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The Bills Blog

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Everything posted by The Bills Blog

  1. Serious question: better to run with the decisive and eager Murphy or let McCoy dance around for losses? One thing is sure: Ivory has no business playing ahead of Murphy, but he probably will. He'll be this year's Tolbert.
  2. That throw to Thomas was the most impressive thing Allen did. Should've been an amazing TD with better effort from Thomas.
  3. He makes multiple false statements every day. It's pathetic when I as a fan know far more about the team than he does.
  4. Means nothing. Players walk back with torn ACLs and the like all the time.
  5. I love how the Patriots are trying to make a point by beating up on the Eagles... in the preseason.
  6. There is no game on NBC, and NFLN is just showing delayed look-ins of the untelevised games. Not sure what the OP was talking about.
  7. Really passed the eye test and looked like the best quarterback Denver has. Fans loved it also and were chanting "Kelly, Kelly." Could it happen?
  8. This is a surprise. Had no idea this was a thing. How much do you get?
  9. I can't wrap my head around how she is considered attractive.
  10. I think he's saying that the woman is crazy and drives men to abuse.
  11. Does anyone know if rookies get paid at all prior to signing their contracts? If not, how would a rookie from a poor family deal with the expenses?
  12. Both of those women need to eat some food.
  13. Only interested because his last name is Beckham...
  14. McCoy gets blown up for a loss in the Madden video above. Unis still look incredible. You're not really going to tell me the white helmet, white jersey, and blue pants is a better kit, are you?!
  15. The red helmets with the white pants and white jerseys is simply epic. See: Bills at Dolphins, 1994. Classic.
  16. Who thinks we need to go back to red endzones to truly recapture the spirit of the Bills? It hasn't been the same with the plain endzones and, most recently, the blue ones with the horrible outlining. And while we're at it... How badly do we need to wear these? Make it happen, Terry and Kim. The timing would be perfect.
  17. I love how half the posters are ignoring the OP's instructions. This thread is about 1998.
  18. Lol! Come on, man. Don't play dumb. Saying "Here's some help" and linking to Joe B's Twitter? I shouldn't even be bothering to explain. Come on.
  19. So sarcastic. Bottom line: the Joe B thing was significant and absolutely deserving of its own thread. You screwed up on this. I'd love to see a poll on this topic and then have you folks bring your sarcastic, arrogant responses to the table after seeing the results.
  20. What exactly is it that you want this forum to be? Do you want this to be a place where Bills fans come to get Bills news or not? I suspect that the answer to this question may be revealing. If you want this to be a place where fans get news, merging the Joe B thread is asinine. If you want this to be a place where fans come to discuss news they found elsewhere, then it might make some minuscule degree of sense.
  21. Easier to log on to TBD, see news by Joe B was merged with another thread, and then GOOGLE Joe Buscaglia. Lol.
  22. I had to look through four pages before I found the original link to the Joe B feature. Searching Joe Buscaglia was not helpful because it yielded a ton of results of people discussing this issue but not the original feature link, at least not intuitively. Anyone arguing that this is easier than clicking on a separate thread for that feature is certifiably insane.
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