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Posts posted by Shaw66

  1. 23 hours ago, Thurman#1 said:




    Shaw, they save around $5 mill in cap space in 2018 on Dareus. 


    His salary, $5.735 mill, was guaranteed, but the Jags will be paying, not the Bills. The Jags are also paying the rest of his 2017 salary which will also go off our cap this year and thus probably be rolled over. That's something like $3 mill more.


    But I agree that the most logical thought is that he was causing problems consistently. Maybe small ones, but the guy had a history of being late, and I agree with you that maybe he was a bad practice player. Either that or his talents didn't fit the system and I just don't think that would have been a problem if he'd bought in and was giving his all.





    As for why we were playing well before and poorly now, my guess is simply that early on we were facing bad teams. It didn't seem like that at the time, but that's what has been shown by season results. We were performing well against weaker team - and for whatever reason the Carolina offense hadn't come together early in the season when we played them. They're good now but didn't appear to be good then. That's my best guess.

    Not that it matters, but wouldn't they have saved the $5 million in 2018 cap if they'd traded him after the end of the season?   


    I didn't know that you can roll cap savings forward into a future season.   


    Anyway, we agree that the difference in cap money isn't significant - he was moved when he was moved for reasons other than the cap.  


  2. On 11/12/2017 at 7:39 PM, H2o said:

    The offense has struggled, but I don't believe it's Dennison or the system's fault. His system has been successful in multiple places. He learned under Shanahan and Kubiak spending time with Denver, Houston, a stop in Baltimore as a QB coach, and then back to Denver before coming here. 


    The OL on the right side was never fixed. They blow up that side of the line every time. Then, because of the right side, they key on the left putting an extra defender or two. The holes for McCoy are nonexistent. The rushing game is not clicking because they can't block anyone in front of them. Terrible OL play. 


    We have all seen Tyrod. Most of us knew what he was while others pounded the table for him. He is not the guy. He still exhibits the same deficiencies that he has the last two years. He's a good guy, a hard worker, by all accounts a great teammate, and a decent game manager. He will never be a guy who carries a team with his arm. Peterman should at least be given the month of December to show what he's got. If he looks good then so be it. If not, we HAVE to identify our QB in the draft then make our move. 


    The WR talent is now there with Matthews, Benjamin, Jones, Thompson, Holmes, and Clay (when healthy). We have guys who have and can be productive. This again falls on the QB and the OL. The OL has to give the QB time to throw and the QB has to be able to read a defense then deliver an on time ball to the right guy. 


    Dennison's system is mainly short to intermediate timing routes with some deep passes mixed in off of play action. The emphasis is on an accurate QB who gets the ball out on time. A lot of times that QB is having to throw the ball to an opening where his guy will be, not waiting until your guy is open to throw it. None of these are strengths for Taylor. If the holes get filled the system will work. 


    We all got our hopes up when we won a few. Now everyone is looking for a place to lay the blame. Blame who you want, but I don't see this as Dennison's failure. He does what he can to try to cover up Tyrod's weaknesses, but with 3 years of tape it's damn near impossible. 

    I'm sure someone else must have said this, but here goes:  


    The players are the same as last season. The offense was good last season. The only thing that changed was coaches and the system.   Explain again why the problem is the players not the coaches and the system. 


    When the system changes the players need to change and that may be what's good about the Peterman move.  But the system didn't have to change. 

  3. 12 minutes ago, Maine-iac said:

    I thought about this also.   Why were we able to play the run when he was only playing part time.  This is what I was thinking.   Do they keep tabs every single play as to whether Dareous is in or out?  If they game plan for Dareous and his back up comes in are they still running plays like Dareous is in there?  As in blocking schemes to account for him.  If he's gone you can run a whole game plan for the defense not having him and take advantage.  If there's a chance he's playing 30 percent of the snaps you can't.

    They game plan for guys.  That's why you hear players and coaches talk about opponents by number.   


    When a play is called in the huddle, blockers still don't know their assignments, because they don't what defensive alignment they're going to face.  So they come to the line, the center calls out the blocking assignments based on the defensive alignment.   Each of the blockers knows that his assignment is one thing if 99 is in front of him and it's something else if 99 isn't.  


