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The Bills Blog

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Everything posted by The Bills Blog

  1. So you really think it was a pass-the-torch hug, different from the hugs he gave everyone else?
  2. Sentimental hogwash. Kyle hugged a lot of people.
  3. I think knowing the fine details of the roster is an important part.
  4. Serious question: why is this only happening when Edelman plays the Bills?
  5. At 50 receptions, he's at #44 among WRs. That puts him clearly in the #2 WR camp. I think we've seen that he can't cut it when teams play him like a 1, but he should be good as a 2.
  6. So this legitimately makes you wonder how much film coaches actually watch and how much is them just totally faking it. No different than any other job. Unbelievable.
  7. I wonder if he'll accept his inevitable Pro Bowl invitation. He's a first alternate.
  8. It's not just a game. That's the most ridiculous argument. To the players on the field, and actually, the entire organization, it's about careers and livelihood.
  9. Doesn't work. They're never synched up, and it's not even close. On the radio, they say to do that all the time, but I'm not sure if anyone has ever actually tried it. Who knows, maybe it's different on the local broadcast as opposed to Sunday Ticket.
  10. Welp. Won't be listening to that TV broadcast. Mowins is the toughest listen in broadcasting, hands down. "A gain of 30 yarrrrrrrds!"
  11. History says it will be NE who comes out of halftime and scores four TDs.
  12. Coincidence that Ford gains more yards than McCoy?
  13. Ok, so how do you justify coming into a game with a kicker who is out of range at 40 yards? What is the justification? This should be a 14-6 game.
  14. WELP, so much for Allen evening out his TDs and INTs. Mind-numbing. AND NO, rushing TDs don't count.
  15. What is up with all these Buffalo media types erroneously hyphenating things??? It's 134 yards. Not 134-yards. GOD!
  16. Seriously, what is the excuse for the run defense? Why has this happened several times this season? Why?
  17. Tremaine Edmunds is soft as balls. So goddamn frustrating.
  18. He's also stupid, so he won't be long for the league once defenses figure out his legs.
  19. This Lamar Jackson stuff is cute.
  20. Former Bill Dustin Hopkins kicks a 50-yard FG that looks like it would've been good from 70. Derrick Henry looks like he has a really long turd sticking out the back of his helmet.
  21. Bell is not a special player. I don't care where he goes as long as it's not here.
  22. I'd bet big money that the cups are actually empty. It is really weird though that Chris Brown gets really awkward about it whenever he is asked on One Bills Live.
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