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Posts posted by Shaw66

  1. Top five fastest player recorded in 2015. Multiple news articles mention he is a speedster. He records a faster speed than Sammy warkins.

    But hes not fast or a speedster.

    You are wrong.

    Maclin combine - 4.45. Woods - 4.51. Watkins - 4.43


    I've always thought of Maclin as a guy who doesn't have top end speed but enough speed to get deep. Woods had barely enough deep speed.


    There's no question that Maclin, when healthy, is a deep threat. I think of him as an elite #2 receiver (or a marginal #1). If healthy, Sammy and Maclin on the field together would be one of the best tandems in the league.

  2. he also posted 950 yds dealing with geno smith for a season and then had a nice 1000 yds and 12 td in 2015. I feel like his production has been solid no matter who is tossing him the football. I mean it was obviously better when manning was slinging it his way... he hasn't been a world beater but he's been a really good #2 wr for a couple of teams now.


    probably still rather have maclin though. regardless I just wanna see DEPTH at the position.... I don't ever wanna deal with watching a guy like walt friggin powell starting a game ever again.

    No doubt he's a good receiver. And tough.


    To be honest, I'd be happy if the Bills signed either.

  3. For sure. They're pretty close, IMO, and I think the stats will show that. If I had to guess, I bet they'd both average out to somewhere around 65 catches and 900 yards per season for their fully healthy seasons. Decker probably has more TD since he got to play a couple years with Manning when he was racking them up.

    Decker might be the better possession receiver, and therefore he might be more valuable in the Bills offense. Maclin's more explosive.

  4. i love that i finally click into this thread and the only thing i see is one classically HORRIBLE post getting quoted with gifs and memes just owning it.....


    lol.... that made my day. one whole page quoting just lambasting a downright awful post.


    as for maclin.... i think it could only be a good addition and amazing depth for the right price. i doubt he'll be satisfied with that price though, and i'm sure somebody with some available money will give him a bit more than he's worth.

    Same with me. I hadn't looked at this for days. Those gifs are great.


    I like the possibility too. He's not a number one guy but he is close. Best insurance if Watkins goes down. If they're both playing its a dynamic combo.

  5. This article seems to hit the wrong weaknesses to me:


    - Lost Top 2 of 3 WRs? True but for one of the worst passing attacks in the NFL. In terms of production clay was #1 woods #2 and McCoy #3 followed by goowin then Sammy. So they will need to replace woods 50 catches and goodwins 28. Given zay and a bunch of decent free agents, plus Sammy in a contract year, this group is stronger


    - CB- Gilmore was a loss, White was a gain. The whole backfield was rebooted and Scheme sounds like it shifts predominantly to zone. We really have no clue what's going to happen to this unit so it's definitely the biggest unknown. And SAFETY is a total rebuild although with Hyde, I'd argue a positive one.


    - gilly - the guy was on the bills practice squad after being cut twice by others. There are other guys that can produce 600 yds. And the pats overpaid for him leaving no choice. Back up RB may be the most easily replaced position in the league with high quality choices.


    Weaknesses to me:


    - a front four without a stud DE that can set the edge and get to the QB is the top concern. When the bills front 4 was very good they had a motivated Mario. A new weakness this year moving back to this alignment unless Shaq can be great.


    - new run scheme. I'd argue last year was great for Shady. Not automatically sold the new scheme will be even better


    - LBs - with out Fantastic ends setting the edge Are the LBs going to get beat outside because their slow? And if they do are the corners going to be there to make the tackle?

    Nice analysis. There's a lot of pressure on Hughes and Lawson.

  6. These sorts of analyses don't take coaching into account. I'm hoping the switch from Rex to McDermott alone is worth a few wins. I firmly believe we should have been in the playoffs last year. We needed to not have three 200 yard rushers last year, that's literally the only difference between playoffs and not. If the scheme makes our run game better we should be in a good spot. Still not sold on McDermott. But that will be the deciding factor.

    I agree. Analysis of the roster does very little for me.


    Plus, even the roster analysis is light. The Bills are probably BETTER at safety than they were last year, and there's a good chance they're no worse at corner. They lost Brown and gain Ragland.


    What happens at receiver is much dependent on what Watkins does. If he's what he should be, the Bills have more than enough talent at receiver to replace the guys lost.


    The roster isn't the issue. The coach is the issue. And there are only two questions about the coach: Will he succeed? How soon?


    After that, Tyrod is the only question. If the Bills get two good answers about the coach and one about Tyrod, the rest of the roster is fine.

  7. No, we actually need another TE, not a TE swap

    The Tyrod narrative around here is unbelievable.


    In 2016 the Bills threw fewer passes than any other team and playing 15 games Clay finished 8th among tight ends in receptions.


    In 2015 the Bills threw the second fewest passes in the league and playing 13 games Clay finished 12th among tight ends in receptions.