    There was a good SI article a couple years ago with some star left tackle who described his assignment on a particular play.   His assignment depended on the alignment AND on the personnel.   

  4. 1 minute ago, QCity said:


    How many yards rushing did Oakland put up on us without Dareus? 53? Do you know that Dareus was only playing around ~25 snaps a game? If this was 2014 Dareus, you would have a great argument, but he wasn't playing anywhere close to that. Do you think Dareus would have stopped the Saints running attack when he was standing on the sidelines for 70% of the snaps, exactly like he was during that 4-2 start?



    In other words, on 30% of the defensive snaps, Dareus would have attracted an extra blocker.   Do you think that wouldn't have made a difference?



    1 minute ago, teef said:

    i think this is the problem with the majority of the guys the bills let go.  they help on sundays, but they never put the bills over the top, (along with many other factors). at the end of the day, would guy like watkins or gilmore put this team over the top?  i just don't think so  unfortunately.  i think dareus is in that mix.  his presence is certainly missed, but i also don't think it's the sole reason for a defensive collapse.

    I agree, and I said that.   Bills wouldn't have won with Dareus.


    I really don't have a problem with the trade.   I'm not arguing it shouldn't have happened.   All I said in the OP was that he would have attracted double teams which would have helped in the running game, because the blocker not needed on Dareus was usually all over Preston Brown, leaving no one to fill the inside running gaps.  

  5. 1 minute ago, teef said:

    so...the bills are going to take a cap hit no matter what?  there's no financial benefit to trading vs cutting dareus?  (i'm asking because i honestly have no idea).  if there's no savings to be had, i would have kept him until the end of the year too.  that being said, how does keeping him increase he trade value as scott mentioned?


    i loved the player dareus, and it's even the last jersey i bought, but unfortunately he ran his course here.  i think he can still be great, but he was a wild disappointment  how it worked out after he was given a contract.  

    I'm not a cap guru, but I think the cap hit the Bills are taking in 2018 would be exactly the same if they'd kept him through the end of this season.  


    That's why I think he was a daily headache.   For example, I don't know but I'd guess that McD doesn't want anyone who doesn't practice hard every day.   I don't know but I'd guess that Dareus is not a great practice player.  

  6. 8 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:

    Dolphins #2 comes to mind, not as bad as this Sunday but I think Ajayi still went over 200 with Dareus out there. 

    That doesn't mean Dareus didn't make a difference.   Maybe without Dareus Ajayi would have had 300.


    Bills wouldn't have won Sunday with Dareus in the lineup, but I'm sure he would have made a difference.    

  7. 2 minutes ago, teef said:

    it was never about this season.  we all knew that, and i'm sure not for a single second did you expect any early success.  i have no idea why you think dareus's stock would be higher in the offseason.  it was well know that the bills were trying to move him, or specifically his salary.  if they couldn't trade him, he would likely have been cut, where any team could have signed him.  it's not like he was doing much this year to wow another team, so why do you think that would be the case?

    Well, I think Scott has a point.   The salary dump was more important than the sixth round pick, so why not take advantage of his services for the season.   You can always cut him to dump salary in 2018, and the cap hit would be there regardless of when they got rid of him.  


    And it's hard to argue that they miss him in the middle.  NO ONE ran like that against the Bills when Dareus was in the lineup.  


    I'm guessing they traded him because McDermott didn't want to have to deal with him any more.   



  8. 41 minutes ago, Maine-iac said:

    All this plus I'd like to add the biggest thing stopping Taylor from being dangerous is our own coaches.  I'm all for telling him to go through progressions, read the defense, make passes but if you have Tyrod back there and they go man and are all running back to down the field let him run.  He doesn't have to run all the time but the fact that teams know he's being coached to stay in the pocket makes it easier to come after him.  Best thing Taylor could do is run for 60 or 80 yards on a couple of teams.  Secondly I'd like to add that they need Thompson on the field full time.  He seems to be the only guy with the speed and separation ability to keep defenses honest.  Taylor seems to be able to find him also.  He almost got him last game except Thompson couldn't hang on but every other game they've put him in he's produced.  If nothing else it should keep the defense a little more honest and help Clay and Benjamin underneath.

