the ear of someone who is actually involved in the decision-making process regarding these things, but I haven't looked into it. If anyone has a contact, let me know. I know it probably won't fix anything, but at least I did my part in trying.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. I was audibly upset when he grounded that ball to Zay. That's the kind of throw that critics of his accuracy will point to. Otherwise, he did very well.


    I did find it odd that he didn't have a problem with his errant deep throws. In his presser, he said the only one he'd like to have back is the grounded one to Zay.

  7. 4 minutes ago, billsherd said:

    They will surely just take out the non playing time?

    They usually cut out offensive series where not much happens. :( It'll go to commercial and come back and you'll realize it's 6 minutes later on the clock, for example.

    Hopefully this is a false alarm and it won't happen this year, but it's happened consistently in years back as long as I can remember, unfortunately.

    It's always incredibly frustrating because it's like they don't realize why people want to watch preseason football. It's largely to evaluate bubble players.

  8. Just a heads up for anyone looking forward to the replay of the game on NFL Network at 2:00a Saturday: they're going to cut out parts of the game in order to make it fit in the 3-hour window. If you want to watch every play in order to get a look at players, you'll be disappointed. This happens every preseason, unfortunately, as games tend to run long.

  9. 4 hours ago, Gugny said:



    I'm really sorry that you two can't get laid.

    Oh, Gugny. I guess I should have known that your comment would be critical and/or sarcastic, because they always are. Without fail.


    4 hours ago, stony said:

    You sound like one of those incels on reddit. 

    Whoa now. I would never associate myself with that group. If something I posted isn't factual, please let me know what it is. These are definitely truthful observations from my experience, at least here in my neck of the woods.

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