    So how in the world are people concluding that Taylor doesn't see Clay? I know, you sat in your basement for three weeks straight and watched All-22 and counted the times you think Clay was open and you think Taylor should have seen him and thrown to him. Or you saw a stat someplace that said Taylor throws over the middle less than other QBs, and since the TE runs patterns over the middle, Taylor wasn't throwing to Clay enough. How often could Taylor possibly have missed Clay when Clay's a top 10 receiver among tight ends playing for the offense that passes less than any other offense in the league.


    The question isn't why didn't Taylor throw more to Clay. The question is why didn't he throw more to the wideouts.

  8. I don't much about Barnridge, but I don't think this makes a lot of sense.


    If I understand it correctly, if the Bills cut Clay now he count's $13,500,000 against the cap. That's a big hit; as some said, it's more than keeping him.


    So the the strategy would be to keep Clay and sign Barnridge to a low ball deal this year with a big guaranteed boost next season. But cutting Clay even next season isn't so pretty - it's still a $9 million cap hit next year. So the Bills are likely to keep Clay for the next two seasons.


    Plus, I don't know where this "damaged" goods stuff comes from. In the last four seasons Clay has missed six games. That's more than adequate reliability. He caught 57 passes last season, which if I counted correctly was 8th in the league. And that's on a team with he fewest passing attempts in the league.


    Clay's played six seasons and has caught 100 more passes than Barnidge has caught in eight. So why would the Bills be anxious to replace Clay with Barnidge?

  9. Aside from the last Jets game and the 1st 2 games after which Buffalo decided to get rid of Roman, who they were reportedly considering cutting ties with after 2015, the Bills were middle of the league in TOP and 3 & out %.


    In fact, Buffalo lost 6 games in that 13 game stretch and in 4 of those 6 losses Buffalo won TOP and in 3 of those 6 games Buffalo had a better 3rd down %, including 1 individual 200 yard rusher and giving up an 18 point lead and allowed 29 points to be scored in a game.

    This a good example why stats get less useful the more detailed they get. Tonyou run a lot your TOP is skewed upward becausemthw clock stops less.fequently than if you pass a lot. Passing teams usually have lousy TOP.
  10. The season rides most on if Tyrod can take the next step or not. I can't wait to see what he can do. I would like for him to change my opinion on how I feel about him as a player.

    the season rides mostly on McDermott. If he's good Taylor can be ordinary and the Bills are okay. If McD isn't good it doesn't matter how good Taylor is.

    That pretty much sums it up. Well stated

    Of course it sums it up. All he said is that for the Bills to be good, the defense has to be good, the run game has to be good and the pass game has be good.


    Powerful insight.

  11. It could be argued that a lot of QBs could lead this team deep in the playoffs every year with a healthy Sammy Watkins and a top 10 defense.

    Yes, this is correct. I think the Bills have a pretty good team with, at best, an unproven QB. Sammy healthy and the defense playing well, Tyrod takes them to the playoffs, along with about 20 other QBs. That, in fact, is the strategy that many teams follow. Panthers, Ravens, Atlanta (although you can at least argue about Ryan being elite), Houston (with disastrous results so far), Atizona, Kansas City.


    I think we all agree on one thing, and that is that the only way you can compete for the Super Bowl, year in and year out, is to have an elite QB. If you have one of those, you're in the fight every year. Peyton, Brady, Rodgers, Ben, maybe Ryan. If you don't have one but you have one of the 20, you're trying to get everything to come together for a season or two. If you can, you can make a run at the Lombardi. In the meantime, everyone is looking for the elite QB.


    The real debate here has been whether the Bills should be actively looking for someone better to replace Tyrod, because he's at the bottom of the 20, or should be actively building around him because he has the potential to be around the top of those 20.

  12. All I said was if he was traded there were reasons that were likely other than they didnt believe in Tyrod, in my opinion.

    Sorry, I didn't read your post carefully enough. You're right.


    I thought you were saying these things were the case, but you clearly didn't say that. If they WERE true, then you're absolutely correct - plenty of non-Tyrod reasons that Watkins would be on the block.

  13. Your entitled to your opinion

    Yeah, I don't think Taylor had trouble getting the ball to Watkins. He played 13 games in 2015. I think he missed the games Manuel played. He had 60 receptions for over 1000 yards. in 2016 he played half a season, and he was hurting some of the time, and he still had 430 yards. That doesn't sound like his QB couldn't get him the ball. The year before is the year his QB couldn't get him the ball - that's when EJ was throwing to him.

    If they trade Watkins before this season, it MAY mean they don't have confidence in Taylor, but what I think it really means is that there IS a general housecleaning coming. That McD really does want a total rebuild. If Watkins goes, he'll be the second, behind Gilmore, but ahead of some others who will go at the end of the season. I don't think that's happening, but it could be.


    I think they're keeping Watkins for this season. If he's still injured, they may give up at the end of the season. But if he has his first big season, they re-sign or franchise him.