    I agree.


    And further to Taylor running, last night the announcers said Cam Newton went to the coaches during the off-season and told them they have let him be the player he is.   They were trying to protect him by not calling running plays.   He's running again this season, and the results are obvious.  His rushing yards are back up where they used to be, and his passer rating has gone up, too.  

  9. Happy -


    I won't quote your long post, but I want to respond, mostly to say I agree.  


    You see this all the time - coach comes in and replaces a system that's working because he likes his system better.  


    One problem with your review of the offense is that Dennison's offense has had several excellent games this season.  Now, it may be that the Jets and the Saints have developed the blue print for stopping that offense.  Denver Atlanta Denver Oakland were among the best games in Taylor's career.  We'll see in the next few weeks.   


    Where I really agree is on how they're using Taylor.   Anthony Lynn DID get Tyrod going by putting him on the move.   And it drives me nuts to watch Brees particularly, but Wilson and Smith, too, throwing from BEHIND the line, not INSIDE the pocket.   Those guys get to throw with the line in front of them, which gives them a good view of escape routes AND assures them that they always can retreat, because they don't have to worry about the DEs coming around the backside.  That's critically important, because unlike most QBs, you don't worry so much about those guys getting 15 yards behind the line of scrimmage.  Why?  Because if they're back that far, they're in open field, which allows them to use their speed and elusiveness to escape, return to the line of scrimmage and find a receiver.   Sticking Taylor INSIDE the pocket takes away his ability to avoid tacklers.   

  10. 12 hours ago, BadLandsMeanie said:

    I don't understand how things went this wrong so fast.

    Especially because everything I thought they were, they are not. Not scrappy, not sound fundamentals, not smart, not well coached, not physical, not knowing the assignments, none of it. It just evaporated so completely I wonder if it was even there to begin with.






    This says what I couldn't find words for.   It was bewildering to see a team that had been so sound in all aspects of the game become completely clueless.  


    And, no, I have no explanation. 

  11. 10 hours ago, Wayne Arnold said:


    Peterman reads the field quickly and trusts what he sees. He trusts his arm and trusts his teammate to make the play.


    Things an NFL quarterback needs to be successful.


    Things that the current starting quarterback does not have. As a result, the current starting quarterback will never be successful in this league.

    I left early and didn't see his TD drive.  I agree about this.   He looked good.  In charge, good decisions.   Good throws.  

  12. 7 minutes ago, Happy Gilmore said:

    Good write-up again, Shaw.


    I have to believe this is Dennison trying to drill it into Tyrod to stay in the pocket and make quick passes.  Problem is that this is not the type of QB Tyrod is; just look at last season, he prefers to not stay in the pocket.  In the pocket, Tyrod holds on to the ball too long and does not trust the route or receivers.  Dennison is trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, kind of like what Rex did last year with the D.  Not a new take, I know, but still applicable.


    I think at this point, if Tyrod is the starting QB like McDermott insists, the offensive game plan needs to change in a major way.  More play action and scrambling, and less pocket passing, which will allow Tyrod to do what he does best.  Right now, I see Dennison's offense and Tyrod's abilities as being completely incompatible.

    Of course, we don't know what Dennison is thinking or trying to do, but I agree with your point of view.   I've often thought that Brees is a good model for Taylor.  Yesterday was a good example.   The Saints don't form a pocket for Brees, so that he is free to move around back there.  I think Taylor needs deeper drops, so the DEs can't loop around him and contain him.  

  13. The Rockpile Review – by Shaw66




    No words adequately describe the Bills’ loss to the Saints.








    Outclassed isn’t nearly strong enough.   The Saints aren’t in a different class; they are in a different galaxy from where the Bills have been loitering lately.  


    I’d like to write a column about what the Bills did well on Sunday, but there isn’t a column’s worth of material.   I mean, besides having the correct number of players on the field for most plays, what did the Bills do out there for three hours?.


