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The Bills Blog

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Everything posted by The Bills Blog

  1. This Louie DiBiase guy is far superior to his brother Joe.
  2. Does anyone know if the field was updated in Madden 20 to show the larger logo?
  3. Much insult to injury after him being the Dallas coach.
  4. It's a fact that Morse will retire before the season? Okay.
  5. What do you mean? Where do you get an antenna that gets all local channels from across the country? It doesn't have NFL Network...
  6. Cyber-bullying exhibit A. I bet you wouldn't say this to his face in person.
  7. Good discussions, great. Cyber-bullying, uncalled for and a sign of weakness on the bully's part. More sarcasm from you. I don't really know what to say. I'm not a troll; I never have been and never will be. I truly have no idea what I ever did to irritate you and DaBills so much. Seriously.
  8. Seriously, what? It's obvious that Beasley is asking him to throw the ball sooner, and Allen defensively explains why he doesn't have to. Trolling? Not... Not at all? So confused.
  9. The fool part is next-level comedy
  10. Yep. Fat doesn't make people fat. Sugar does Wish the Bills would announce it when fan-favorite employees like L. Hall leave. I don't really understand why there is a culture of secrecy in media.
  11. I'm concerned about Allen's anticipation. In Embedded, you see Beasley telling him to throw with anticipation, and Allen protests, saying he'll put it on Beasley as soon as he turns (in other words, "My arm is so strong I don't have to worry about anticipation"). Not a great sign.
  12. Those young kids are AWFUL. Absolutely terrible radio personalities.
  13. If Tasker is in it, it's corny by default.
  14. With their rude comments, it certainly appears that Gugny and Cripple Creek were the ones picking fights. I wonder if people were always rude around here or if it's just old-guard folks who are set in their ways and grouchy about life who are always snapping at people.
  15. Fair enough. I guess it's true that there are some belief systems which, if true, would mean Lorenzon is still conscious of his human life and can reflect on it with feelings of sadness and regret. No disrespect intended toward anyone who holds such views. My comment was made from the commonly held belief that once one is dead, one is dead and is not capable of regretting that fact.
  16. I think it's obvious that I'm talking about the view of the person in the court of public opinion. It's rare that, decades after a crime, the public still looks down so harshly on a person. I found the unanimous bashing interesting, so I thought I'd play devil's advocate. Re: Gugny, I'm not trolling, unless that means injecting a new angle into the conversation. It's so strange how you and others so often think there are ulterior motives behind things. By the way, Cripple Creek, O ye of the exceptional and condescending smarts: "stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake." Like most words, "forgive" has multiple meanings, and you don't have to have been personally slighted in order to forgive someone for something.
  17. No. I just find fascinating the lack of willingness to extend forgiveness. The public does it for other people who have committed crimes long in the past. I agree that an admission of guilt would help. Perhaps good deeds would as well. But where is the line? Is it murder? Is that the unforgivable sin? Maybe it is. Just interesting for me to think about.
  18. So is forgiveness not a thing? Should the guy be a "scumbag" for the rest of his life because of one (albeit big) mistake?
  19. Sad for his family, but not for him. He doesn't care that he's dead. When I truly embraced this fact, it changed my whole perspective on life and death; I now fear death only because I don't want my daughter to lose her daddy. I don't care how I die though, because when it's over it'll be over and I won't be reflecting on it or struggling with PTSD...
  20. So I started seeing this woman, and she claims to be a big football fan -- Ravens in particular. On our first date (already knowing I'm a Bills fan), she literally said "Buffalo Bulls." Did I correct her? Yes, yes I did. But it got me thinking that she has to be faking being a football fan at all in an effort to win my approval. Is it really possible that a person who watches any decent amount of football (or does any kind of following online or otherwise) could really think it's the Buffalo Bulls? I'm not a baseball fan, but even I would know the names of the teams at least, for example. Not to mention, the Ravens have been a frequent opponent of the Bills in recent years, including last year's season opener! Also, there's no way this is a mix-up with UB. Trust me on that one. I sense fake football fandom and dishonesty! RED FLAGS! Sad.
  21. This guy has always taken issue with Josh. He's one of those guys who will try at all costs to convince everyone that Josh isn't good. It will continue... As soon as I see "The Draft Network," I know it'll be this garbage.
  22. Holy crap. There's no need to be nasty and condescending. My goodness. The point remains that it's silly for branches of the United States military to belittle each other. We are all on the same team. This has nothing to do with my Bills knowledge or the fact that I had a blog about the Bills... seriously? And just because I'm asking doesn't mean I don't have research skills. My god. I work 55 hours a week and I have a toddler to look after... My apologies if I don't have the time to spend hours pouring over material before I can ask a question on a message board. My god.
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