  14. Shaw go back and read the post that you quoted was in reference to.

    FWIW if you only have Watkins truly healthy for 8 games a year, Its a detriment to the team offense. If you design an offense to where your number one receiver is to get the load of targets based on his elite abilities, then said player misses 8 games or is unhealthy long term then its time to move on.


    What I am saying is echoing Mcermotts tenants availability and durability.

    If Sammy's long term outlook projects to not being available and durable consistently evey season regardless of his epic talents, I highly doubt the Bills pay the money that hes going to be looking for.

    I don't disagree with that. But where is the long-term outlook saying he isn't going to be available? As I said, my understanding is that it's typically a two-year recovery from this injury, and Sammy's well into his second year. Julio Jones recovered. I think Marquise Goodwin is chronically injured. Sammy played all through college uninjured. This is more than likely just a bad string of injuries, not something chronic. (Of course, the Bills may have another opinion, and they have better info.)

  15. ....great rebuttal Shaw.....more fertilizer in that list than Agway has in stock.......Jesus............

    Actually, my questions were serious. Maybe there's more out than I know about.


    I know it's the wrong thread, but the only important rule here is that you never give up on potentially great talent too early. It's always better to keep a guy with big potential a year too long than to dump him a year too early. Great talent is special.

  16. I already have in the appropriate Watkins thread.

    But since you ask ill provide some reasons that if true might be why Watkins might be traded:

    -Medical prognosis of the health of the foot is not good.

    -Medical prognosis of the ability of the foot is not good.

    -Watkins agent told the Bills he doesnt want to be with the Bills anymore after this season.

    -Watkins agent wants more for a new contract than the Bills are willing to play for.

    -Watkins isnstill hurt and will miss more time this season than the Bills are a) willing to wait on, b) dont want to design an offense around a player that will miss games and whos abilities on the team arent replicated by anyone else, c) want to get a player on the team that can play 16!games.

    Those are just a few, if you believe they are trading away Watkins as a slight of Taylor or as tell tale sign they dont believe in Taylor I should probably stop communicating with you now though because thats a truly asinine opinion. One to which you are welcome to express and enjoy.

    Where'd you get all of this stuff?


    Prognosis on the foot is not good? My understanding is that most guys do just fine recovering from this, just not in a year. If I recall correctly, Julio Jones did the same thing.


    Was it reported that Watkins' agent said Watkins wants to leave.


    Was it reported that Watkins wants more in a contract than the Bills will offer?


    Was it reported that Watkins is still hurt?


    Was it reported that the Bills are done with him, that they've decided he doesn't fit?


    And, by the way, this notion that the Bills don't want him because there isn't another player on the roster who replicates his skills would mean that the Bills also wouldn't want Julio Jones, Adrian Peterson, Aaron Rodgers, JJ Watt or any other guy who's a top 20 player in the league, That's a really stupid idea.


    ...PERFECT Shaw......therein lies the ability to beat you in multiple ways......take away the run and Brady will put it up 40+ times...result?.."W"....take away the pass and he'll hand it off 35+ times....result?...SAME "W"..........they take what you give them and Belichick is THE master of adjustments......ever hear Belichick telegraph publicly what his intentions are like Wrecks' proclamation about "ground and pound (ONE DAMN STALLION I THE STABLE)"?.....Buffalo does NOT have that versatility.....it is "run or done" and throw in a 1/2 if TT's wheels are the bailout.....his wheels should be an added dimension WHEN NECESSARY versus a usual bailout commodity.....until this offense becomes a multi-dimensional threat, live with 7-9, 8-8, 7-9 and January tee times versus the playoffs............

    The offense will be multi-dimensional this season, I'm confident of that. Whether both dimensions will be a threat is tougher to predict. If I'm Taylor I'm REALLY pissed if the Bills trade Watkins.

  18. Maybe if you didn't see we were talking about "constantly improving their field position."

    Oh. True, if you're talking about constant improvement of field position, 3 and outs are relevant. But I'd rather have some sustained drives for scores and some three and outs instead of two first downs and a punt on every drive.


    Wins are what matters. Points scored and points allowed are next most important. "Constant improvement of field position," whatever that means, is way down the list of important stats.

  19. Weren't we bottom of the barrel in three and outs?

    10th in points per game, and that's the stat that really matters.


    Plus, I think when you run a run-first offense, you have a lot of possessions where you run twice and you're third and seven eight or nine. Tough to convert those. It's another way to look at the same statement most of us make over and over - Bills need a more balanced attack, with more passes per game. It's hard to win consistently when everyone knows you're going to run all game, every game.


    It's another lesson to be learned from the Pats. They crush an opponent with passes one week, and the next week they run 40 times for 195 yards and throw 22 passes. When you can run AND pass, the defense has to prepare for everything, and that's when it's feasible to take what the defense is giving you.

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