    Breaking news:  Our sources tell us Kelvin Benjamin filed an emergency appeal with the NFL office on Sunday night, asking to have his trade to the Bills rescinded.  Benjamin explained that the trade must be voided because he lied to the Bills’ doctors during his physical.   He claims he failed to disclose that he has a rare genetic disorder that will cause him to be unable to run or jump after his 27th birthday in February. The response was brief:   “Dear Benjie – Your nose is growing.   Sorry, you’ve gotta stay in Buffalo.  Yours, Roger”


    Careful observers understood that the game was over after the Saints first play in the first quarter.   Brees noticed the Bills’ defense had not yet taken the field, demanded the ball and threw a slant pass to a WIDE OPEN Michael Thomas for 13 yards.   Okay, the Bills were actually on the field, but it didn’t look that way to Brees.


    And so it went, all afternoon.   The Bills gave the Saints openings, big openings, really big openings, and Brees took them.   First downs were the candy, and the Bills were the baby.


    I suppose some assistant assistant coach, some little lizard stayed up late Sunday night, studying the film and cataloging every way the Saints took apart the Bills, play by play, position by position, but to what end?   GEICO totals your car when the cost of repairing all of the damage exceeds the value of the car before the accident.   All the Bills’ gecko could do Sunday night was examine the heap and shake his head.


    I mean, really, what is there to say when you’re looking at a total wreck?


    Fun Fact:   Nick O’Leary is Tom Watson’s brother.


     I look back at the game, and all I can think is no one did anything.   They sprang Shady on one long run.  Yay.


    Taylor did nothing.   I can’t complain about Taylor much.  Fans near me said he had Benjamin open deep up the left sideline in the second quarter and dumped the ball off short.  I didn’t see it.   But when I was watching receivers, no one was open.  The Bills take what the defense gives them, and all they were given all day was the 6-yard dump off over the middle once in a while. 


    He could have thrown better to Clay, but it was good enough that the interception wasn’t on him. 


    The Saints say they kept Taylor in the pocket all game.   They can take credit if they want, but so far as I could tell, the Bills didn’t try to get Taylor outside the pocket.  


    Some passes, like slants, don’t require much timing or familiarity between passer and receiver.   Some, like fades, back shoulder throws and out patterns, do.   Taylor targeted his brand new receiver, the guy Taylor has had the least amount of time to work with, three times.   One slant for a completion.  One out and one deep fade.   Result: one completion and two incompletions where the timing was clearly off.   Whose idea was that?   It was remarkably stupid play selection.


    It wasn’t so much that Taylor was bad; it was that nothing he did was good.


    Let’s see now.  The Bills had no business being on the same field with the Saints.   The Bills beat Denver and Atlanta soundly, and Denver and Atlanta beat Dallas.  So does that mean the Browns can beat the Cowboys? 


    I’m dead serious:  does anyone think the Bills would have beaten the Browns on Sunday? 


    “PLAYOFFS!!!??!!!   PLAYOFFS!!!!??!??


    Then, of course, there was the defense.  I was really glad to be at New Era on Sunday, because I got to see NFL history.   The ten-play 94-yard drive was one of the most amazing things I’ve seen on a football field.   Do the math – that’s 9.4 yards per carry in a sustained drive.   That’s incredible.   How did it happen?   The cliché is a warm knife through butter.   That’s as good an explanation as any.   I was SO glad that Brees didn’t throw it on that last play.   It was special when he ran for the TD.


    Of course, from the Bills point of view, it wasn’t special.  It was total humiliation.  


    Maybe it was the right long-term move, but unloading Dareus left the Bills powerless to stop runs up the middle.   Preston Brown was useless against the run on Sunday, solidly blocked time and again by linemen who weren’t needed to double-team anyone on the Bills’ defensive line. 


    The pass defense wasn’t much better, but it didn’t need to be.  Brees took enough of what he wanted, and he let his running backs do the best.


    I rarely leave games early.   I did on Sunday.   I stayed to watch Peterman’s debut.  After his five and out, I’d seen enough and headed for home.   After all, what could be left to see?   Six or seven New Orleans runs as the clock ran out, right?   (Plus, in the car I could listen to Robert Woods, Sammy Watkins and Nickell Robey Coleman beat the Texans.)


    So I missed the Peterman fireworks.   How was I to know that the Saints would score on two plays?   (Oh, I guess I should have known.  Or did the Bills let them score to give Peterman another chance?)


    So did Peterman actually look good, or was he just taking what the Saints were giving him?   I have to believe that he was throwing against a soft defense, but whatever it was, he got the touchdown.  Peterman would have done nothing to change the beat down in the first 58 minutes.  


    It was inevitable that the Peterman drumbeat would begin seconds after the final whistle.   And it was inevitable that McDermott would say on Monday that Taylor is his starter. 


    The NFL is said to be considering a long-overdue realignment of divisions to take advantage of natural rivalries.  Although the plan isn’t complete, sources say one of the divisions will include the Browns, 49ers, Giants and Bills. 


    Two weeks ago, Sean McDermott was a front runner for NFL coach of the year. 


    If he can turn this around, he’s the coach of the century.


    GO BILLS!!!


    The Rockpile Review is written to share the passion we have for the Buffalo Bills. That passion was born in the Rockpile; its parents were everyday people of western New York who translated their dedication to a full day’s hard work and simple pleasures into love for a pro football team.

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  14. 28 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:

    So the decision the Court cites says that in order to get an order lifting the suspension pending his court case he has to show


    (1) whether the movant will suffer irreparable injury absent a stay, (2) whether a party will suffer substantial injury if a stay is issued, (3) whether the movant has demonstrated a substantial possibility, although less than a likelihood, of success on appeal, and (4) the public interests that may be affected.


    Here's what it means:  (1) Zeke does suffer irreparable injury, because if he misses games he'll never get them back if he wins.  (2) The NFL probably argued that they suffer substantial injury if the stay is issued, because stays like that undercut their authority to enforce their player contracts.  (3)  This decision may mean that the Court already has decided that there isn't a substantial possibility that Zeke will win.  After all, Brady already lost his appeal, and he had better facts.  (4)  There's no public interest in letting Zeke play.   In legal terms, that doesn't mean if the public is interested - it means are your rights and mine affected negatively if he doesn't play.   The answer to that is no.  


    So this decision probably means Zeke loses his appeal, but that won't be decided until an expedited hearing and decision.   As someone said, Zeke has to be careful - if the Second Circuit takes four or five weeks, Zeke could miss playoff games.  

  15. 45 minutes ago, Stank_Nasty said:

    i agree with you here but don't you wonder even the slightest how we saw him finish the season so solid at center last year that he couldn't be even a slight upgrade at RG.... I just wonder if they value his depth and versatility slightly more than his small upgrade at rg. I dunno. just spit balling. 

    I would LOVE to know what is going on here, because Kroy never seems to be a problem when he fills in.   


    What underlies what I'm saying is that what goes into these decisions is so far beyond what we actually know that it's hard to question the decision.   For example:


    Some coaches have a philosophy that says you have to practice well before you play.   Maybe that's it.

    Maybe Kroy doesn't have the footspeed to play the position consistently.  

    Maybe when the coaches grade his performance in games he doesn't grade out as well as the guys who play ahead of him. 

    Maybe he's in the doghouse for some reason.  


    Maybe it's one of ten other things I can't think of.   


    I'm sure there's a reason he isn't a starter.   I have enough confidence in the coaches to trust their reasoning.  Yes, I'd love to know the reason, just like I'd like to know their reasons for their decisions at the back-up running back spot.  But no, that isn't the kind of information coaches divulge, because they don't want to give opponents a competitive advantage and because it violates personnel policies.  

  16. 40 minutes ago, EmotionallyUnstable said:


    This is not 100% accurate

    Thanks for the informative post.   What was not 100% accurate?   I said there's a reason he doesn't start.   That's 100% accurate.  There IS a reason.   I don't know and you don't know what it is, but there IS a reason.


    You actually think there's NO reason he doesn't start.   You think that for the past 20 weeks the coaches NEVER discussed who should start at right guard?  NEVER talked about it?   


    I think you need to explain yourself.  

  17. 22 minutes ago, Lurker said:

    Based on the $$$ Robert Woods got to be a number 2 in LA, that's still more than I can see this FO wanting to spend at the WR position.    And Matthews' agent will surely point to that contract as a starting point for his client, given JM's greater career production than Woods.


    But your point about who the QB is is a good one.   If TT's off the roster, a rookie QB salary might help subsidize the #2 WR, whoever that is (I'm not sold on Matthews being that guy yet)...

    There's defenitely a lot of planning that goes into decisions like this.  


    One other thing:  I'm starting to think that deep speed is overrated.   Now, if you have a Tyreek Hill, that's different, because he's a threat all over the field.   But there's only one of him.   


    If you think about it, it's much important to be able to stop the other  team from hurting you with deep speed than having it yourself.   Someone will say year, but deep speed makes you commit a safety to the guy.   I"d say that isn't always true - deep speed doesn't always get doubled.   All you need is a #3 who can get deep, and he can put the pressure on the defense to keep them honest.   


    Obviously, you'd always rather have a good receiver who's fast than one who's not, but I think you can have a pretty formidable attack with Ben and Matt.  

  18. 4 minutes ago, Lurker said:



    The next eight games are Matthews's audition for whether he stays or goes.    As a Panther alum, Benjamin has to have the leg up in the competition.    Given the way McBeane does not like to lock up big $$$ in any one position group, Jordan will have play like his hair's on fire if he's going to have any chance of remaining a Bill.... 

    I think it's an audition in a broad sense.  The coaches are going to be looking at the offense with the two of them on the field, and with Tyrod throwing.   Beane and McD will have to decide whether that's the core passing personnel they want going forward.  If they think they're going to replace Tyrod with a rookie or other inexperienced QB, they may very well want to keep both receivers, because they are excellent security blankets for a young guy - good route runners, dependable, etc.   If they want to keep Tyrod, then they have to decide whether they think they can compete in the NFL without a serious deep threat in the passing lineup.    Maybe they think it's good enough to have the speed guy be the number 3 man, and the number 4.   


    Since neither Benjamin nor Matthews is a premier number 1 guy, they probably won't need to pay franchise type money to either to keep them.   Mid to high number 1 money and high number 2 money may not be too much to spend on the position. 

  19. 4 minutes ago, Stank_Nasty said:


    is anyone else already having nightmares of seeing brown running with that super odd and choppy stride of his trailing 5 yds behind alvin kamara  while being horribly out of position everytime kamara releases out of the backfield on every third down this week?

    No, but only because I'm not good at imagining things.   And I haven't seen Kamara.    


    To Brown's credit, he's coachable, and the team gets him prepared every week.   That limits the damage that gets done in the middle.   He was drafted where he was because he didn't have good speed for the position.   We're seeing it now.  

  20. 12 hours ago, Fadingpain said:

    Don't like the breakdown. 


    You need another tier between the Tier 1 "ultra elites" and the Tier 2 "most guys in the league".


    There is another tier there of very good QBs who are categorically better than someone like Tyrod, but who are not the ultra elite Tier 1 guys either. 


    Your way puts Tyrod in with Eli Manning and Flacco.  No way is Tyrod in the same tier, even if Flacco has looked pretty darned bad this year.  


    Remember, Tyrod is the guy who would have sat on the bench for 500 years in Baltimore, because he is not Joe Flacco.



    I might agree with your point, but not your examples.   Flacco's had one good year since 2010.  Eli's had 3.  They just haven't been very good for several years.   


    There might be a tier between the elites and the decent QBs, but Flacco and Manning are no longer in it.  

  21. 1 minute ago, Billzgobowlin said:

    I agree and I think why "the process" has been so important is because McDerm has known the talent is not fully in house.  I am curious what becomes of Dawkins and Conor McDermott, are they the future Bills tackles.  McDermott has been untouchable with cuts yet he doesn't play any games or is even dressed.  I also tend to believe most of the LBs on our roster might not make it to next year.  I don't see Brown staying as our MLB, in fact the surprise first round pick I could even see being the replacement.

    Yeah, I agree with this completely.  McD knows he isn't likely to get another Keuchly, but he needs someone who moves better than Brown.  That position is almost as important to his defense as QB is to the offense.  


    I know absolutely nothing about Conor McDermott - don't even recognize the name, but you make a good point.   I think Glenn and Wood will stay, and probably Richie.   Th right side of the line will be changing.   

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